Intercompany Billing CU76

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Adding multiple expense/revenue distribution lines

Multiple revenue and expense distribution lines can be added for a recharge item. New business classes,IntercompanyBillingDistributionCode and IntercompanyBillingDistributionCodeDetail, were added toIEFINCommonViewInformation_ST and IntercompanyBillingBasicProcessing_ST security classes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • New business classes IntercompanyBillingDistributionCode and IntercompanyBillingDistributionCodeDetail were added in order to use distribution codes to define multiple distributions for both the revenue and expense side.
  • IntercompanyBillingRechargeItem and IntercompanyBillingDocumentLine have added a distribution code field for receivable revenue and a distribution code field for payables expense.
  • The existing IntercompanyBillingDocumentDistribution business class is enhanced to store the revenue and expense distributions.
  • The IntercompanyBillingDocumentLine creation of the receivable and payables distributions to their respective invoices was changed to be able to process multiple distributions.

Security changes:

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the FSM Security Delta document for this update.

  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST
  • IntercompanyBillingBasicProcessing_ST

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Set up distribution codes

  1. Both the Recharge Item and Billing Document Line have two sets of distribution codes for entry: one for a Receivables code and one for a Payables code. Neither code is required and either both codes can be entered or just one of the codes can be entered.
  2. To assign a code for use on a Recharge Item or a Billing Document Line, it must be active and have at least one detail account. The total percent for the code does not have to be 100% for it to be used.
  3. On the Recharge Item, the single Receivable revenue and Payables expense account will continue to be used with current functionality. If a distribution code is entered, the single revenue and expense account must still be entered.
  4. When adding a Billing Document Line and the Recharge Item has a distribution code, that code will default onto the line if one has not been entered on the line. Otherwise, the single account will be used – these single Receivables revenue and Payables expense accounts will no longer display on the line.

Processing of the distributions

  1. The creation of a Billing Document Line will create the Billing Document Distribution records based on either the distribution code or the single account. There will be two sets of distributions, one for the Receivables revenue accounts and one for the Payables expense accounts. Each set of distributions will have their own list off of the line for ease of use and validation.
  2. When creating multiple distributions from a distribution code, the amount for each will be calculated based on the percent defined for the detail account multiplied by the line’s extended amount – tax and withholding amounts are not included in the calculation.
  3. The revenue and expense distributions are fully maintainable with add, change, and delete options available. The individual distribution amounts can be a mix of positive, negative, and zero amounts – the total amount for each set just has to balance to the line’s extended amount.
  4. With the ability to have mixed signs on the distributions, the use of Projects with mixed sign amounts is now available and will create a receivables invoice as a mixed sign type.
  5. The distribution codes on the Billing Document Line are also maintainable. If a code is added or removed, the existing distributions for the code type will be deleted and replaced either with the new code’s detail accounts or the single account if a code is no longer present.
  6. In order for a Billing Document Header to be released or submitted for approval, both the Receivables revenue distributions total amount and the Payables expense distributions total amount must balance with the Billing Document Line’s extended amount. If either set is out of balance, an error message will be displayed. Alerts on the Billing Document Line will also display to indicate the out of balance condition.
  7. When the Billing Document Header is released, the Billing Document Distributions will be used to create distributions on their respective invoices.

Additional items

  1. The IntercompanyBillingDocumentDistribution business class now has unrestricted Create, Update, and Delete actions available for maintaining the Receivables revenue and the Payables expense distributions. These unrestricted actions will allow for maintenance using ISD. If Billing Document Distributions are going to be created directly for a Billing Document Line through the use of ISD, a persisted field called InterfaceRevenueExpenseDistributions has been added to the line so it can be set to bypass the default creation of the distributions from either code or single account.
  2. A Post Upgrade Action has been added to create IntercompanyBillingDocumentDistributions from the existing single Receivable revenue and Payables expense accounts for all existing Billing Document Lines, regardless of status. This allows for a single source for the revenue and expense distributions if needed for any reporting.
