Contract Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Enhance project ledger relations and views to contract management system

Added the ability to link a project contract to a Contract Management Vendor Contract or Vendor. Current functionality allows you to link a posting project to a Contract Management Vendor Contract or Vendor. This enhancement will simplify the association if the Contract Management Vendor Contract applies to all posting projects under a project contract.

Program/business class/process affected:

This enhancement includes updating the project contract vendor contracts list and the Vendor Contract lists for the Project Manager and Project Accountant roles.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Create Vendor Contract relations using the Vendor Contract tab on the Project Contract. You can create a vendor relationship for the project contract or for any of the posting projects under the project contract.


Project Invoicing and Revenue and Contract Management systems


Add a Search called out action to the Items for Forecasting list

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Item Forecasting in Contract Management

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the Contract Manager's home page, select Analyze Contract Information > Perform Contract Forecasting.
  2. Verify that the resulting list contains a Search option on the menu bar.


Add Vendor to Contract search

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Managing Contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select Manage Contracts.
  2. From the Contracts tab, click the Search filter, and search by Vendor.
  3. Click the Search List, and search by Vendor.

Expected results: In both cases, the list of contracts should narrow to only those for the entered Vendor.


Add preferred contract to Contract Interface and Interface Template

Add preferred contract to Contract Interface and Interface Template

Program/business class/process affected:

  • GPO Contract processing

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select GPO Contract Templates.
  2. Create a new template and select the Preferred Contract field.
  3. Navigate to Create New GPO Contracts and find a Contract that qualifies for creation.
  4. Run the Create New Interface Contract action, and specify the template you just created in the Use Template field.
  5. Open the resulting Contract Interface in the Interface Contracts with No Contracts tab.
  6. Expected results: The Preferred Contract field is selected on the main tab.

  1. Run the Create Contract from Interface Records action.
  2. Open the resulting Contract.
  3. Expected results: The Preferred Contract field is selected in the Purchase Type tab. All lines have the Preferred Line field selected.


Cannot clear the Use Contract UOM box on contracts

Allow Special Items from Contracts to default to POs and Reqs without converting UOM.

Require Special Item UOM to match entered UOM if UOMs Must Match for Specials is used.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • PO and Req defaulting of special items from contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Note: Use Contract UOM field label has changed to Use Contract UOM for Itemmast.
  1. Create a Contract with a mixt of nonstock and special Contract lines. The nonstock items should have multiple buy UOMs.
  2. Select the Use Contract UOM for Itemmast field.
  3. Select the UOMs Must Match for Specials field.
  4. Attempt to clear the Use Contract UOM for Itemmast field.

Expected result: You should be allowed to:

  • Reselect the Use Contract UOM for Itemmast field.
  • Select the UOMs Must Match for Itemmast field.
  1. Create a PO for the itemmast item and specify a different UOM than on the Contract.
  2. Create a PO for the special item and specify a different UOM than on the Contract.

    Expected results: In both cases, you should get the message that Unit Cost must be entered (because cost defaulting did not find a contract line based on the UOM having to match), or the cost may default from somewhere else (no Contract number will be entered).

  3. Clear both UOMs Must Match fields (leave the Use Contract UOM field selected).
  4. Create a PO for the itemmast item and specify a different valid buy UOM than on the Contract.
  5. Create a PO for the special item and specify a different UOM than on the Contract.

    Verify that for the itemmast item, the Contract UOM is used and the quantity is converted on the PO. For the special item, the specified UOM stays on the PO line, but the full cost on the Contract line will default.

  6. Clear all of the fields.
  7. Create a PO for the itemmast item and specify a different valid buy UOM than on the Contract.
  8. Create a PO for the special item and specify a different UOM than on the Contract.

    Expected results: For the itemmast item, the PO UOM will remain, and the cost is converted from the Contract Line. For the special item, the different UOM will remain and the cost from the Contract will default.

    NOTE: We recommend that Contracts containing special items have the UOMs Must Match for Specials field selected.


Determine cost savings based on previous cost on contract line and line member

Determine cost savings based on previous cost on contract line and line member. This action reports on cost savings for contracts where cost has changed and purchase quantities exist.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Reporting on contract cost savings.

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create several contracts with a few lines.
  2. Manufacturer with distributor- contain members that are a mix of pricing groups and non pricing groups.
  3. Non manufacturer.
  4. Release and activate.
  5. Create Purchase orders against the contract lines (including the distributor contract) and release them.
  6. Update base cost for the lines on the non manufacturer contract.

    Verify that tthe old cost is displayed on a previous cost field on the line form

  7. Update override net cost on the line members on the manufacturer contract

    Verify that the old cost is displayed on a previous cost field on the line member form.

  8. Run the Compare Contract Cost action, and select the Compare Previous Cost option.
  9. In the Alert Links tab, there is a link for Cost Savings.
  10. View the Cost Savings list.

    Verify that there is a list item for every contract line where cost changed, and a purchase quantity. The Total Savings column is negative if the cost increased, and positive if it decreased.

  11. For Manufacturer Contracts, the Quantity Ordered should be a combination of the quantity ordered on the manufacturer contract and the associated distributor contract.

Additional test:

  1. When running the Compare Contract Costs action, change the date range.

    Expected results: The quantity ordered is only for the date range.

Note: For Contracts where cost was changed prior to this enhancement run, set Previous Cost in Contract Utilities prior to running the Cost Compare action.


Distributor Vendor Item Not being Created on New Defined Item - Manufacturer Vendor Item was Created

Allow various processes to update Contract lines which are item type special have manufacturer information the same as newly added items.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Item and Contract management.

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an interface contract with lines for special items that contain manufacturer code and number.
  2. Create a manufacturer contract from the interface contract.
  3. Create a distributor contract from the manufacturer contract.
  4. Release and activate the contracts.
  5. Navigate to the interface contract.
  6. Enter the new item on the appropriate line, specify an update function of Change and save the record.Add a new item with the same manufacturer information as one of the special item contract lines.

    Expected result: The item type on the line changes to itemmast.

  7. Run the Process Contract Line Updates action for the Interface Contract.

    Expected result: The item on both the associated manufacturer and distributor contract will change to itemmast type. The Vendor item on both the associated manufacturer and distributor contract will create Vendor items that can be viewed in Manage Vendor Items.

  8. Add another new item with the same manufacturer information as one of the special item contract lines.
  9. View the navigation for the item called Contract Lines With Matching Manufacturer Information and the menu item of Manage Items > Manufacturer Alerts tab > Special Contract Lines With Matching Manufacturer Information.

    Expected results: The two Contract lines should display.

  10. For each of the Contract lines, take the action Update Contract Line With Item.

    Expected result: The item on both the associated manufacturer and distributor contract will change to itemmast type. The Vendor item on both the associated manufacturer and distributor contract will create Vendor items that can be viewed in Manage Vendor Items.


Service Messaging Contract Line Text Regarding Lifetime Maximum Could Use Formatting And Color

Clean up display of Contract Line text regarding Lifetime Maximum

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Viewing Contracts

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create, release, and activate a Service Contract with a quantity service
  2. View the form for the quantity service line.

    Add a new item with the same manufacturer information as one of the special itemExpected result: A text statement of Lifetime Maximum Amount Is Equal To Base Cost Times Maximum Quantity For Quantity Type Service should display.

  3. Create and release a Payables Invoice against the service contract.
  4. View the form for the service contract line.

    Expected result: A text statement of Lifetime Maximum Amount Is Equal To Base Cost Times Maximum Quantity For Quantity Type Service; Amount May Reflect Old BaseCost For Quantity Ordered should display, and be highlighted in bold.


ServiceMessaging_Manage Contracts_Contract Card View_Lines Section and Lines Tab_Last Match Cost Would Be Helpful

Add an alert for Last Match Cost for contract lines when an invoice cost message has been used to adjust costs

Add a screen on the Contract home to show Invoice Cost differences for both service and non service Contracts

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Viewing contract lines
  • Viewing Contract Home

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create, release, and activate a service contract with quantity lines.
  2. Create an invoice against the service contract that creates a PO cost message, where the invoice quantity is less than the max quantity on the contract.
  3. Accept the invoice Cost and release the cost message.
  4. Release the invoice.
  5. On the contract:
    1. View the line with the different invoice cost on the contract.
    2. View the lines tab on single Contract Dashboard.
    3. View the lines card in Manage Contracts > Contracts.

    Expected results- there should be an alert on the Unit Cost field indicating there is a Last Match Cost and what the cost is.

  6. Navigate to Contract Home > Invoice Cost Differences.

    Expected Results: There should be a widget for Invoice Cost Differences that contains the line that was just invoiced.

Additional test: Perform the same steps for a non Service Contract, default the cost on a PO, receive the PO, and create an invoice that creates a cost message.

NOTE: Contract lines that qualify for Invoice Cost Differences must not be closed, must either have no max quantity or have a max quantity that is greater than quantity invoiced, not use Price Breaks, and have a Last Match Cost that is not equal to Base Cost.


Split out contract interface errors for closed contract lines

Split out contract interface errors for closed contract lines.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Contract interface processing

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Contract interface record and lines.
  2. Create a Contract from the interface record. Close one of the lines on this contract.
  3. Add a new line on the interface Contract for an item master item where the UOM is not valid for the item.
  4. Change the cost on the interface contract line that is closed and set the update function to Update.

Expected results:

  • The interface line that has a closed line will clear the update function.
  • On the main list of lines there will be an alert indicating that it is closed.
  • The button on the header of the interface contract is now called Updateable Line Errors rather than Line Errors. When you click the button, it should only contain the error for the UOM.
  • The alert on lines that says "errors exist" will not refer to the line closed error.


Ability to upload more than one redline document

Users are requesting the ability to upload the updated version of the contract redline document from FSM to IDM. This would make the process easier for them, rather than opening the document record in IDM then reuploading there.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • IDM
  • Contract Management
  • Contract Redline

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Update Redline Document action should be available for Contract Redlining using IDM if the contract status is Draft, Negotiation, Addendum or Amendment.
  2. Using the Redline Document action should update the current IDM Contract Redline Document attachment and version.


Contract-IDM - changes for contract document types

Users wants an easier way to view all documents of a Contract record. This is due to the difficulty of browsing each document in IDM since we have 3 document types for Contract.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • IDM
  • Contract Management

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an IDM Contract record.
  2. Manually attach a Contract record through the Related Information Window.
  3. Generate a Contract Document.
  4. Run Create Redline Document Action.
  5. All three Documents should show in the Related Information Window.
  6. Clicking on the Related Documents button in the Related Information Window should show the contract documents except for the previewed one.
  7. Clicking on Show in IDM should open the document in the IDM Client.
  8. When viewing a Contract Document in IDM, the other Contract Documents should still be available in Related Documents in the Related Information Window.


Add an option to update contract line rather than error when a new Item master item has the same number as a special contract line

Add an option to update contract line rather than error when a new Item master item has the same number as a special contract line

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Item maintenance when Contract Management exists

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that Item Group is set to auto assign item numbers. Note the last Item number used.
  2. On Contract Group, toggle on by setting the flag If Auto Assigned Item Is Duplicate Of Contract Line Special ; Add Manufacturer Code To Item Number to true.
  3. Add a special Contract Line with the same item number as the next item number to be used by the item group.
  4. Add a new Item in the item master.

    Expected results: The item will be added with no errors. The Item Number on the Contract line will be updated to "<manufacturer code>-<Vendor Item>".

Additional Tests:

  • Uncheck the flag in Contract Group, add another contract line that will duplicate, and add a new item. You should get an error message.
  • Test the processes using Item copy and Item Information Worksheet.
  • Test the processes when the Item is not auto assigning.
  • Run a test where the item is not auto assigning and the combination of manufacturer and - and vendor item is actually a valid item master item. In that case, the item number field on contract line should be changed to blank, a contract line error record should be created, and an email should be sent to the contract owner.
