Report Analisi articoli critici con giorni stimati a magazzino

Per accedere ai report del pannello di controllo Analisi articoli critici, scegliere Gestione scorte > Analisi articoli critici con giorni stimati a magazzino.

Elemento del report Attributi dell'area di interesse Transazioni scorte
Classe di acquisto principale Item.Purchasing Major Class
Classe di acquisto secondaria Item.Purchasing Minor Class
Numero articolo Item.Item
Descrizione articolo Item. ItemDescription
UdM scorte Item.StockUOM
Quantità Measures.ICT Quantity
Utilizzo in 3 giorni (calcolo report)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))))
Utilizzo ultimi 3 giorni (calcolo report)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-6,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Utilizzo medio in 30 giorni (calcolo report)
LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], [Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity], [Time.Date] FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-30,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )
Giorni stimati a magazzino (calcolo report)
[Transaction Date: Sum: ICT After Quantity] / LOOKUPVALUE(0, [Item.ItemKey], 1, SELECT [Item.ItemKey], ABS([Transaction Date: Avg: ICT Quantity]) FROM [All] WHERE ([ITL Attributes.Document Type] = 'InventoryIssue') AND ([Company.Company] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Company.Company')) AND ([Inventory Location.InventoryLocationKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Inventory Location.InventoryLocationKey')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Major Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Major Class')) AND ([Item.Purchasing Minor Class] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Purchasing Minor Class')) AND ([Item.ItemKey] = GETPROMPTVALUE('IOH Attributes.ItemKey')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Critical Item')) AND ([Item.Critical Item] = GETPROMPTVALUE('Item.Personal Protective Equipment')) AND ([Time.Date] <= DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date'))) AND ([Time.Date] >= DateAdd(Day,-3,DATETIME(GETPROMPTVALUE('Time.Date')))) )