Automatic emailing and printing

Automatic emailing and printing are used to automatically distribute the generated output documents created from IDM templates. To use these functions, each output document has a flag that you must enable. Some programs require you to assign an IDM printer for automatic printing. For programs that cannot enable automatic printing, you must assign an IDM printer before running the batch program.

This table shows the location to enable the print and email function to different output documents.

Output document Automatic printing Automatic emailing Location
Advanced Dunning Letter
Basic Dunning Letter Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tabReceivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tab
Billing Invoice Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Billing tab
EFT Notification Print
  • Automatic Printing:

    Receivables Administrator Receivables Manager > Run Receivables Processes > Electronic Funds Processing > EFT Notification Print

  • Automatic Emailing:

    Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tab

Intercompany Billing Invoice Intercompany Billing Specialist > Setup > Groups > IDM Document Settings section
Invoice and Register Print Billing Manager > Processing > Create Billing Process > Invoice and Register Print
Payables Credit Memo/Chargeback
  • Automatic Printing:

    Payables Administrator > Setup > Companies > Payables Company > Document Templates

  • Automatic Emailing:

    Payables Manager > Manage Vendors > Options > Invoice

Payables Debit Memo
  • Automatic Printing:

    Payables Administrator > Setup > Companies > Payables Company > Document Templates

  • Automatic Emailing:

    Payables Manager > Manage Vendors > Options > Invoice

Payables Payment Output Check Financials Administrator > Cash Management > Cash Payment Formats
Payables Payment Output Remittance Advice Financials Administrator > Cash Management > Cash Payment Formats > Remittance Options
Payables Payment Output Wire Transfer Financials Administrator > Cash Management > Cash Payment Formats
Payment Notice Request Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tab
Project Invoice

Project Administrator > Setup > Project Setup > Structure

Project Administrator > Setup > Project Contracts > Project Funding Source

Project Invoice Reversal

Project Administrator > Setup > Project Setup > Structure

Project Administrator > Setup > Project Contracts > Project Funding Source

Purchase Order Supply Management Administrator > Purchasing > Vendor Purchasing Information > Main tab
Receivable Invoice Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tab
Receivable Statement Receivables Administrator > Manage Customers > Company Customers > Main tab
Receiving Delivery and Putaway X Purchasing Manager > Lists And Processes > Create Purchasing Processes > Receipt Processing > Receiving Delivery And Putaway
Requisition X
  • Requisition record:

    Requester > My Requisition

  • Print Requisitions program:

    Requester > Requisition Processing > Requisition Processing Actions > Print Requisitions

US1099 Form Payables Manager > Run Processes > Process Tax Documents > US 1099 IDM Output
Warehouse Bill of Lading X Warehouse Clerk > Warehouse Processing > Bill Of Lading Processing > Warehouse Bill Of Lading Print
Warehouse Packing List X Warehouse Clerk > Warehouse Lists > Warehouse Packing List Print
Warehouse Pick List X Warehouse Clerk > Warehouse Processing > Bill Of Lading Processing > Warehouse Bill Of Lading Print

Invoice and Register Print

When you enable the Summarize Invoices By Customer flag, the Invoice Register document that is grouped by the customer is generated. This document is sent in an email along with its related Billing Invoice documents.

Payables payment output

Enabling the email function requires you to specify a From Email Address. This email address serves as the sender and reply-to email address.

The Payables Payment Output Check, Remittance Advice, and Wire Transfer from email address is searched in this order:

  • If the From Email Address is not found at the Cash Payment Format, then the Pay Group is searched.
  • If the From Email Address is not found at the Pay Group, then the Vendor group is searched.

You can also specify the numbers of checks to be bundled for printing using the Batch Print Count field in Cash Payment Format. You can specify any value, however, we recommend 100 because this is the default print limit of IDM. Checks that exceed in the configured Batch Print Count is moved to another batch.

US1099 form

Although US1099 forms support emailing, only Copies B and C can be emailed. Copy A is not available for emailing since this should be physically mailed to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). All copies support printing.