BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add new elements to Sync.SalesOrder_out for CSF-GRC PI

Added new elements to Sync.SalesOrder_Out for CSF-GRC integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out
  • New Required Setup: Assign value "GRC" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System Configurations
  • New Variable Added in JSON: Added "CancelCreditReason" to variable OrderCancelCreditReason
  • New IPA Changes: Added new X-Paths in UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name="fsm.OrderEntryOperator"@type="StringType" to value "CreateActor" UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name="fsm.OrderCancelCreditReason"@type="StringType" to value "CancelCreditReason"
  • Integration Specific: These changes are related to CSF-GRC integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "CustomerOrderService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out".
  3. Assign value "GRC" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System Configurations.
  4. Create CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine.
  5. Release CustomerOrder.
  6. Cancel CustomerOrde
  7. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD.
  8. Verify these X-Path values:

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/PaymentTerm/Term/ID--- CustomerOrder.TermsCode

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name="fsm.OrderEntryOperator"@type="StringType" --- "CreateActor"

SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue/@name="fsm.OrderCancelCreditReason"@type="StringType" --- "CancelCreditReason"


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery -CU79.

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery:

JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.

FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.
  • \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content\SampleDocumentTemplate.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Go to Application -->Application Administrator -->Supply Management -->Shared Processes -->Sample Document Template.
  2. Open Sample Document.
  3. In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.
  4. In Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment.


Process SSJE: include Auto reverse and Auto reverse date in Process SSJE inbound bod

Process SSJE: include Auto reverse and Auto reverse date in Process SSJE inbound bod

Program/business class/process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessSourceSystemJournalEntry_Inbound

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. While storing data in AutoReverse field priority is given to line Level userarea.
  2. If the value is not passed in line level then value is taken from Header leve userarea


ProcessRequisition_In should source from inventory the warehouse and Requesting location are different

ProcessRequisition_In should source from inventory the warehouse and Requesting location are different.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In
  • PfiConfigurationProperty.xml
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction BusinessClass.

New Required Setup: Added new System Configuration Parameter "RequisitionShipment". Set the value to "Y" for batch process.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

IPA Changes:

  • Added Javascript code in Hdr_variables for assigning the values for Requisition.RequestingLocation and FromCompanyLocation.FromLocation.
  • If RequisitionShipment = Y then , Requisition.RequestingLocation value is taken from:
    • Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location type="Ship-to"/ID ---> 1st preference
    • Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location type="Warehouse"/ID ---> 2nd preference
  • If RequisitionShipment = Y then , Requisition.FromCompanyLocation.FromLocation. is taken form:
    • Requisition/RequisitionHeader/ShipToParty/Location type="Warehouse"/ID
  • Added Javascript code in Assign1640 for RequisitionLine.FromCompanyLocationBin.FromLocation
  • If RequisitionShipment = Y then ,RequisitionLine.FromCompanyLocationBin.FromLocation is taken form:
    • RequisitionLine/ShipToParty/Location type="Warehouse"/ID

Integration Specific: FSM-EAM integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In.
  3. Set the parameter "RequisitionShipment = Y/N"
  4. When the BOD is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
  5. Requisition will be created and released.
  6. Check the RequestingLocation and FromCompanyLocation in Requisition.


S3-FSM Integration: New Sync.SupplierPartyMaster Inbound

S3-FSM Integration: New Sync.SupplierPartyMaster Inbound.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Inbound

New Required Setup: No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Sync.SupplierPartyMasterMaster BOD.
  2. Send valid XML and record should create/Update/Delete in Vendor.
  3. Check the record in Vendor
  4. Workunit should create without any errors.


S3-FSM Integration: Sync.AccountingChart BOD

New IPA(Sync AccountingChart) flow developed for fsm-s3 integration, it will create record in reporting chart.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncAccountingChart_Inbound.lpd
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction.busclass
  • PfiReceiver.xml

New Required Setup: Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:Yes

Integration Specific: No

S3- FSM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.AccountingChart Inbound BOD.
  2. Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  3. Send valid xml for Sync AccountingChart BOD.
  4. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncAccountingChart_Inbound BOD.
  5. Verify the Result: Check the record in ReportingChart.


S3-FSM Integration: Sync.AccountingEntity Inbound New IPA BOD

New IPA(Sync AccountingEntity) flow developed for fsm-s3 integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncAccountingEntity_Inbound.lpd
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction.busclas
  • PfiConfigurationProperty.xml
  • PfiReceiver.xml

New Required Setup:

Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup, SyncAccountingEntity_In_CloseConfiguration, SyncAccountingEntity_In_CurrentPeriod values in System Configuration.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

Integration Specific: No

S3- FSM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.AccountingEntity inbound BOD.
  2. Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup, SyncAccountingEntity_In_CloseConfiguration, SyncAccountingEntity_In_CurrentPeriod values in System Configuration.
  3. Send valid xml for Sync AccountingEntity BOD.
  4. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncAccountingEntity_Inbound BOD.
  5. Verify the Result: Check the record in AccountingEntity.


S3-FSM Integration: Sync.ChartOfAccounts Inbound

Developed S3-FSM Integration: Sync.ChartOfAccounts Inbound

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_ChartOfAccounts_Inbound.lpd

New Required Setup: Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:Yes

Integration Specific: No

S3- FSM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.ChartOfAccounts Inbound BOD.
  2. Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  3. Send valid xml for Sync ChartOfAccounts BOD.
  4. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_ChartOfAccounts_Inbound BOD.
  5. Verify the Result: Check the record in GeneralLedgerChartAccount.


S3-FSM Integration: Sync.CodeDefinition for Accounting unit Inbound

Developed S3-FSM Integration: Sync.CodeDefinition for Accounting unit Inbound.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound.lpd

New Required Setup:

  • Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  • Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_StructureName value in System Configuration.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:Yes

Integration Specific: No

S3- FSM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.CodeDefinition Inbound BOD.
  2. Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  3. Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_StructureName value in System Configuration.
  4. Send valid xml for Sync CodeDefinition BOD.
  5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound BOD.
  6. Verify the Result: Check the record in AccountingUnit.


S3-FSM Integration: Sync.CurrencyExchangeRate Inbound BOD - New Development

Developed S3-FSM Integration: Sync.CurrencyExchangeRateMaster inbound BOD.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster_Inbound.lpd
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction.busclass
  • PfiReceiver.xml

New Required Setup: Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:Yes

Integration Specific: No

S3- FSM Integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.CurrencyExchangeRateMaster Inbound BOD.
  2. Configure GeneralLedger_BODS_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  3. Send valid xml for Sync CurrencyExchangeRateMaster BOD.
  4. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCurrencyExchangeRateMaster_Inbound BOD.
  5. Verify the Result: Check the record in CurrExchangeRate.


"Waiting for process invoice BOD" Error Message is still showing up even after receiving a Process Invoice Inbound BOD

Waiting for process invoice BOD Error Message is still showing up even after receiving a Process Invoice Inbound BOD.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound
  • Modified java script code in Assign6370 node.

New Required Setup: No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Process.Invoice_Inbound BOD.
  2. Country code should be "MX" and IntegrationApplication as "".
  3. Send valid XML with scheme name as "LCL.MX.UUID" or "lcl.MX.UUID" and CertificationNumber.
  4. Check record in BillingInvoice and it should be update CertificationNumber and billing invoice should be release state.
  5. Workunit should create without any errors.


ANZCSV - BankStatement Loading Enhancements

Done ANZCSV - BankStatement Loading Enhancements for Load.BankStatement_Inbound.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files changed: FSM_ION_LoadBankStatement_Inbound.lpd

New required setup:No

New Variable Added in JSON:No

New IPA Changes:

  • Added new variables in start node ExternalRefLength,idx,RelatedReference,BankReference,BankLineDescription,LineComment.
  • Added conditions in nodes Assign470,BankStatementLine.

Integration Specific:No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_LoadBankStatement_Inbound.lpd
  2. Pass the CashManagementGroup in system configuration parameter "LoadBankStatement_In_CashManagementGroup".
  3. When the BOD gets processed, BankStatement and BankStatementLines get created.
  4. Verify that:
    1. BankStatementAccount/AccountEntry/EntryDetail/EntryTransaction/ExternalReferences/Reference with name = "Particulars" is mapped with BankStatementLine.RelatedReference.
    2. BankStatementAccount/AccountEntry/EntryDetail/EntryTransaction/ExternalReferences/Reference with name = " Analysis Code" is mapped with BankStatementLine.BankReference.
    3. BankStatementAccount/AccountEntry/EntryDetail/EntryTransaction/ExternalReferences/Reference with name = "Reference" is mapped with BankStatementLine.Description
    4. BankStatementAccount/AccountEntry/EntryDetail/EntryTransaction/PaymentPurposeCode is mapped with BankStatementLine.Comment.


New Elements required for Sync Invoice Outbound bod for the country Great Britain E-invoicing

New Elements required for Sync Invoice Outbound BOD for the country Great Britain E-invoicing.

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

New Required Setup: No

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

  • Start node: Added BLLineTaxType1,BLLineTaxType2,BLLineTaxType3,BLLineTaxType4,BLLineTaxType5,BLLineTaxType6,BLLineTaxType7,BLLineTaxType8 and AOCTaxRate
  • In Assign5720 :Modified javascript , for BLLineTAX_XML - added type as "VAT".
  • Branch300: Added Branch if BillingInvoiceAddOnCharge record exist and Taxcode entered go to AOCTRate Transaction node (added new) find Rate. Added Assign3280: added Javascript For Integration Great Britain Country AOCTaxRate = AOCTRate_Rate * 100 else true == true ---GetTaxCode(Existing Flow).
  • XML2070:InvoiceCharge XML added RateNumeric. InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Tax/Calculation/RateNumeric

Integration Specific: Yes.

These changes are related to Integration, Great Bretain Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, verify that the BOD Trigger checkbox is selected.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.
  4. Create BillingInvoice Release it. In BillingInvoice Line provide Tax and AddOnCharge.
  5. Execute InvoiceVerificationReport.
  6. Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint.
  7. Execute SubSystemUpdate
  8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).
  9. Verify this x-path for Sync Invoice Outbound bod for the country Great Britain E-invoicing:
    1. InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Tax/Calculation/RateNumeric → TaxRate.Rate (For BillingInvoiceAddOnCharge.TaxCode)
    2. InvoiceLine/Tax/@type should be VAT (Hardcode value)


New Elements to be added for Sync Location Outbound BOD for the country Brazil

New Elements to be added for Sync Location outbound bod for the country Brazil

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed:

  • Sync.Location_Outbound.Ipd
  • SyncLocationJSON.txt

Required Setup: Assign value "" to IntegrationApplication in Configuration Parameters.

Variables Added in JSON:

  • InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.LocaleIDNumber as LocaleIDNumber
  • InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.NationalIDNumber as NationalIDNumber
  • InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.IndividualIDNumber as IndividualIDNumber
  • InventoryLocation.PostalAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber as StateProvinceIDNumber

New IPA Changes: Defined new variables in Start node - Address_XML, TaxID_CNPJ, TaxID_IE, TaxID_IM

Added new JavaScript in "AssignVars" node for the following condition:

if(IntegrationApplication == "" && Country == "BR" )

TaxID_IM = StateProvinceIDNumber;

TaxID_IE= LocaleIDNumber;

if(NationalIDNumber!= "")

TaxID_CNPJ = NationalIDNumber;


TaxID_CNPJ = IndividualIDNumber;

Added new X-Paths in XML8730:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the ServiceDefinition "InventoryLocationService" and ProcessDefinition "FSM_ION_SyncLocation_Out"
  3. Assign value "" to "IntegrationApplication" parameter in System Configurations.
  4. For GeneralLedgerCompany.AccountingEntity.AddressCode.PostalAddress.Country = "BR.
  5. Create, Update and Delete InventoryLocation.
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit should generate successfully without any error.
  7. Verify these X-Path values:
  • Location/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- TaxID_CNPJ
  • Location/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- TaxID_IE
  • Location/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- TaxID_IM


New Elements to be added for SyncShipToPartyMaster Outbound BOD for country Brazil

New Elements to be added for Sync ShipToPartyMaster Outbound bod for country Brazil

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncShipToPartyMaster_Out.Ipd

Required Setup: Assign value "" to IntegrationApplication in Configuration Parameters.

Variables Added in JSON:

  • CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.LocaleIDNumber as LocaleIDNumber
  • CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.NationalIDNumber as NationalIDNumber
  • CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.IndividualIDNumber as IndividualIDNumber
  • CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber as StateProvinceIDNumber

New IPA Changes: Defined new variables in Start node - Address_XML, TaxID_CNPJ, TaxID_IE, TaxID_IM,AttentionOfName

Added new JavaScript in "Assign" node for the following condition:

if(IntegrationApplication == "" && Country == "BR" )

Added new X-Paths in Ship_To_XML:

  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- TaxID_CNPJ
  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- TaxID_IE
  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- TaxID_IM
  • ShipToPartyMaster/Location/Address type="Discrete" -- Address_XML
  • ShipToPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName type="text" --AttentionOfName


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "CustomerShipToService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipToPartyMaster_Out".
  3. Assign value "" to "IntegrationApplication" parameter in System Configurations.
  4. For CustomerShipTo.ShipToAddress.Country = "BR"
  5. Create, Update and Delete CustomerShipTo
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit should generate successfully without any error
  7. Verify these X-Path values:
  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- TaxID_CNPJ
  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- TaxID_IE
  • ShipToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID @schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- TaxID_IM
  • ShipToPartyMaster/Location/Address type="Discrete" -- Address_XML
  • ShipToPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName type="text" --AttentionOfName


New Elements to be added for SyncShipFromPartyMaster Outbound BOD for the country Brazil

Added new elements for Sync.ShipFromPartyMaster_Out BOD for Brazil Country intergration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncShipFromPartyMaster_Out.Ipd
  • ShipFromPartyMasterJSON.txt

Required Setup: Assign value "" to IntegratingApplication in Configuration Parameters.

Variables Added in JSON:

  • CurrentAddressRel.PostalAddress.LocaleIDNumber as LocalIDNumber
  • CurrentAddressRel.PostalAddress.NationalIDNumber as NationalIDNumber
  • CurrentAddressRel.PostalAddress.IndividualIDNumber as IndividualIDNumber
  • CurrentAddressRel.PostalAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber as StateProvinceIDNumber

New IPA Changes:

Defined new variables in Start node - ADR_XML, CNPJ_TaxID, IE_TaxID, IM_TaxID

Added new JavaScript in AssignVars node and defined as:

if (IntegratingApplication = "" and Country = "BR") ADR_XML += <AttentionOfName>{ContactName}@NoNullTag@</AttentionOfName>+ <BuildingNumber>{AddressLine2}@NoNullTag@</BuildingNumber>+ <StreetName>{AddressLine1}@NoNullTag@</StreetName>+ <Unit>{AddressLine3}@NoNullTag@</Unit>+ <CitySubDivisionName>{AddressLine4}@NoNullTag@</CitySubDivisionName>+ <CityName>{Municipality}@NoNullTag@</CityName>+ <CountrySubDivisionCode listID="Country Sub-divisions">{StateProvince}@NoNullTag@</CountrySubDivisionCode>+ <CountryCode listID="Countries">{Country}@NoNullTag@</CountryCode>+ <PostalCode listID="Postal/ZIP Codes">{PostalCode}@NoNullTag@</PostalCode>; IE_TaxID = LocalIDNumber; IM_TaxID = StateProvinceIDNumber; if(NationalIDNumber != ""){CNPJ_TaxID = NationalIDNumber;} else{CNPJ_TaxID = IndividualIDNumber;}

Added new X-Paths in XML_APVENLOC and XML nodes:

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- CNPJ_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- IE_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- IM_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/Location/Address@Type="Discrete" -- ADR_XML

Integration Specific: These changes are related to integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "VendorLocationService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipFromPartyMaster_Out".
  3. Assign value "" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System Configurations.
  4. For a Vendor with VendorAddress.Country = "BR"
  5. Create, Update and Delete VendorLocation
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipFromPartyMaster_Out BOD.
  7. Verify these X-Path values:

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- CNPJ_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- IE_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- IM_TaxID

ShipFromPartyMaster/Location/Address@Type="Discrete" -- ADR_XML


New Elements to be added for SyncSupplierPartyMaster Outbound BOD for country Brazil

Added new elements for Sync SupplierPartyMaster Outbound bod for country Brazil.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartyMaster_Out.lpd

New Required Setup: No

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • In Start node added variables: TaxIDXML,AddressXML,VIndividualIDNumber,VNationalIDNumber,VStateProvinceIDNumber,VLocaleIDNumber,VTaxCNPJ.
  • Added conditions in node Assign_1,XML_VENDOR_WITH_CONTACT,XML_VEN.


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable the service "VendorGroupService" for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd
  2. Create,Update or Delete a Vendor and save it. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  3. Check the mappings of following XPaths.

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address type="Discrete"

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName -------->Vendor.VendorName






SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode-->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.StateProvince(listID="Country Sub-divisions")

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode------------->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.Country (listID="Countries")

SupplierPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode-------------->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.PostalCode (listID="Postal/ZIP Codes")

SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_CNPJ")------->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.NationalIDNumber/VendorAddress.PostalAddress.IndividualIDNumber

SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_IM")--------->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber

SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_IE")--------->VendorAddress.PostalAddress.LocaleIDNumber


New Elements to be added to Sync.CustomerPartyMaster_Outbound BOD for country Brazil

Added New elements to Sync.CustomerPartyMaster_Out bod for country Brazil.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncCustomerPartyMaster_Out.lpd

New Required Setup: No

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • Added new Variables TaxIDXML,AddressXML,CIndividualIDNumber,CNationalIDNumber,CStateProvinceIDNumber,CLocaleIDNumber,CTaxCNPJ in start node.
  • Added conditions in node Assign5830,XML_Customer.


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable the service "CompanyCustomerService" for FSM_ION_SyncCustomerPartyMaster_Out.lpd
  2. Create,Update and Delete a CompanyCustomer for
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCustomerPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD (CompanyCustomerService).
  4. Check the mappings of following XPaths to verify the results:

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address type="Discrete"

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/AttentionOfName -------->Customer.CustomerName







CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode-->Customer.PostalAddress.StateProvince(listID="Country Sub-divisions")

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/CountryCode------------->Customer.PostalAddress.Country (listID="Countries")

CustomerPartyMaster/Location/Address/PostalCode-------------->Customer.PostalAddress.PostalCode (listID="Postal/ZIP Codes")

CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_IM")--------->Customer.PostalAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber

CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_IE")--------->Customer.PostalAddress.LocaleIDNumber

CustomerPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID (schemeAgencyName="BR_CNPJ")------->Customer.PostalAddress.NationalIDNumber/Customer.PostalAddress.IndividualIDNumber


New Elements to be added for SyncBillToPartyMaster Outbound BOD for the country Brazil

Added new elements for Sync.BillToPartyMaster_Out BOD for Brazil Country integration

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncBillToPartyMaster_Out.Ipd
  • SyncBillToPartyMasterJSON_BL.txt

Required Setup: Assign value "" to IntegratingApplication in Configuration Parameters.

Variables Added in JSON:

CustomerBillTo.PostalAddress.LocaleIDNumber as LocalIDNumber

CustomerBillTo.PostalAddress.NationalIDNumber as NationalIDNumber

CustomerBillTo.PostalAddress.IndividualIDNumber as IndividualIDNumber

CustomerBillTo.PostalAddress.StateProvinceIDNumber as StateProvinceIDNumber

New IPA Changes:

Defined new variables in Start node - ADR_XML, CNPJ_TaxID, IE_TaxID, IM_TaxID

Added new JavaScript in AssignVars node and defined as:

if (IntegratingApplication = "" and Country = "BR")








<CountrySubDivisionCode listID="Country Sub-divisions">{BillToStateProvince}@NoNullTag@</CountrySubDivisionCode>+

<CountryCode listID="Countries">{BillToCountry}@NoNullTag@</CountryCode>+

<PostalCode listID="Postal/ZIP Codes">{BillToPostalCode}@NoNullTag@</PostalCode>;

IE_TaxID = LocalIDNumber;

IM_TaxID = StateProvinceIDNumber;

if(NationalIDNumber != ""){CNPJ_TaxID = NationalIDNumber;}

else{CNPJ_TaxID = IndividualIDNumber;}

Added new X-Paths in XML_APVENLOC and XML nodes:

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- CNPJ_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- IE_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- IM_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/Location/Address@Type="Discrete" -- ADR_XML

Integration Specific:These changes are related to integration

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "CustomerBillToService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncBillToPartyMaster_Out".
  3. Assign value "" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System Configurations.
  4. For a Vendor with Customer.PostalAddress.Country = "BR"
  5. Create, Update and Delete CustomerBillTo
  6. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncBillToPartyMaster_Out BOD.
  7. Verify the below X-Path values.

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_CNPJ" -- CNPJ_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IE" -- IE_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID@schemaAgencyName="BR_IM" -- IM_TaxID

BillToPartyMaster/Location/Address@Type="Discrete" -- ADR_XML


Implement batch BOD for Contract BOD

Implement batch BOD for FSM_ION_SyncContract_Out BOD. Limit each BOD file to contain 1000 lines.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • Contract BusinessClass
  • PfiConfigurationProperty.xml
  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction BusinessClass
  • FSM_ION_SyncContract_Outbound.lpd

New Required Setup: Added new System Configuration Parameter "ContractProcessMethod". Set the value to "B" for batch process.

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New Changes:

LPL Changes:

  • Added new variable "ContractLineCount"
  • Added new localfield "LocalContractLineCount"
  • Added code "LocalContractLineCount = instance count of ContractLine set"

IPA Changes:

  • Added new variables in start node: "CurrentLineCount,LastBatchTriggered,BatchID,BatchSize,BatchSequence,BatchContractLines,FinalXML,LineCounter".
  • Added new System Configuration Parameter "ContractProcessMethod" and assigned to variable "ProcessMethod".
  • Added new branch condition "Branch7460". if ProcessMethod = B , flow will go to "LMTxnContractLine" else it will go to default process.
  • Added new nodes: LMTxnContractLine, Assign5960,Assign3650,Assign9870,IONOutbox5400,Assign1760,LastBatchContract,Assign6420,IONOutbox7800,XML3500,BatchContractHeader.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable "ContractService" service for FSM_ION_SyncContract_Out.
  3. Set parameter "ContractProcessMethod" = "B" in System Configuration.
  4. Create a contract with 1000 or more lines and release the record. Activate the contract or close the contract.
  5. BOD will trigger and workunit will be triggered. For every 1000 lines XML is generated.
  6. Check the IONOutbox.


SyncInvoice BOD Enhancement for Mexican Invoice Cancellation

SyncInvoice BOD enhacement for Mexican Invoice Cancellation.

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

New Required Setup: No

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow below changes done:

  • Start node : Added BLInvReasonCode variable.
  • In BLinvoice and BLInvoice transaction node added ReasonCode field.
  • Assign4940 and Assign8960: Mapped BLInvReasonCode to BillingInvoice.ReasonCode.
  • In Assign4010/Assign260:Modified javascript for PROPERTIES_XML

For Country Mexico BillingInvoice CreditMemo scenario added lcl.SubInvoiceType property and mapped BLInvReasonCode.

Integration Specific: Yes

These changes are related to Integration , Mexico Country - Credit Memo scenario.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes. As well BillingInvoiceService for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.

For ReceivableInvoiceService:

  1. Create BillingInvoice Release it. For CreditMemo.
  2. Execute InvoiceVerificationReport
  3. Execute InvoiceAndRegisterPrint
  4. Execute SubSystemUpdate
  5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (ReceivableInvoiceService).

For BillingInvoiceService:

  1. Enable Process Invoice BODs in BillingCompany.
  2. Create BillingInvoice and Release it.
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Out BOD (BillingInvoiceService).

Verify below x-path for Sync Invoice Outbound bod for the country Mexico:

InvoiceHeader/UserArea @name="lcl.SubInvoiceType" --> Mapped to BillingInvoice.ReasonCode.


Mass BOD functionality- how to identify if BOD is from normal processing or from Mass BOD update, also looking for non-update functionality

Mass BOD functionality- how to identify if BOD is from normal processing or from Mass BOD update.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • GeneralLedgerJournalControl
  • ReceivableInvoice
  • PurchaseOrder

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable service Definition for below BOD's.
  2. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup , Enable the BODTRigger check box.
  3. Supplier invoice -- Enabled PayablesInvoiceService and attached the process :FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  4. Payable transaction - Enabled PayablesInvoicePaymentService and attached the process :FSM_ION_SyncPayableTransaction_Outbound.lpd
  5. Source system journal entry --Enabled GLJournalControlService and attached the process :FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry_Out.lpd
  6. Purchase order --Enabled PurchaseOrderService and attached the process :FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseOrder_Outbound.lpd and and Enabled ProcessPurchaseOrderService and attached the process :FSM_ION_ProcessPurchaseOrder_Outbound.lpd
  7. Invoice --Enabled ReceivableInvoiceService and attached the process :FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

Trigger MassBOD for respective BOD's. For MassBOD trigger, In work unit, Work Title appended as MassBOD:Date(ddmmyyyy) (for eg; MassBOD:16022021).


Add Reason code values to inbound XML FSM_ION_ProcessSupplierInvoice_Inbound

Added ReasonCode field in PayablesInvoice through Process Supplier Invoice Inbound for online scenario.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessSupplierInvoice_Inbound
  • Added new variable in Startnode node.
  • Added new variable in Assign7510 node.
  • Added new Field in "CreatePayablesInv" transaction node.

New Required Setup: No

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Process.SupplierInvoice_Inbound BOD.
  2. Set value ProcessSupplierInvoice_Batch to "online" in System Configuration.
  3. Send valid XML and record should create in PayablesInvoice with ReasonCode field.
  4. X-path - SupplierInvoice/SupplierInvoiceHeader/ReasonCode.
  5. Check record in PayablesInvoice with ReasonCode field.
  6. Workunit should create without any errors.