Grant Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add a new business class to store the deliverable field defined on ProjectFundingSourceDeliverable

Currently, the Deliverable field is a free text field. Customers want the option of building a pick list, which will allow for consistently naming across the population of external grant funding source records. For example, FSR - Financial Status Report is the only value someone can select if the external grant requires a financial status report.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Funding source deliverables

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Set up a new deliverable code. Sign in as Project Administrator and select Project Setup > Deliverables. Existing codes that were used are already populated with the code and the description.
  2. Add an additional code and description.
  3. On the external grant funding source, add a deliverable using the select for the code and select a code. The description field default is set when the record is saved. The description can also be overridden.


Create effort records when labor distribution change 0 to processed action is run

In labor distribution, when using the change zero to processed, the records are changed to processed status in the labor distribution, but the effort records are not created. Because the records do not show whether the labor and the effort period are the same (both weekly for example) the records do not display in order to certify. If the schedules are different (monthly labor and quarterly effort) only the records that had labor distributed show for the quarter.

The change was to create effort records, if they don’t exist, whenever the labor status is changed to processed, either during normal processing or by using the ChangeZeroLaborToProcessed action.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Labor Distribution and effort certification

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. For a labor period use the Change Zero Labor To Processed action.
  2. Verify that the period shows the zero actuals for the projects in the effort certification for that period.
