Billing invoice

These tables show the field mapping information of the fields that you can use to build your billing invoice IDM template.


XML field Description
Company Company
CompanyName Company Name
CompanyAddress1 Company Address Line 1
CompanyAddress2 Company Address Line 2
CompanyAddress3 Company Address Line 3
CompanyAddress4 Company Address Line 4
CompanyState Company State
CompanyCountry Company Country
InvoiceNumber Invoice Number
ConditionalInvoiceNumber Conditional Invoice Number
RemitToName Remit To Name
RemitToAddress1 Remit To Address Line 1
RemitToAddress2 Remit To Address Line 2
RemitToAddress3 Remit To Address Line 3
RemitToAddress4 Remit To Address Line 4
RemitToMunicipality Remit To Municipality
RemitToState Remit To State
RemitToCountry Remit To Country
ElectronicPaymentAccount Electronic Payment Account
ElectronicPaymentExpirationDate Electronic Payment Expiration Date
BillToName Bill To Name
BillToAddress1 Bill To Address Line 1
BillToAddress2 Bill To Address Line 2
BillToAddress3 Bill To Address Line 3
BillToAddress4 Bill To Address Line 4
BillToMunicipality Bill To Municipality
BillToState Bill To State
BillToCountry Bill To Country
Customer Customer
CustomerName Customer Name
CustomerShipTo Customer Ship To
ShipToName Ship To Name
ShipToAddress1 Ship To Address Line 1
ShipToAddress2 Ship To Address Line 2
ShipToAddress3 Ship To Address Line 3
ShipToAddress4 Ship To Address Line 4
ShipToMunicipality Ship To Municipality
ShipToState Ship To State
ShipToCountry Ship To Country
CustomerOrder Customer Order
CustomerOrderDate Customer Order Date
CustomerPurchaseOrder Customer Purchase Order
Carrier Carrier
CustomerOrderVendor Customer Order Vendor
ShippingMethod Shippping Method
FreightTerms Freight Terms
TransportationId Transportation ID
SalesRepresentative Sales Representative
Currency Currency
LetterOfCredit Letter Of Credit
Reference Reference
FreightCharge Freight Charge
GrossAmount Gross Amount
InvoiceDiscount Invoice Discount
InvoiceNetAmount Invoice Net Amount
Tax Total Tax
DownPayment Down Payment
InvoiceNetDue Invoice Net Due
DownpaymentMessage Down Payment Message
TermsPaidMessage Terms Paid Message
InvoiceTotal Invoice Total
InvoiceDueDate Invoice Due Date
Terms Terms
ReasonCode Reason Code
TotalAddOnCharge Total Add On Charge
FreightCode Freight Code
ReasonCode Reason Code
BillingProcessLevel Billing Process Level
TermsCode Terms Code
CompanyVatRegistrationCountry Company Vat Registration Country
CompanyVatRegistrationNumber Company Vat Registration Number
CustomerVatRegistrationCountry Customer Vat Registration Country
CustomerVatRegistrationNumber Customer Vat Registration Number
ParallelReference Parallel Reference


XML field Description
Item Item
Description Item Description
Quantity Item Quantity
SellingUnitOfMeasure Item UOM
EnteredPrice Entered Price
ExtentedAmount Extended Amount
TaxCode Tax Code
TaxCodeDescription Tax Code Description
LineDiscount Line Total Discount
LineAddOnDiscount Add-On Discount
LineTaxAmount Line Tax Total


XML field Description
AddOnCharge Line Add On Charge
Description Line Add On Charge Description
Amount Line Add On Charge Amount


XML field Description
AddOnCharge Header Add On Charge
Description Header Add On Charge Description