Setting up for voucher chronology for Payables

Voucher Reference Number is assigned to all payables transactions

  1. Enable voucher reference in the payables company.
    1. Select Setup > Companies.
    2. Open the company record.
    3. Select the Options tab, and specify this information:
      Assign Voucher Reference
      Select this check box.
      Voucher Reference Format
      Specify the voucher reference format. For example,

      {YEARYYYY}{000000000009} 2017000000000001

      {YEARYYYY}{MONTHMM}-{999999} 201701-1

      {YEARYYYY}-{000009} 2017-000001

      Voucher Reference Reporting Basis
      Specify the reporting basis that is identified for locale’s statutory reporting.
    4. Click Save.
  2. Assign the voucher reference number.
    A batch process must be run to assign the sequential numbers to payables invoices. Numbering is handled sequentially by global ledger dates and is reset every fiscal year.
    1. Select Run Processes > > Voucher Reference Listings > Assign Voucher Reference Number.
    2. Specify this information:
      If you select this parameter, another field for Company is available. Select this parameter to assign voucher reference numbers for a single company.
      Company Group
      If you select this parameter, another field for Company Group is available. Select this parameter to assign voucher reference numbers for a group of companies.
      Year Option
      Select Current Year to assign voucher reference numbers to invoice records on the current year period.

      Select Previous Year to re sequence Reference numbers for invoice records in the previous year.

    3. Click OK.
  3. View Voucher Reference Summary Report
    When the batch process is completed, you can run a summary report.
    1. Select Run Processes > Voucher Reference Listings > Voucher Reference Report.
    2. Open the company record.
  4. DrillAround from Payables Invoice
    1. Select Processing > Invoices.
    2. On the Invoices tab, select the invoice to view.
    3. Select DrillAround > Payables Invoice Voucher Reference.