User Experience

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Close Administrator - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

Close Administrator - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Composite Forms Standardization

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CloseManagementGroup
  • ClosePeriod
  • ClosePeriodTask
  • ClosePeriodTaskApprovalHistory
  • ClosePeriodTaskDocumentation
  • ClosePeriodTaskFlat
  • CloseTask
  • CloseTaskDocumentation
  • CloseTaskPrerequisite
  • CloseTasktype
  • OneTimeTaskApprovalResource
  • TaskReasonCodeUsage
  • ApprovalCodeResource
  • FinanceTeamMember
  • SampleDocumentTemplate

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Create a close process that will enable the forms for verification.

  1. CloseManageGroup setup.
  2. Finance Team - verify the resource field search field should be enable and the standard action.
  3. TaskType - search fields should be enable and the standard action.
  4. SampleCloseTaskInterface - search fields is enabled.
  5. Manageprocess - verify standard actions and call out actions.
  6. CloseTaskForm Composite form - verify every panel of the form:
  • AtAGLance
  • Processiing
  • Details
  • Approval
  • Prerequisite
  • Dependency
  • ProcessDocuments
  • CurrentSchedule
  • Owner
  • TeamOwner


Wave 1 Item Pricing Manager 4UX uplift

Uplifted the Pricing Manager role home screen, and menu items to be consistent with the Contract Manager role with less access.

Added the home page to see items that may need to be reviewed.

Added the new contract search in the manage contracts.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Pricing Manager

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Log in as pricing manager.
  2. Review the new home page and access to items that need attention.
  3. Review the Manage contracts menu item. The new contract search includes a search on contract, contract name, primary contact, supplier name.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - Billing Company (Document Templates)

Group the IDM Email Template and Email Subject Fields into two columns in Document Templates tab.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Billing Company

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Test Billing Company IDM Email Template and Email Subject fields if working as before.
  2. Verify that there should be no changes aside from the new look where Email Template and Email Subject were grouped into two column.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - Billing Process Level (Invoicing)

Group the IDM Email Template and Email Subject Fields into two columns in Invoicing tab of Billing Process Level.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Billing Process Level

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Test Billing Process Level IDM Email Template and Email Subject fields if working as before.
  2. Verify that there should be no changes aside from the new look where Email Template and Email Subject were grouped into two column.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - IDM Configuration

Change IDM Configuration UI based on UX guidelines

Program/business class/process affected:

  • IDM Configuration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Regression testing for IDMConfiguration feature.
  2. Changes should not affect the current behavior.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - Intercompany Billing (IDM Templates)

Textboxes replaced by labels, redundant button for create action fixed and selection list of IDM templates changed to single select.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • IDMTemplate

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate Intercompany Billing Specialist>Invoice IDM Templates>Open a record.
  2. See IDM Details contents and Finance Enterprise Group.
  3. Navigate Intercompany Billing Specialist>Manage Documents>Open a record.
  4. Click to open Billing Invoice Template. Only one template at a time can be chosen.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - Inventory Company (Document Templates)

Removed section headers and revised labels

Program/business class/process affected:

  • InventoryCompany

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate Supply Management Admin > Groups and Companies > Inventory Companies > Document Templates.
  2. Enable "Use IDM Template"
  3. There is only one header "IDM Templates" consists of 8 fields.


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - Receivables Company (Document Templates)

IDM Email Subject section placed beside IDM Email Template for better user experience.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ReceivableCompany

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate Receivable Manager>Receivable Companies>Open a record>enable "Use IDM Template" flag>Document Templates Tab.
  2. The section "IDM Email Subject" has placed beside IDM Email Template section


SoHo 4 IDM UX Uplift - US 1099 IDM Output

Upgrade of screens related to US1099 IDM Output

Program/business class/process affected:

  • US1099 IDM Output

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Test US1099 IDM processing.
  2. Verify that this works as before. Verify that the only changes are the looks of the screens or menu.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Customer Order Return Header Imports

Updated the Customer Order Return Header Import list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrderReturnHeaderImport

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Customer Order Return Header Import list title is "Return Header Import", initially display search filters, and CUstomerORderReturnHeaderImport field is "Return Header".
  2. Verify Customer Order Return Header Import context form is theme color and is in a three-column distributed text layout.
  3. Verify the main form is in a two-column distributed layout.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Customer Order Line Mass Changes

Updated Customer Order Line Mass Change list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrderLineMassChange

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Customer Order Line Mass Change list's title is "Line Mass Change", initially displays search filters, CustomerOrderLineMassChange field label is "Line Mass Change", and new fields FromOrder, ToOrder, and OrderEntryOperator with a label of "Last Updated by" are on the list.
  2. Verify context form matches theme color and panels are across the top.
  3. Verify context form displays a 3 column distributed text layout.
  4. Verify Main, ShipTo, Sales, and User panel is in a 2 column distributed layout and Original Values are in the first column and New Value in the second.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Customer Credit Card Imports

Updated Customer Credit Card Interface list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerCreditCardImport

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Customer Credit Card Interface list initially display search filters.
  2. Verify Customer Credit Card Interface form title is "Credit Card Interface" and that fields are in a two-column distributed layout.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Customer Order Return Headers Inbound

Updated the Customer Order Return Header Inbound list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards. Updated the Customer Order Return Inbound Lines list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrderReturnHeaderInbound
  • CustomerOrderReturnLineInbound
  • BillingInvoiceType
  • CustomerShipTo

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Customer Order Return Header Inbound list title is "Return Header Inbounds" and the fields InventoryLocation, Status, Customer, and CustomerShipTo are on the list.
  2. Verify Customer Order Return Header Inbound context form is theme color and panels are distributed on top.
  3. Verify panels Inbound Return Header title is "Header" and Inbound Return Line title is "Lines".
  4. Verify editable fields from context form are now on the Main panel form in a two-column distributed layout.
  5. Verify the Header panel is in a two-column distributed layout.
  6. Verify the labels on the Inbound Return Line list for CustomerOrderReturnLineInbound field with a label of "Inbound Return Line", LineType field with the label of "Type", StockUOM field with a label of "UOM", and RtnDate field with a label of "ReturnDate".
  7. Verify detail section forms ReturnLineQtyInfo, ReturnLineCostInfor, and ReturnLineMiscInfo are in a two column layout.
  8. Verify Customer Order Return Line Inbound context form is theme color, is in a three-column distributed text layout, and the main form is in a two-column distributed layout.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry Open, Cancellation, On Hold Orders

Updated the Open Entry Open Order, Open Entry Open Order Lines, Open Entry Cancellation Report, Open Entry Cancellation Report Lines lists, Open Entry On Hold, and Open Entry On Hold Lines list to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrder
  • CustomerOrderLine

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify on Order Entry Open Order list that search filter initially displays, CustomerOrder field's label is "Order", SalesRepresentative and SalesRepresentative2 fields labels are "Sales Representative" and "Sales Representative2", and the Currency field is moved at the end of the list.
  2. Verify on the Order Entry Open Order Lines list, that the title is "Open Lines" and the search filter initially displays.
  3. Verify on Order Entry Cancellation Report list that search filters initially displays and CustomerOrder field label is "Order".
  4. Verify on the Cancelled Customer Order Lines list that the title is "Cancelled Lines" and the search filters initially display.
  5. Verify on the Orders On Hold list that search filters initially displays, the CustomerOrder field label is "Order", and the CustomerPurchaseOder field label is "Purchase Order".
  6. Verify on the Orders Lines On Hold list that the title is "On Hold Lines" and the search filters initially display.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry Credit Overrides & Cash Down Payments

Updated Credit Overrides list and Cash Down Payment by Customer lists to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrder

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the search form for the Credit Overrides list is in a single row. If wrapping occurs the From/To date fields will move into the second row. Verify the CustomerOrder field label is "Order".
  2. Verify the Cash Down Payment by Customer list initially display search filters and the CustomerOrder field label is "Order".


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Order Entry On Hold Items and Customers

Updated Items On Hold list and Customer On Hold list to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CustomerOrder
  • CustomerOrderLine

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the Items On Hold list initially displays search filters and Customer Order field label is "Order".
  2. Verify the Customers On Hold list initially display search filters.


Order Entry Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Proforma Invoices

Updated Proforma Invoice list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProformaInvoice
  • ProformaInvoiceLineTax
  • ReceivablePrepayment

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Proforma Invoice list title is "Proforma Invoices", initially display search filters and new Customer and Customer Name fields are displaying.
  2. Verify Proforma Invoice context form is in theme color. tabs are on top, and fields are in a three-column distributed text layout.
  3. Verify editable fields are now in the Main tab form.
  4. Verify Pre Payment list title is "Payments".
  5. Verify Proforma Invoice Line Tax list has a title of "Invoice Line Taxes" and fields labels for CustomerOrder is "Order", CustomerOrderLine is "Line", CustomerOrderAddonCharge is "AddOnCharge", ProformaInvoiceLineTax is "InvoiceLineTax".
  6. Verify Proforma Invoice Line Tax form is in a two-column distributed layout and the title is "InvoiceLineTax".


Approver- SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization

Modernize PayablesInvoiceAudit.PortalHistoricalPayablesInvoiceList

Delete Action Restricted.

Group Label for invoice fields.

Initially display search.

View Invoice link replaced with link on Invoice Number field.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • PayablesInvoiceAudit

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Approver -> InvoiceApprovalHistory


Buyer Menu Manage Purchase Orders SoHo 4 UX uplift

This is an enhancement to apply the SoHo 4.0 List and Called Out Action standards to Manage Purchase Orders menu of the Buyer role.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • /po/ui/ContractLine.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrder.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementMessage.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderAndLineAddOnCharge.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderDiversity.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderLineSource.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderReceipt.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderReceiptLine.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Buyer > Quick Links > Purchase Orders.
  2. Explore the list of each panel.
  3. Verify that all list actions are working as intended.


Buyer Menu Manage Receiving SoHo 4 UX uplift

This is an enhancement to apply the SoHo 4.0 List and Called Out Action standards to Manage Receiving menu of the Buyer role.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • /po/ui/ContractLine.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrder.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementMessage.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderAndLineAddOnCharge.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderDiversity.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderLine.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderLineSource.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderReceipt.busclass
  • /po/ui/PurchaseOrderReceiptLine.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Buyer > Quick Links > Purchase Orders.
  2. Explore the list of each panel.
  3. Verify that all list actions are working as intended.


Wave 1 Item Life Cycle Coordinator 4UX uplift

Update Item Lifecycle Coordinator lists and forms to Soho UI standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Viewing Item Lifecycle Coordinator menu items

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. View lists and forms for all menu items for Item Lifecycle Coordinator.
  2. Verify that Soho UI guidelines are followed.


Credit & Collections Specialist - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Credit Analyst Form

Updated Credit Analyst list and form to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CreditAnalyst
  • CreditAnalystAttachment
  • CompanyCustomerReviewSelect

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify Credit Analyst Customer Review list has new fields of Company Name and Telephone Display with a label of "Phone Number" are on the list. Verify Credit Analyst label is "Analyst".
  2. Verify context form to match theme color, tabs are spread on top, and fields are displayed in a three-column distributed text layout.
  3. Verify "Customer Review" panel name is now "Customer Reviews".
  4. Verify Attachment form top row has Credit Analyst and Attachment number and the remainder of the form is set up to SOHO 4.0 attachment form standards.
  5. Verify Customer Reviews open up Credit Anaylsyt Review Detail composite form than system generated form.
  6. Verify context form is theme color, in a three-column distributed text layout, and editable fields are moved to the Main form.
  7. Verify ContactFinance panel is now called Finance, the Balance button is no longer displaying, and the Current Balance field is in text.
  8. Verify new Net Balance panel is visible when the Customer has Vendor set up.


Uplift Manage Requisitions Page

Verify and update the Manage Requisitions page to SOHO 4.0 standards.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Requisition
  • RequisitionLine

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify all lists in Manage Requisitions that don't have search forms are initially displaying search filters.
  2. Verify call-out actions for Unreleased and All lists.
  3. Verify Search Lines form is in a four-column distributed layout.
  4. Verify Commitments search form is in a four-column distributed layout.


Warehouse Clerk - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Lists & Composite Forms

Various Warehouse forms and lists could be better displayed.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Warehouse

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the Forms:
    1. Have proper background color
    2. Appear at the top
    3. Have any called out actions in consistent order
    4. Not take excessive vertical space


Warehouse Clerk - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Warehouse Shipments

Lists under Shipments menu did not initially display search.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Warehouse

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Lists correctly appear with search displayed.


Program/business class/process affected:

Use these steps to test the enhancement:


Program/business class/process affected:

Use these steps to test the enhancement: