Electronic audit files

Audit files must be produced in electronic formats for both auditors and governments. The data set includes this information:

  • Company
  • GL accounts
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Tax codes
  • Document totals
  • Journals
  • Vouchers
  • Voucher lines
  • Sales invoices
  • Purchase invoices
  • Payments
  • Inventory items
  • Inventory movements

Chile specifics

A taxpayer who maintains digital records and prints their journal entry and statement of account books on SII letterhead, can be authorized to generate them electronically. This change is voluntary. The taxpayer must have software that allows them to generate electronic files.

To be approved, the taxpayer must meet the technical requirements and administrative requirements that SII has established.

How Infor meets the requirement

The required BODs are triggered to LSP to generate the required audit reports. The creation of sales and purchase invoices, and the corresponding journalization and postings, send the required BODs to LSP.

To generate the Audit files successfully in the Localization services platform, maintenance set up must be done in LSP.

See Infor Localization Services Platform User Guide.

These are the supported formats in FSM–Localization integration:

  • CL Accounts Dictionary (Diccionario de Cuentas)
  • CL Journal Summary (lceDiariores)
  • CL Statement of Account Summary (lcemayorres)
  • CL Balance Sheet (lcebalance)
  • CL Statement of Account Book (lcemayor)