User Experience

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Billing Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

Billing Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

Program/business class/process affected:

Billing Classes:

  • BillingCompany.busclass
  • BillingElectronicPaymentTransactionID
  • BillingInterfaceResult
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceLine
  • RecurringInvoiceLine
  • RecurringInvoiceParameter
  • GeneralLedgerCompanyGroup

UI Classes:

  • BillingElectronicPaymentTransactionID
  • BillingInterfaceResult
  • BillingInvoice
  • BillingInvoiceAddOnChargeImport
  • BillingInvoiceAttachment
  • BillingInvoiceCommentAttachment
  • BillingInvoiceImport
  • BillingInvoiceImportComments
  • BillingInvoiceImportLine
  • BillingInvoiceLine
  • BillingInvoiceLineAttachment
  • CustomerRecurringInvoice
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceAddOnCharge
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceAttachment
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceComment
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceCommentAttachment
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceLine
  • CustomerRecurringInvoiceLineAttachment
  • RecurringInvoiceAddOnCharge
  • RecurringInvoiceAttachment
  • RecurringInvoiceComment
  • RecurringInvoiceCommentAttachment
  • RecurringInvoiceLine
  • RecurringInvoiceLineAttachment
  • RecurringInvoiceParameter

Need to test below forms(including its Panels) are as per SoHo 4.0 standards. Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Electronic Payment Transaction ID
  2. Invoice Import
  3. Interface Invoices
  4. Interface Results
  5. Recurring Invoice Definition
  6. Customer Recurring Invoices


Budget Edits screen changes for SoHo standardization

SoHo 4 Uplift improvements for Budget Edits related screens.

Program/business class/process affected:












Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that single select is applied on Scenario list when coming from Home page > Scenario pane > Click Navigation link.
  2. Verify that the Import Results panel uses the list title 'Import Results'.
  3. Verify that there is a dash '-' on the Budget Scenario and Budget Template form titles:
    1. For Budget Scenario, 'Budget Scenario Number - Budget Scenario Description'
    2. For Budget Template, 'Budget Template Number - Budget Template'
  4. Verify that the No Data Message of Budget Imports is now changed from 'No Budget Imports' to 'Add Budget Import' on the empty Budget Import list.
  5. Verify that the tag color for Scenario
    1. Not Ready - Grey
    2. Preparing- Yellow
    3. Ready - Green
    4. Clearing - Grey
  6. Verify that the tag color for Budget Template status:
    1. Not Ready - Grey
    2. Preparing- Yellow
    3. Ready - Green
    4. Clearing - Grey
    5. NeedsCleanup - Grey
  7. Verify the following in the 'Pending Remove' panel:
    1. Remove multi-select on the Pending Remove List.
    2. Restrict opening of form for the entries on the list
  8. Verify that the called out 'Set Ready' is available on the Budget Scenario Form and List.
  9. Verify that the color of the Progress bar for Check Groups are as follow:
    1. red alert range is from 75.0001% to 9999.9999%
    2. yellow alert range is from 50.0001% to 75%
    3. green alert range is from 0% to 50%
  10. Verify that the 'Percent' label is now showing as 'Percent of the budget'. Verify that the list title 'GroupsByPercentOfBudget' is now 'BudgetGroupsOverTemplateThreshold'.
  11. Verify that for no data Change Request to use "No Change Requests" in Home page, Scenario tab in Home page, Change Request panel in Scenario. And action 'Add Change Request' is available in the Scenario tab, on the Home page, Change Request panel in Scenario for an empty list.
  12. Verify that for no data Budget Template to use "Add Budget Templates".
  13. Verify that for 'Create using Wizard (Change Request)' the helper list is now in the called out action of the Change Request Lines and the standard actions are showing as needed (New, Save, Save and New, Delete, Search).


Close Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

Close Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

The changes made for this Enhancement only applies to the Close Manager Role.

HomePage, Quick View with chart, and Close Manager My Processes Cardviews are not included.

Program/business class/process affected:













Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a close process that will enable the forms for verification.
  2. ByPeriod And Process - verify standard call out action will display and Owner name should display is correct format(FirstName LastName)
  3. By Period And Type - verify standard call out action will display and Owner name should display is correct format(FirstName LastName)
  4. Open Period Selection(ManagerOpenPeriodList) - verify standard call out action.
  5. Past Close - verify standard call out action will display and Owner name should display is correct format(FirstName LastName)
  6. Manage One Time Task- verify standard call out action will display and Owner name should display is correct format(FirstName LastName)
  7. For the composite form, verify standard call out action and composite form are adhere to the standard.
ClosePeriod business class
      Composite Form - MaintainPeriodForm
       * List and form
         - At A Glance
         - ReOpenAudit
         - The Close
ClosePeriodTask business class
    Composite Form - ClosePeriodTaskForm
      * List And Forms
	- Metrics
	- AtAGlance
	- JournalEntryDetail
	- Owner
	- TeamOwner
	- Approvals
	- ApprovalHistory
	- Prerequisite
	- Dependency
	- ProcessDocuments
	- SupportingDocuments
	- PercentageHistory
	- ReopenHistory


Franchise Billing Administrator - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Franchise Contract Form

Franchise Billing Administrator - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Franchise Contract Form

Program/business class/process affected:

  • bl/FranchiseContract.busclass
  • bl/FranchiseContractBudget.busclass
  • bl/FranchiseContractCharge.busclass
  • ui/FranchiseContract.busclass
  • ui/FranchiseContractBudget.busclass
  • ui/FranchiseContractCharge.busclass
  • ui/FranchiseContractComment.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Test all the Franchise Contract Form screens for compatibility of 4.O with earlier functionality.


Inventory Manager (Home Page) - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

This is an enhancement to apply the Composite Form Standards for Inventory Manager role.

This change is limited to the following navigations:

  • Home Page > Dashboard > Quick Links lists
  • Home Page > Dashboard > Card View Forms (Except: Open PO Lines Past Expected Delivery Date)

Program/business class/process affected:
















Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Inventory Manager Home Page and open each Quick Links Menu then explore the form of each record.


Global Configuration Summary 4.0 Uplift

Summary of Global configuration fields were shown in two different panels. Now they are combined in a single panel by giving an option to select Show All or Show Changes.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • modules/InventoryIntelligence/bl/IIHGlobalConfiguration.busclass
  • modules/InventoryIntelligence/ui/IIHGlobalConfiguration.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Access Supply Management Administrator -> Inventory Intelligence -> Configuration -> Summary.
  2. You can see an option(Show Changes/ Show All) to list the summary of Global configuration fields which are deviating from default values.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry Operators

Updated Order Entry Operator list, form, and attachment form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • OrderEntryOperator
  • OrderEntryOperatorAttachment

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify "List" is not in the title and the new Name field is displaying in the list.
  2. Verify context form matches theme color and displays 3 columns distributed text layout, the Main form is in 2 columns distributed layout, and UserID displays in the title after the record is created.
  3. Verify Order Entry Operator Attachment form's top row is in 3 columns distributed text layout followed by new attachment standards.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Action Forms

Updated Order Entry action forms for SOHO 4.0

Program/business class/process affected:

  • OrderEntryEPBatchOrderRelease
  • OrderEntryOnTimeOrders
  • OrderEntrySalesByCustomer

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify on Order Entry On-Time Order action form fields Sales Class, Purchasing Class, and Inventory Class has the labels of Major and Minor over the correct fields.
  2. Verify Order Entry Sales By Customer action form no longer displays a gray blank field next to the Customer Field.
  3. Verify Order Entry EP Batch Order Release action form has Electronic Payment in the title instead of EP.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry Order Types

Updated Order Entry Order Types list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • OrderEntryOrderType

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify "List" is no longer in the title.
  2. Verify new fields Description, Invoice Type, and Active is visible in the list, and Order Entry Order Type title has changed to Type.
  3. Verify 2 rows are in 3 fields distributed layouts and flags are in 2 columns layout.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry Standard Orders & Order Sources

Updated Order Entry Standard Order, Order Entry Stanard Order Line, and Order Entry Source Order lists and forms to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • OrderEntryStandardOrder
  • OrderEntryStandardOrderLine
  • OrderEntryOrderSource

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the title is Standard Order on the list and the Order Entry Standard Order field is now called Standard Order.
  2. Verify that the context form matches theme color and displays 3 columns distributed text layout and displays when the record is created.
  3. Verify the Main panel displays Description, Top/Bottom Comments, Beginning/Ending Dates fields.
  4. For the Order Entry Standard Order Line, verify that the title now displays Standard Order Line and the form now displays in a 2 column distributed text. Verify Company, Customer, and Standard Order are representative text fields.
  5. Verify that the Order Entry Order Source list's title is Order Source and the field Active is added to the list.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Delivery Routes, Order Comments, Item Group Diagrams & Customers

Updated Order Entry Customer, Order Comment, Item Group Diagram, Order Comment Attachment, and Delivery Route lists and forms to SOHO 4.0 standards. Order Entry Order Comments should not be in the View Item and Order Billing menu.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • OrderEntryCustomer
  • OrderEntryOrderComment
  • OrderEntryItemGroupDiagram
  • OrderEntryOrderCommentAttachment
  • PickShipRoute

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Delivery Routes list now display Day of the Week, Customer, Customer Ship to fields, and PickShipRoute is labeled as Route. Verify Delivery Route form is in a 2 column distributed layout.
  2. Verify Order Entry Order Comment list labels are displaying Comments, Title, and Text labels, for Order Entry Order Comment Attachment list is displaying the title of Attachments.
  3. Verify Order Entry Order Comment form is displaying top row as a 3 column distributed text layout, the second row is in 3 columns distributed with 2 flags in the third column, verify reminder of form is updated to SOHO 4.0 attachment standards.
  4. Verify Order Entry Order Comment Attachment form is displaying the top 2 rows in a 3 column distributed text layout and the remainder of the form is in SOHO 4.0 attachment standards.
  5. Verify Order Entry Item Group Diagram list not longer has "list" in the title and now displaying Description and Number of Parts fields are on the list.
  6. Verify that the Description field has a label. Verify Order Entry Customer form is displaying in a 2 column distributed layout.
  7. Verify Order Entry Order Comments is removed from the View Item and Order Billing menu.


Sourcing Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List and Form Standardization

Sourcing Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List and Form Standardization

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Forms and lists used by Sourcing Manager

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Logon as a user with the Sourcing Manager role.
  2. View the lists and forms noted below and verify they adhere to guidelines also noted below:


Standard actions (save, refresh, etc) should have icons only

Initially display search where a large number of lines are on a list

The event field should be searchable on a list

No check boxes should appear on lists that are information only or where you cannot perform a single action on multiple records


Too part of form on forms with tabs should be in blue

No tabs should be on the left

Form should have as little scrolling as possible

Menu items changed:

Create Events > New Events

Create Events > CreateEventsFromRequisitions> New Events From Requisitions

Manage Events > Bid Tabulations

Manage Events > Status Analysis > Company- remove check boxes

Manage Events > Search

Manage Events > Event Buyer Weighting

Home > Alerts > Events about to close

Home > Alerts > Event awards overdue

Home > Alerts > Open events with no submitted responses

Home > Alerts >Open events with unsubmitted responses

Home > Q&A And Suppliers > Unanswered Q & A

Home > Q&A And Suppliers > Suppliers Who Need Validation Or Additional Registration

Manage Responses > Analyze Event Responses

Manage Responses > Manage Event Responses

Manage Responses > Search Event Line Responses

Spend Analysis:

Remove check boxes

Reports > Event Metrics By Diversity- remove check boxes, action label

Reports > Event Q and A listing- remove check boxes, remove search form

Reports > Event Questions and Responses- remove check boxes

Reports > Supplier Response Detail Listing- remove check boxes

Specific Form Changes:

Main form for Sourcing Event

Sourcing Event Contact form- moved address to the bottom

Sourcing Event Terms list- added a navigation to view a pdf document of the articles and terms

Main form for Sourcing Event Line

Sourcing Event Line Source form

Main form for Sourcing Event Response

Forms for entry of award information at line level when doing analysis- new PO, existing PO, new Contract, existing Contract, No Output


Supplier Portal - Supplier Order Management - SoHo 4 UX Uplift

A new Dashboard has been added to the following pages in the Supplier Portal:

  • Orders
  • Receipts
  • Invoices
  • Payments

The new Dashboards take advantage of SoHo 4x controls to display information about related records in a single view.

The primary form for the following business classes have been uplifted:

  • Purchase Order
  • Receipt
  • Invoice
  • Payment

Forms were adjusted to better use the right side and minimize scrolling. More information about related records is now displayed.

Program/business class/process affected:























Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Ensure that new dashboards display the correct information and that none of the preexisting functionality has been broken.


Uplift form for Purchase Order Revisions

Uplift form for Purchase Order Revisions.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Viewing details about purchase order revisions

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Purchase Order, release, and final issue it.
  2. Create Purchase Order Acknowledgements with messages.
  3. Open the Purchase Order and view the Issues and Acknowledgements tab. Expected results: If there are messages, they will display in a detail section under the list of revisions.
  4. Open the revision. Expected results: There will be separate tabs for revision detail and the message list.
