Contract Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Allow Invoices to be created against change order service contracts that are not in an active state

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Service invoice processing against change order contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a service contract that allows a change order.
  2. Release and activate the contract.
  3. Create a change order against the contract.
  4. Create change order detail against the contract to reduce the value of one of the lines.
  5. Create an invoice against the contract.
  6. Expected results: Verify that the invoice should be allowed to be created with no errors.
  7. Create invoice details that are related to the line where the amount is being reduced.
  8. Attempt to complete the change order.
  9. Expected results: Verify that you receive an error that the change order cannot be completed because an unreleased invoice exists.
  10. Release the invoice.
  11. Attempt to complete the change order.
  12. Expected results: Verify that you can complete the change order with no errors if the change to the contract line does not reduce its value below what has already been matched.

Additional tests:

  • Verify invoices cannot be created for non-active service contracts that are not change order related.
  • Verify invoices cannot be created for change order service contracts that have never been activated, or that are closed.


Change orders- edit budgets when requester submits change order

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Contract change order processing

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Contract Classification, select the Edit Budgets When Change Order is Submitted check box.
  2. Create a Service Contract with a change order classification.
  3. Toggle on header commitments for the contract. Use an account string that is associated with a budget template.
  4. Release and activate the contract.
  5. Sign in using the Requester role.
  6. Create a change order header for the contract.
  7. Create change order detail for the contract line. Increase the amount of the line so that the budget will be exceeded.
  8. Submit the change order.
  9. Expected results: Verify that the change order remains in a created status. On the change order form, verify that a tab for budget error messages is displayed that shows the details of why it's over budget. Verify that a message is displayed in the header that indicates the change order will cause the budget to be exceeded.
  10. Edit the change order amount so that it is under budget and re-submit the change order.
  11. Expected results: Verify that the change order is moved to a submitted state with no errors.
  12. As Contract Manager:
    • Complete the change order.
    • Release and activate the contract.
  13. As Requester:
    • Create a new change order and select the Commit New Allowance field.
    • Select the Create New Header Allowance action.
    • Enter allowance information that will exceed the budget.
  14. Expected results: Verify the results are the same as the initial test.
  15. For additional tests, specify changes that will go over budget for the following:
    • Create new allowance and line
    • Create new line allowance
    • Update header allowance
    • Update line allowance
    • Draw down both header and line allowance- where increase to line less decrease to allowance is over budget
  16. Test with both amount and quantity services.


Contract Line Dashboard Would Like To See Totals

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Viewing amounts on Contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a contract that will default costs to purchase orders. Release and activate the contract.
  2. Create a purchase order and lines where the cost on the lines defaults from the contract.
  3. Receive against the purchase order.
  4. Create an invoice against the purchase order and match it.
  5. View the contract line dashboard.
  6. Expected results: Verify that an Amounts tab is displayed that shows the purchase order ordered amount and the invoice amount labeled "Amount Invoiced from Purchase Orders."
  7. View the Contract line Purchase Type tab.
  8. Expected results: Verify the purchase order amount ordered field is labeled “Ordered.” Verify the Amount Invoiced From Purchase Orders field is displayed.
  9. On the contract header, view the Purchase Type tab.
  10. Expected results: Verify the purchase order amount ordered field is labeled “Ordered.” Verify the Amount Invoiced From Purchase Orders field is displayed.
  11. Create a service Contract and lines, release and activate.
  12. Create an invoice against the service Contract and release it.
  13. View the initial dashboard that displays under Manage Contracts, and the Contract Dashboard from drill around.
  14. Expected results: Verify that a list of invoices from the contract is displayed.
  15. On the contract, view the purchase type tab.
  16. Expected results: Verify that the field for the total amount invoiced is labeled “Invoiced.”


Create a process to change contract dates and update lines with options for line updates

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Effective and expiration date changes on Contracts
Note: This process is fully described in the fact sheet UPDATINGCONTRACTDATES_ST in Sample Document Templates.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Contract and enter effective and expiration dates.
  2. Expected results: The date fields are input fields.
  3. Add lines to the Contract. Change the dates on one of the lines to be different.
  4. Expected results: The dates fields are display only. Verify that a Manage Date Changes link is available.
  5. Click the Manage Date Changes link.
  6. Run the Update Contract Dates action. Select a new effective and expiration date, choosing the default Line Update Option.
  7. Expected results: The dates will change on the header and on the lines where the dates matched before the change.
  8. Additional testing:
    • Test the other Line Update Options
    • Test the process for a Group Purchasing Organization contract where the dates have changed in the GPO data


Email Addendum Documents

There are no means to email Contract Addendum Documents for both IDM and non-IDM. Customers need to have this functionality in order to easily communicate Contract Addendums.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IDM
  • Contract Management
  • Contract Version, Contract Notification Email, Contract Notification Email, Contract Group, Contract Group Email Template
  • IDMItemBase
  • Faf Rules

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Setting up:

  1. Create Contract Group. Under Email And Portal Message Configuration panel, there is a new section for Email Addendum to Supplier with fields for default subject and content when running Email Addendum To Supplier. For existing Contract Group, would need to edit the record to trigger the sample default value.
  2. Create 2 Contract Classifications one not using IDM the other, using IDM.
  3. Create 2 Contracts that use both classifications.


  1. Process both Contracts until Active state then Create an Addendum for both records and process until active
  2. Using the Contract that uses IDM, navigate to Contract panel then click on Contract Version link
  3. Click on Print. Email actions are not yet available as Addendum Document is not yet generated.
  4. Run Create Addendum Contract Document action. After the IDM Addendum document is successfully generated, both email actions will be available, Email Addendum in called out actions and Email Addendum To Supplier in hidden actions.
  5. Run Email Addendum action and fill in details then submit. IDMJob for the email action will be created and be found in My IDM Job list. Status becomes finished. In Contract record, in Email Notifications panel, a record with the details of the email sent is created. Attachment can be found under the Emailed Addendum Documents panel.
  6. Create another addendum for this Contract. Process until Contract is Active again.
  7. In Contract Versions, there will be a new record. Open the older record, Contract Version 1. Email actions should still be available as this version still contains the latest generated Addendum Document.
  8. Navigate to newer version. Then run Create Addendum Contract Document. After Addendum document is successfully generated, Email actions should now be available for this record. While the older Contract version will no longer have the email actions.
  9. Run Email Addendum To Supplier, most details are pre-entered. Subject and Content are taken from default set in Contract Group. Submit after finalizing details. IDMJob for the email action will be created and be found in My IDM Job list. Status becomes finished. In Contract record, in Email Notifications panel, a record with the details of the email sent is created. Attachment can be found under the Emailed Addendum Documents panel.
  10. Using the Contract that doesn’t use IDM, navigate to Contract panel then click on Contract Version link.
  11. Click on Print. Email actions are not yet available as Addendum Document is not yet generated.
  12. Run Create Addendum Contract Document action. After the Addendum document is successfully generated, both email actions will be available, Email Addendum in called out actions and Email Addendum To Supplier in hidden actions.
  13. Run Email Addendum action and fill in details then submit. In Contract record, in Email Notifications panel, a record with the details of the email sent is created. Attachment can be found under the Emailed Addendum Documents panel. Email record is also created in Landmark Email Queue(accessible by App Admin) with email details and attachment.
  14. Create another addendum for this Contract. Process until Contract is Active again.
  15. In Contract Versions, there will be a new record. Open the older record, Contract Version 1. Email actions should still be available as this version still contains the latest generated Addendum Document.
  16. Navigate to newer version. Then run Create Addendum Contract Document. After Addendum document is successfully generated, Email actions should now be available for this record. While the older Contract version will no longer have the email actions.
  17. Run Email Addendum To Supplier, most details are pre-entered. Subject and Content are taken from default set in Contract Group. Submit after finalizing details. In Contract record, in Email Notifications panel, a new record with the details of the new email sent is created. Attachment can be found under the Emailed Addendum Documents panel. Email record is also created in Landmark Email Queue(accessible by App Admin) with email details and attachment.


  1. Switch the Contract Classification that doesn’t use IDM to using IDM.
  2. If Contract Addendum contained rtf attachments in their modified article during Addendum, we would not be able to Generate an IDM addendum document for that record anymore. We would need to do another addendum and change the attachments to docx if we want to use IDM emailing. Users however still have an option to email their latest Generated RTF Contract Addendums using the Email Addendum and Email Addendum To Supplier Actions. This will use the Landmark Email Queue/Service rather than IDM emailing.
  3. If there were no rtf attachments for their modified article. We can generate and IDM addendum document then run the email actions to use IDM emailing.


Enhance switching from non-IDM to IDM setup for Contracts

Currently we only restrict processing of Contract and Addendum documents for IDM records with non-docx attachments. It is however inconvenient for users to manually search each term and condition attachment records that they would need to fix.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Business class:

  • Contract Management
  • Contract
  • Contract Article
  • Contract Classification
  • Contract Subclassification
  • Contract Term And Condition
  • Contract Term And Condition Attachment
  • Contract Version
  • Contract Document

Important Process

When switching your contract classification or subclassification from non-IDM to IDM setup follow these steps:

  1. On the Shared Setup for Articles and Terms repository, update all term and condition attachments to (.docx) file type. By doing this, you can smoothly attach the articles and terms with attachments through the helper list in the Contract record.
  2. Use the new search parameter “Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist” to locate the contract records that have an attachment error. You can use the navigations below:
    • Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > Contracts
    • Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > Search List
    • Contract Manager > Search For Contract Information > Contracts
    • Contract Manager > Search For Contract Information > Question Answers And Terms And Conditions
    • Contract Manager > Additional Contract Information > Contract Alerts
  3. For contract records with unsupported attachments, use the “Alert Links” tab and click on the new “Unsupported Term and Condition Attachments file type” link. You will be redirected to the list of term and condition attachments that is unsupported. Open a record and upload the corrected (.docx) attachment.
  4. After correcting all attachments in a contract, the “Alert Links” tab should no longer be visible.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Setting up:

  1. Create Contract Classification not using IDM
  2. Create Contract Subclassification A not using IDM and Subclassification B using IDM
  3. Create Contract Article A with Term and Condition Attachments a combination of .docx files and non .docx files
  4. Create Contract Article B with Term and Condition Attachments all .docx files
  5. Create 5 Contract Records with lines that uses the non-IDM Classification
  6. Attach Contract Article A to all the Contract Records


  1. Leave Contract Record 1 in Draft state. Run Create Contract Document Action. Non-IDM Contract Document is created
  2. Process Contract 2-5 until Active State
  3. Run Create Addendum on Contract 2-4 and Create Amendment on Contract 5
  4. Using Contract 3, edit any term and condition under Contract Article A
  5. Using Contract 4, add Contract Article B and don’t edit Contract Article A
  6. Process Contract 3 and 4 until Active State
  7. Using Contract 3, in Contract tab, click on Contract Versions link.Using Contract 3, in Contract tab, click on Contract Versions link.
  8. Click on Print, then run Create Addendum Contract Document action. A non-IDM Contract Addendum document is successfully generated.
  9. Switch the non-IDM Contract Classification to IDM by enabling the Use IDM toggle. All 5 Contract Records now use IDM.
  10. Under Articles in all the contracts, an Alert Icon will be shown beside Display Order on the attached Contract Article. Hovering on the icon will show message, “Some attachments are not of (.docx) file type.”
  11. Under terms and conditions list, records with non-docx attachments will also show an Alert Icon beside attachments exists. Hovering on the icon will show message, “Some attachments are not of (.docx) file type.”
  12. Open a term and condition with a child term and condition that has a non-docx attachment. Under Additional Term Levels panel, child terms and conditions with non-docx attachments will show an Alert Icon beside Display Order. Hovering on the icon will show message, “Some attachments are not of (.docx) file type.”
  13. Open child with the Alert Icon. Under Attachments panel, attachments that are not of .docx file type will show an Alert Icon beside Attachment Number. Hovering on the icon will show message, “Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  14. Under Alert Links panel of the contract, a link to a list Unsupported Term and Condition Attachments file type is available. List shows all Term and Condition Attachments with unsupported file type for all Articles attached on the Contract.
  15. Navigate to Manage Contracts. In Contracts Panel, click on filter button for Contracts to search for Contracts. Parameter Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist is available. Select Yes then submit. The 5 Contracts will be listed.
  16. Navigate to Search List Panel. Parameter Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist is available. Select Yes then submit. The 5 Contracts will be listed.
  17. Navigate to Search For Contract Information. In Contracts Panel, parameter Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist is available. Select Yes then submit. The 5 Contracts will be listed.
  18. Navigate to Question Answers And Terms And Conditions Panel, Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist is now listed in the Terms And Conditions list. Click on filter button then select Yes for Unsupported IDM attachments Exist column. All Terms and Attachments with unsupported attachment will be displayed.
  19. Navigate to Additional Contract Information. In Contract Alerts Panel, parameter Unsupported IDM Attachments Exist is available. Select Yes then submit. The 5 Contracts will be listed.
  20. Using Contract 1, Run Release action, error pops up “Cannot release. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  21. Assign Contract Document Template and run Create Contract Document action, error pops up “Cannot generate an IDM Contract Document. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  22. Change Contract Article A’s non-docx attachments to docx. Alert Links Panel will now no longer be available. All Alert Icons will also disappear.
  23. Add attachment that is not .docx, error is now changed to “Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  24. Run Create Contract Document action and Release action again. Both actions will now proceed.
  25. Using Contract 2, Run Release action, error pops up “Cannot release. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  26. Assign Contract Document Template and run Create Contract Document action, error pops up “Cannot generate an IDM Contract Document. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  27. Using Contract 3, in Contract tab, click on Contract Versions link.
  28. Click on Print, assign an Addendum Document Template then run Create Addendum Contract Document action. Error pops up “Cannot generate an IDM Addendum Document. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  29. Click on ellipses button, then under Drill List, Addendum RTF Document History is available. Listed are RTF Addendum Documents generated for this version.
  30. Using Contract 4, in Contract tab, click on Contract Versions link.
  31. Click on Print, assign an Addendum Document Template then run Create Addendum Contract Document action. There are no errors as only attachments of Contract Article B will be printed on the Addendum Document and all are .docx attachments.
  32. Addendum RTF Document History is not available under drill list as there were no RTF Addendum Documents generated for this contract.
  33. Using Contract 5, Assign Contract Document Template and run Create Contract Document action, error pops up “Cannot generate an IDM Contract Document. Term and condition attachment must be of (.\docx) file type.”
  34. Run Release action, record will be released. Release is not restricted when in Amendment State.


Provide option to copy contract line status(e.g. hold) upon contract copy

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Creation of contracts from contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a contract, create lines under it, and release the contract.
  2. For some of the lines, run the Hold Line action.
  3. Create a new contract by copying the contract that you just created and check the Copy Hold For Lines parameter.
  4. View the lines for the newly created contract.
  5. Expected results: The lines that were on hold for the old contract should be on hold for the new contract.


Separate out ability to close Contracts and Contract lines

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Security for Contract processing


For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

  • CMProcessContract_ST
  • CMCloseContract_ST (new)

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a user with these roles:
    • Contract Manager
    • Buyer
    • Purchasing Manager
    • Supply Management Processor
  2. Attempt to close a contract and a contract line.
  3. Expected results: You should be allowed to close both.
  4. For each role, remove the CMCloseContract_ST security class. Attempt to close a contract and a contract line.
  5. Expected results: The action should not be available.


Sync articles and terms with contract templates when articles and terms are updated

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Article and term and condition maintenance

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create repository Articles and Terms and Conditions.
  2. Create Contract Templates.
  3. Attach the Articles and Terms and Conditions to some of the Templates.
  4. View the Articles and Terms and Conditions associated with the Templates.
  5. Expected result:
    • There should be a navigation labeled Templates that allows linking to the Contract Templates using the Articles/Terms and Conditions.
    • There should be an action called either Update Article and Templates or Update Term and Condition and Templates.
