FSM Analytics

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management Analytics for

Project and Billing database changes for Birst models

The replication set for Receivables is updated to accommodate the latest changes in business classes.

Database changes available in CU70 that impact Receivables:

  • ProjectFundingSource.TaxCalculationOption
  • ProjectContractReversalLine business class
  • ProjectContract.ProjectInvoiceReversalFormat
  • ProjectContract.ProjectContractInvoiceReversalFormat

Database changes that are available in CU71 impact the Recivables replication set: Ability to forecast unbilled AR and unrecognized revenue.

New fields that are added to the ProjectFundingSource include:
  • BillingForecast
  • BillingForecastDate
  • RevenueForecast
  • RevenueForecastDate

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics 11.0.9


Contract Management reporting - Non Contract

Non Contract Spend reporting is created to analyze purchases without contracts or agreements. This reporting is built in the Payables Invoice Detail subject area. It is new in 11,0.9.

This is called Non Contracted Spend Summary dashboard. The dashboard is comprised of a summary level report that shows the items and the total Non Contracted spend, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) + widgets that support the analysis. The items in the summary report contain links to view a detailed summary by each invoice line and the items purchase information (cost, source, etc) on the Non Contract Lines dashboard.

To test this enhancement, review the Non Contract Spend dashboard and reports

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting - Payables Invoice Detail subject area

A new subject area to support Contract Management. The custom subject area is called Payables Invoice Detail.

The subject area is based on the Payables Invoice Detail record that is a combination of detail from the Invoice, PO, Requisition, and Item with the Contract attributes.

The subject area also provides the basis for tiered pricing, distributor and manufacturer contracts etc.

Six dashboards contain reports to help you monitor purchasing activity and savings opportunities.

To test this enhancement, view the Off Contract, Off Contract Lines dashboards

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting in - Off Contract

Off Contract spend describes the money that is spent on items that should have used a contract price, but did not.

The content is built on the new subject area, Invoice Distribution Detail, which relates the purchasing, invoice, and contract activities for analysis.

KPIs, widgets, and a detailed report show a summary of Off Contract spend by item and value. The items in the detail report contain links to view a detailed summary by each invoice line and the contract line that was referenced but not used. Cost comparisons are created between the two values outlining the savings opportunities.

To test this enhancement, view the new Contract Management content.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting - Performance

The Performance dashboard is a scorecard based on the SMI Perfect Order metrics that measure how well a vendor performs.

The Key Performance Indicators can be used to effectively analyze ordering, receiving, invoicing and payment processes for an individual Vendor and provide decision support for Vendor negotiations.

The Vendor Performance reports were built on our new subject area, Invoice Distribution Detail which brings transactions and financial details from requisitions, purchasing, contracts, invoicing and payables together for analysis.

The dashboard includes "Perfect Order Metric Performance", a period over period trend chart; "Performance Period over Period" a detailed look at vendors performance in all of these areas per period and "Top Contracts" which is a list of their contracts ranked by Total Distribution Amount spent.

To test this enhancement, view the Performance content

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting - Compliance

The Compliance dashboard has the detail that supports the Performance dashboard.

While also based on the SMI Perfect Order principles, these are the actuals or the 'value' element of the KPIs on the Performance dashboard.

The Compliance reports were also built on our new subject area, Invoice Distribution Detail which brings transactions and financial details from requisitions, purchasing, contracts, invoicing and payables together for analysis.

Compliance has two charts, Invoice Amount by Contracted Send Type, and Lines by Contracted Spend Type

To test this enhancement, view the Compliance content

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting - Non Contract Lines

The Non Contract Lines dashboard is the destination when users click an item summarized in Non Contract Spend Summary on the Non Contract Spend dashboard. The dashboard is filtered by those applied in the originating dashboard and the non contract lines are displayed for the item selected.

Non Contract Lines has four Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – Non Contract Spend (Amount), Non Contract Lines, Non Contract Quantity and Average Unit Cost. The lines making up the KPI values on the dashboard are in the Non Contract Lines report. Each line in Non Contract Lines shows detail from the Invoice, PO, Requisition and Item making up the Non Contracted spend, visibility to the transactions and actionable information about the process.

To test this enhancement, view the Non Contract and Non Contract Lines dashboards

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Contract Management reporting - Off Contract Lines

The Off Contract Lines dashboard is the destination when users click an item summarized in Off Contract Spend Summary on the Off Contract Spend dashboard. It combines key information:

The invoice lines with off contract spend, the contract line with the cost that should have been used, what the contracted cost would have been and the variance between the two.

The information is displayed in two reports; Contract Lines and Off Contract Lines.

Contract Lines displays the Contract Line(s) that should have been used and Off Contract Lines has the transaction lines with the costs and variance.

To test this enhancement, view the Off Contract and Off Contract Lines dashboards

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Dashboard and Report - Requisitioned Item Usage

This report is similar to the Critical Item Usage report in the Inventory subject area, except that it shows data for all Item Types via the Requisition module. The report opens in summary to show all items transacted on a specific date. When the user clicks an item, the report expands to show the detail for the summarized transactions. Within the line detail there is item, usage quantity, 3 day usage, 30 days usage, and the requisition number. Click the requisition number to view the expense detail for the transaction.

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


Drill back from FSM Analytics GL to FSM GL

These are the finalized URLs that can be used for Drillbacks for GL

Drillback to a Specific Journal:

'?LogicalId=lid://infor.fsm.fsm&drillbackURL=%2FApplicationAdministrator%2Fform%2FGeneralLedgerJournalControl%2528'+[Finance Enterprise Group.Finance Enterprise Group]+'%2C'+[Accounting Entity.Accounting Entity]+'%2C'+[GL Transaction.Close Period Calendar Julian Date]+'%2C'+[GL Transaction.Journal Control]+'%2529.GeneralLedgerJournalControl%3Faction%3D_open%26list%3DGeneralLedgerJournalControl%2528SCB%2C_niu_%2C_niu_%2C_niu_%257CFinanceEnterpriseGroup%253DSCB%2529.GeneralLedgerPostedJournalList%26csk.lidkey%3Df08e535f959830a0683f848c390409e5'

Drillback to the Related Documents tab of a Journal:

"?LogicalId=lid://infor.fsm.fsm&drillbackURL=%2FApplicationAdministrator%2Flist%2FGeneralLedgerJournalDocument.GeneraLedgerJournalDocuments%3Fnavigation%3DGeneralLedgerJournalControl%2528'+[Finance Enterprise Group.Finance Enterprise Group]+'%2C'+[Accounting Entity.Accounting Entity]+'%2C'+[GL Transaction.Close Period Calendar Julian Date]+'%2C'+[GL Transaction.Journal Control]+'%2529.DocumentLink%26csk.lidkey%3Df08e535f959830a0683f848c390409e5"


Drill back from FSM Analytics Invoices to FSM

Drill backs have been added from Invoice reports into the Infor FSM application.

The finalized URL that can be used for Drillback.

This path is an Invoice Drill back:

From Report: shared/infor/Invoices/Vendor Invoices

Report Columns: Invoice

CSF Screen: Payables Manager/Invoice

The CSF URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesManager/document/PayablesInvoice('+ [Company.Company]+','+[Payables Invoice.Payables Invoice]+').first PayablesInvoiceDocumentInvoiceTypeRel.Attachment.File'

To test this enhancement:

  • View Invoices Drill back
  • Report: shared/infor/Invoices/Vendor Invoices
  • Report Columns: Invoice
  • CSF Screen: Payables Manager/Invoice
  • The CSF URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesManager/document/PayablesInvoice('+ [Company.Company]+','+[Payables Invoice.Payables Invoice]+').first PayablesInvoiceDocumentInvoiceTypeRel.Attachment.File'

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


Drill back from FSM Analytics Payables to FSM

We created a drill back path from Payables content to Infor Financial & Supply Management.

Below is a finalized URL that can be used for Drillback.

This path is a: Payables Drill back

Report: Payables Mgmt/Payment Analysis/select a discount lost/Payments for Invoices

Report Columns: Invoice

CSF Screen: Payables Manager/Invoice

The CSF URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesManager/form/PayablesInvoice('+[Company.Company]+','+[Payables Invoice.Payables Invoice]+').PayablesInvoiceForm'

Use this information to test this enhancement:

Payables Drill back

Report: Payables Mgmt/Payment Analysis/select a discount lost/Payments for Invoices

Report Columns: Invoice

CSF Screen: Payables Manager/Invoice

The CSF URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PayablesManager/form/PayablesInvoice('+[Company.Company]+','+[Payables Invoice.Payables Invoice]+').PayablesInvoiceForm'

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


Drill back from FSM Analytics Purchasing to FSM

Drill backs have been added from Purchasing content into the Infor FSM applications.

Below is a finalized URL that can be used for Drillback.

This path is a PO Drill back:

From Report: Purchasing/Monthly Vendor Performance > Purchase Order Line Details

Report Columns: PO Number

CSF Screen: Purchase Order Details

The CSF URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PurchasingManager/form/PurchaseOrder('+[Company.Company]+','+[PO Header Attributes.PO Number]+').PurchaseOrderDashboard?navigation=PurchaseOrder('+[Company.Company]+','+[PO Header Attributes.PO Number]+').PODashboard'

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Report: Purchasing/Monthly Vendor Performance > Purchase Order Line Details

Report Columns: PO Number

FSM: Purchase Order Details

The FSM URL: https://fin-slsgdena055-tst.inforcloudsuite.com/fsm/PurchasingManager/form/PurchaseOrder('+[Company.Company]+','+[PO Header Attributes.PO Number]+').PurchaseOrderDashboard?navigation=PurchaseOrder('+[Company.Company]+','+[PO Header Attributes.PO Number]+').PODashboard'

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Drill Across additions to Receivables

Drills have been added to these reports in Receivables Management:

  • Customer Analysis Overdue Invoice Count by Customer Drill Across to Overdue Invoices Dashboard by usingCompany customer attribute
  • Invoice Overview Invoice Amount Drill Across to Invoice Detail Dashboard by using Year/Month attribute
  • Invoice Overview Invoice Amount by Origin or Status Drill Across Invoice Detail Dashboard by using Origin, Status attributes, the report is an column selector report
  • Invoice Overview Invoice Amount by Sales Representative Drill Across to Invoice detail Dashboard by using Sales Representative attribute
  • Payment Analysis Payment by Customers Drill Across to Payment detail Dashboard by using Company Customer attribute
  • Payment Analysis Type of Payment Drill Across to Payment detail Dashboard by using Type of Payment attribute
  • Payment Analysis Payments by Status Drill Across to Payment detail Dashboard by using Status attribute
  • Receivables Invoice Memos Debit Memo by Customer Drill Across to
  • Invoice detail Dashboard by using Customer and Invoice Type = Debit memo attribute
  • Receivables Invoice Memos Debit Memo Period over Period Drill Across to
  • Invoice detail Dashboard by using Year/Month and Invoice Type = Debit memo attribute
  • Receivables Invoice Memos Credit Memo by Customer Drill Across to
  • Invoice detail Dashboard by using Customer and Invoice Type = Credit memo attribute
  • Receivables Invoice Memos Debit Memo Period over Period Drill Across to Invoice detail Dashboard by using Year/Month and Invoice Type = Credit memo attribute


Main collection landing page updates and new subject area additions

Content is refreshed in Infor FSM Analytics to use the SOHO 4.0 design guidelines. All dashboards and reports have been updated to this standard.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


In-context widgets - Inventory Control

The FSM Analytics team has developed in-context reports to coordinate with Infor FSM application pages. When implemented, they are displayed in the border of the application screen, "In-Context" to the information displayed on screen. In-Context content is available for the first time in FSM Analytics

Use this information to test the enhancement:

In FSM you can see the Inventory Management content on the border of Inventory Management application pages when In-Context is enabled in Infor Ming.le.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


In Context Widgets - Payables Management

In-Context reports have been created to coordinate with Infor FSM application pages. When implemented, they appear in the border of the application page, in-context to the information displayed on page. In-Context content is available for the first time in FSM Analytics

Program/business class/processes affected: Payables Management

Use this information to test the enhancement: Within Infor FSM Analytics you can see the payables content on the border of payables pages after In-Context is enabled in Infor Ming.le

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


In Context Widgets - Purchasing

In-Context reports have been created to coordinate with Infor FSM application screens. When implemented, they are displayed in the border of the application screen, In-Context to the information displayed on screen. In-Context content is available for the first time in FSM Analytics

Use this information to test the enhancement:

In the Infor FSM applications you will see the Purchasing content on the border of application screens for Purchasing after In-Context is enabled in Infor Ming.le

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Critical usage - New Burn Rate calculator

Last fall, the US CDC published new guidelines for usage and a Burn Rate calculator for inventory usage over a 14 day period. We enhanced our Inventory data model to meet these requirements and created our own Burn Rate Calculator.

The CDC's spreadsheet requires manual entry of items and quantities, but if you have Inventory Management from Infor FSM, there's no manual entry. All you do is open the report to monitor usage. Each time your data is refreshed, the report is updated with transactions that occurred since last refresh.

There are several options for distributing the report; pdf, printing, email, or extracts to files or spreadsheets. They can be scheduled or sent.

Test the Burn Rate Calculator in Inventory Management

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New List report - POs by Delivery Date is linked to Critical Stock

We created a new POs by Delivery Date report. It can be accessed from the On Order Quantity KPI, Stock Status Report and Stock on Hand reports. Click the link in each report to open Purchase Orders by Delivery Date. This is a list of Purchase Order lines that are waiting to be received for the Item. You now have the ability to see if the POs on order in the system will arrive to satisfy the burn rates that are predicted for this item.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Report - Credit Memo Period over Period

Report Name: Credit Memo Period over Period

Report Type: Column Chart

Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail

Fields: Year/Month, Invoice Amount


Measure: InvoiceAmount.CurrencyAmount

The Receivable Invoice Type filter must be added to the chart which the invoice type selected as Credit Memo, the report must show only the data w.r.t. Credit Memo type of invoices.

Dependencies: Infor FSM


New Report - Debit Memo Period over period

Report Name: Debit Memo Period over Period

Report Type: Column Chart

Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail

Fields: Year/Month, Invoice Amount


Measure: InvoiceAmount.CurrencyAmount

The Receivable Invoice Type filter must be added to the chart which the invoice type selected as Debit Memo, the report must show only the data w.r.t. Debit Memo type of invoices.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Report - Credit Memo by Customer

A new report was created in the Receivables subject area.

Dashboard Name: Credit Memo by Customer

Report Name: Credit Memo by Customer

Report Type: Column

Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail

Fields: Customer, Invoice Amount

ReceivableInvoiceDetail Attributes & Measures:

Attributes: Company Customer.Customer

Measure: InvoiceAmount.CurrencyAmount

Filter: Receivable Invoice Detail Type = Credit Memo, Rank

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Report - Debit Memo by Customer

A new report was created in the Receivables subject area.

Dashboard Name : Debit Memo by Customer

Report Name: Debit Memo by Customer

Report Type: Bar Chart

Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail

Dashboard Name : Debit Memo by Customer

Report Name: Debit Memo by Customer

Business Class: ReceivableInvoiceDetail

Fields: Customer, Invoice Amount

ReceivableInvoiceDetail Attributes & Measures:

Attributes: Company Customer.Customer,

Measure: InvoiceAmount.CurrencyAmount

Filter: Receivable Invoice Detail Type = Debit Memo, Rank

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


AR Invoice Detail - New Tax fields in Receivables replication set

Fields: Tax Code, Tax Amount

Business Class: ReceivableInvoice, ReceivableGLDistribution


Attribute: TaxCode


Measures: TaxAmount

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Payables Report - Expenditure Report

A new expenditure report in Payables Payments to show Expenditures by Check Date and Payment number.

Select a Check Date range to view Invoices paid within a specific range.


Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Invoice Dists - AOC distributions

We added fields for additional charges to the Invoiced Distributions by AU and Purchasing Detail report per an enhancement request. The report date is based on Distribution Date. We added Freight, Taxable Amount, Tax Code and Tax Amount to this report.

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


AR Invoice Detail - Tax fields modeling

These fields were added to the Receivables model:

Business Class: ReceivableInvoice, ReceivableGLDistribution


Attribute: TaxCode


Measures: TaxAmount

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Buyer filter updates

The Buyer attribute now works with RQ, PO, Invoice, Invoiced Distributions, Buyer Message, Invoice Message, and Contract Management subject areas.

Dependencies Infor FSM Analytics


Monthly Trial Balance

New Public Sector Trial Balance Dashboard and Report for Public Sector Customers.

There is not a separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor Financial & Supply Management Analytics


Monthly Trial Balance

New Public Sector Trial Balance Dashboard and for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Balance Sheet (or Statement of Final Position)

New Public Sector Balance Sheet Dashboard and Report for Public Sector customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Governmental Funds

New Statement of Revenues - Governmental Funds Dashboard and Report Public Sector customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual

Statement of Revenues - Budget and Actual Dashboard and Report is newly developed for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Net Position

New Statement of Net Position - Governmental Funds Dashboard and Report for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector are listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New dashboard - Receivables Invoice Memos

We created a new Invoice Memo Dashboard dashboard and report in Receivables:

1. Debit Memo by Customer

2, Debit Memo Period Over Period

3. Credit Memo by Customer

4. Credit Memo Period Over Period

Rank filter is defaulted to the top 10 customers.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Buyer Performance - Add PO Lines by Buyer

Updated the Buyer Performance dashboard by adding PO Lines by Buyer and removing Unmatched PO Lines by Buyer.

The updated dashboard is available in FSM Analytics


AR - Company Customer Fields to be added to Script

These attributes/fields were added to the Company Customer script in Receivables:

Last Dunning Letter Number

Last Payment Date

National Account Indicator

Sales Representative

Search Name

Terms Code

Terms Type


Third Party Payer


Statement of Net Position - Proprietary Funds

Statement of Net Position - Proprietary Funds Dashboard and Report is developed for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund net Position - Proprietary Funds

Statement of Revenues - Proprietary Funds Dashboard and Report is newly developed for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections. Public Sector is listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Net Position - Fiduciary Funds

Statement of Net Position - Fiduciary Funds Dashboard and Report is newly developed for Public Sector Customers.

There is no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page. To access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections and Public Sector will be listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fiduciary Funds - Fiduciary Funds

Changes in Net Position - Fiduciary Funds Dashboard and Report for Public Sector Customers.

There will be no separate icon for Public sector reports in the Dashboards Home Page, to access the Public Sector Reports, click the list of Dashboard collections and Public Sector will be listed there. Note: You can add an icon for the Public sector in the Dashboard Home Page based on the requirement.

Navigate into Public Sector dashboards through Browse Collections and Dashboards > Public Sector.

To access Public Sector reports, select Public Sector > dashboard name.

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics


New Field in Purchasing Line Rep Set - Matched Not Received Quantity

The Matched Not Received Quantity field was added to the Purchasing model to report on MNR quantities.

Program/business class)/processes affected:

Purchasing Replication Set

Dependencies: FSM Analytics


New ReportWriter_ST IFS Security Role for FSM Analytic

We created a new ReportWriter_ST IFS Security Role for FSM Birst report developers. The ReportWriter_ST role is for those who create or edit content. Having this role assigned grants non-admin access to content development tools Visualizer and Designer. In Infor Ming.le, they'll see the both the Birst icon and the Analytics button in the app menu.

Assign Re

portWriter_ST to content designers along with the Birst-User role (which grants access to Birst in the app switcher and has no admin access) and a role for the module in which they want to develop or edit content.

For example, to edit or create content for Purchasing the user needs either Buyer_ST or Purchasing Manager_ST, Birst-User and ReportWriter_ST roles.

>> What should I test?

To test this enhancement, assign a subject area role to a user without the ReportWriter role and try to open visualizer or navigate to designer.

>> What are the dependencies?

Dependencies: Infor FSM Analytics
