
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Front-End Split Feature (Phase 3) for Non-AR Cash Payments

Public Sector entities expressed the need to perform the splitting of Non-AR Cash Payment distributions based on the Project number on a distribution line which does not have a funding source (FinanceDimension2). This functionality would split that distribution to reflect all the funding sources (internal and external) funding this Project and the Fund associated with each Funding Source. This feature is known as Non-AR Cash Payment Front-End Split (FES).

Program/Business class/Process affected:

These business classes were modified:

  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivableGLDistribution.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivablePayment.busclass
  • modules/ar/bl/ReceivablePaymentHeader.busclass
  • modules/ar/ui/ReceivableGLDistribution.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Non-AR Cash Payment with distributions. Distribution must contain a Project which has been setup for FES. Distribution must NOT contain FinanceDimension2.
  2. Invoke the Journal Control Action: Front Ent Split Distributions.
  3. Verify that the original distribution has been replaced with the split distributions.
  4. Create a Non-AR Cash Payment with distributions as in step 1. Release the Payment and verify that the original distribution has been replaced with the split distributions.


Correct setup in Projects and Global Ledger.


Full ArrayField used on lists should print all of the member values separated by the delimiter

When selecting and editing payment terms in the Company Customer, the description of the payment terms was not visible.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

When selecting/editing payment terms in the Company Customer, verify that the description of the payment terms is visible.


Prevent CURR reason code from being operator added

Restricting the creation of CURR reason code from ReceivableReason

Program/Business class/Process affected:




Use this information to test the enhancement:

When CURR reason code is created from ReceivableReason, verify that an error is displayed: "CURR is a reserved reason code for gain loss processing."
