Purchasing CU76

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Do not Print Any Documents functionality on Receiving Delivery and Putaway

Receiving Delivery And Putaway is not updating anything when "Do Not Print Any Documents" option is selected.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Receiving Delivery And Putaway

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

When running ReceivingDeliveryAndPutaway with "Do Not Print Any Documents" option and PurchasingCompany's Package Tracking Level = "Enable MSCM/RAD Tracking":

  • It should update Fully Delivered flag in PO Receipt Line.
  • It should update Delivered Quantity in PO Line Source.
  • MSCM Arrival file should be created.


Widget: Un-released PurchaseOrder – Supply Chain Director Role

Widget: Un-released PurchaseOrder – Supply Chain Director Role.

"UnreleasedPurchaseOrdersHomePageWidgetList"list added for Mingle home page widget using new COLUMNAR feature, this is exposed as API call in ION API to retrieve data from Mingle Home Page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

1.Files Changed:

ui of PurchaseOrder.busclass




2.In ui of PurchaseOrder.busclass added a list "UnreleasedPurchaseOrdersHomePageWidgetList" and form "PurchaseOrderColumnarSearchForm"

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Navigate to Infor ION API -> CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management.

Go to" Landmark FSM Soap and Rest Services" and click on Documentation.

Search for PurchaseOrder.busclass and click on Documentation.

Click on "Get" list service and click on "TryitOut" then search for "UnreleasedPurchaseOrdersHomePageWidgetList" in the list then click on Execute.

purchasseorders with its respective PurchaseOrderDate and its count is displayed.


Need the ability to disable printing of Delivery and Putaway tickets from Purchase Order Receipt

When Purchasing Company uses MSCM Tracking and Print Delivery Tickets is disabled, update Delivered Quantities upon release of the Purchase Order Receipt.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purchase Order Receipt, Purchase Order Receipt Line

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

On a Purchasing Company that uses MSCM Tracking, disable delivery ticket printing. Then, release a Purchase Order Receipt for a Purchase Order that came from a Requisition.


Add Priority Field to Purchase Order Request list

The Allocation Priority was needed on some lists and forms.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purchase Order

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

The following lists and forms should now include Allocation Priority, with a label of "Priority":

Available Purchase Requests List

Advanced Selection form

Purchase Order Requests List

Purchase Order Requests search form
