Purchasing templates

Document management is used in Purchasing to generate output documents.

Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup.

The Buyer can select a purchase order template at the Purchase Order header level. The purchase order header template is only available when the Allow Override Of Document Template field on the Buyer record is selected. The Purchase Order IDM template is searched in Purchase Order header details. If the template cannot be found in the header, then the purchasing company is searched.

This table shows the locations of templates to use when setting up IDM templates:

Output document Sample document template location Upload IDM template location Set up IDM template location
Purchase Order Purchasing > Sample Purchasing Document Templates > Purchase Order Purchasing > Purchasing IDM Templates > Purchase Order Purchase Order level: Header Details > Issue section

Company level: Groups and Companies > Purchasing Companies > Document Template

Receiving Delivery and Putaway Purchasing > Sample Purchasing Document Templates > Receiving Delivery and Putaway Purchasing > Purchasing IDM Templates > Receiving Delivery and Putaway Groups and Companies > Purchasing Companies > Document Template