Cash Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Allow duplicate check number for the same cash code and bank transaction code

Allow duplicate check number for the same cash code and bank transaction code.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerBankUpdate
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Process an AP or CB payment using a summarized defined BankTransactionCode and a BankIssuedPaymentNumber defined CashPaymentFormat.
  2. Run the CashLedgerBankUpdate or the CashLedgerPayablesPayment UpdateBankIssuedPaymentRecord action to assign a checkNumber.
  3. On the parameter form do not check the Ignore Duplicate Check Numbers field and enter an existing check number. Confirm you get a duplicate error.
  4. On the parameter form check the Ignore Duplicate Check Numbers field and enter an existing check number. Confirm this is allowed and records are updated with the check number.


Cash Ledger Payment and Cash Ledger Payment Import screens - International Bank Account Number field not available

Cash Ledger Payment and Cash Ledger Payment Import screens - International Bank Account Number field not available.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • BankAccountType.field
  • CashLedgerPayment
  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PayablesInvoiceError
  • PaymentOutputFileDetail
  • SupplierVendorMismatchDetail
  • CustomerDraftBank

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Cash Ledger Payment and Cash Ledger Payment Import record.
  2. Confirm you can apply a Bank Account Type of IBAN.
  3. Process the payment through the payment cycle.
  4. View the PaymentOutputFileDetail and confirm the Bank Account Type is IBAN.


Fund Accounting_Move Cash between dimensions and impact Cash Fund Balances

For Fund Accounting, added the ability to transfer cash between funds within the same cash code.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerFundTransferDetail
  • CashLedgerFundTransferHeader
  • CashLedgerTransaction

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Fund Accounting must be turned on for Finance Enterprise Group.

  1. Go to Bank Fund Transfer.
  2. There is a new "Create Cash Code Fund Transfer" action.
  3. Create detail records for what funds you want to move amounts to or from.
  4. Detail lines must net to zero.
  5. When released you will get a zero dollar cash ledger transaction with cash distributions for the correct Fund and amount.


Need the ability to delete partially imported records

Need the ability to delete partially imported records from the interface maintenance screen for cash ledger transactions, payments and return payments.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerTransactionImport
  • CashLedgerPaymentImport
  • CashLedgerReturnedPaymentImport

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a import records cash ledger transactions, payments and return payments so that the header records are created error free but the detail/distributions are not due to some type of error. For example: Create a sequence 1 record in which all the header type data is valid.
  2. Then on the distribution tab enter valid amount and account information.
  3. Enter a taxable amount without entering a tax code. Interface the records.
  4. Confirm the headers are created.
  5. On each of the Interface lists, select the import record that has the error.
  6. Confirm the "Delete Partially Imported Record" action appears.
  7. Run the action and confirm the imported records and their respective headers are deleted.


Approval Role - CashLedgerBatchApproval [Mobile]

[Mobile] Approval Role - CashLedgerBatchApproval

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerBatchApproval.busclass
  • CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader.busclass
  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Cash Accountant
  2. Select ProcessCashLedger > BatchApproval.
  3. Create BatchApproval, select the BatchApprovalType, and complete the form.
  4. Assign ApprovalCode, then submit it for Approval.
  5. Log in to InforGo App.
  6. Navigate to In-basket.
  7. Open the task named CashLedgerBatchApproval.
  8. Open any pending work Unit.
  9. Verify the Layout Changes.


Approval Role - CashLedgerPaymentApproval [Mobile]

[Mobile] Approval Role - CashLedgerPaymentApproval

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerPayment.busclass
  • CashLedgerGLDistribution.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Cash Administrator > CashManagementGroup >Enable CashLedgerPayments.
  2. Sign in as Cash Accountant.
  3. Select CashLedgerSearch > CashLedgerPayments.
  4. Create new record and submit it for Approval.
  5. Log in to InforGo App.
  6. Navigate to In-basket.
  7. Open the task named CashLedgerBatchApproval.
  8. Open any pending work Unit.
  9. Verify the Layout Changes.


Approval Role - WireTransferApproval New Form Changes [Mobile]

[Mobile] Approval Role - WireTransferApproval

Program/business class/process affected:

  • WireTransferBatchDetail.busclass
  • WireTransferBatch.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

As part of this Ticket, the Form layout has been Changed to enhance the Mobile User Experience.

  1. Go to Cash Administrator and then go to CashManagementGroup.
  2. Open record and check Wire Transfers.
  3. Go to CashAccountant and then click Process Cash Ledger. Then, click Wire Transfers.
  4. Create one record with required details and click Save.
  5. Create detail record with required details and save.
  6. Go to Actions, then click Submit for Approval.
  7. Go to Inbasket and open the generated workunit record.
  8. Click Approve then record will be approved.


Approval Role -CashLedgerEFTExtractApproval [Mobile]

[Mobile] Approval Role -CashLedgerEFTExtractApproval

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction.busclass
  • CashLedgerGLDistribution.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

As part of the redesign of Approval, added a new form for Mobile View. Layout changes have been made as per Mobile View.

  1. Sign in as Cash Accountant.
  2. Select Administrator>Financials > CashManagement > General Setup > CashManagement Group.
  3. Open the Account and Enable Cash Receipt.
  4. Select Cash Management > Cash Setup > Approval Codes. Select Single Approver and add assign role.
  5. Navigate to Electronic Fund Transfer Panel.
  6. Complete the new record and Submit for Approval.
  7. Log in to InforGo App.
  8. Navigate to In-basket.
  9. Open the task Named CashLedgerEFTApproval.
  10. Open any pending work unit. Verify the Layout Changes.
  11. Check the inbox for the same.


Require separate fields for Payee First Name and Payee Last Name on Cash Ledger Payment, Cash Ledger Payment Import, Cash Ledger Transaction and Cash Ledger Transaction Import business classes

Require separate fields for Payee First Name and Payee Last Name on Cash Ledger Payment, Cash Ledger Payment Import, Cash Ledger Transaction and Cash Ledger Transaction Import business classes.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerPayment
  • CashLedgerPaymentImport
  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • CashLedgerTransactionImport
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • StaleDateOutputFileDetail
  • EscheatmentOutputFileDetail
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a CashLedgerPayment for an individual using a non-summarized BankTransactionCode and use a CSV payment format. On the payee information tab enter a person's last name, first name and middle name in the new fields provided.
  2. Release the payment and process it through the payment cycle.
  3. Confirm the payees' name is on the CashLedgerTransaction, CashLedgerPayablesPayment, PaymentOutputFileDetail and CSV files.

    Note: The check related records will concatenate the three name fields. Confirm these records display the name in the format of First name Middle name Last name.

  4. Stale date and Escheat the payment. Confirm the detail output files and their related CSV records show the new field names. For the CSV file the PayeeFirstName and PayeeMiddleName will appear at the end of the record.
  5. Run the Positive Pay Creation. Confirm the detail output file and CSV file shows the concatenated payee name.
  6. Create CashLedgerTransactionImport and CashLedgerPaymentImport records and enter a person's last name, first name and middle name in the new fields provided.
  7. Import the records and confirm the payee name fields are correct on the CashLedgerTransaction and CashLedgerPayment records.
  8. Repeat all the previous steps for a Company payee rather than an individual person. In this scenario, only enter the company name for the PayeeName/Last and no first or middle name.
  9. Confirm all records only show the company name as the payee.

    Note: For AP invoices, the process will work the same as before, with the payee name being the vendor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The CSV files created by the Stale date and Escheat processes now contain the new fields PayeeFirstName and PayeeMiddleName. These have been added to the end of the record.


Cash Allocation Code added to Cash Receipt Detail

This enhancement adds a function to dynamically create receipt detail records by applying a cash allocation code on the cash receipt header. This functionality is toggled on by checking the Apply Cash Allocation Code field and then entering an allocation code and amount. Once record is created, you can create more details by applying additional cash allocation codes using the Apply Cash Allocation Code action. You can also use the Cash Allocation Code Detail Delete action to delete receipt details with a specific code and all details with a code.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader
  • CashLedgerCashReceiptDetail
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Setup cash allocation codes by account, amount and percent types.
  2. Create a receipt and check the Apply Cash Allocation Code field. When this box is check you will be prompted to enter a cash allocation code and amount (the amount is required for account and percent types). Click save and confirm cash receipt detail records have been dynamically created based on the cash allocation code setup.
  3. Once the receipt record is created, you can create more details by applying additional cash allocation codes using the Apply Cash Allocation Code action.
  4. Once details records are created for a cash allocation code, a Cash Allocation Code Detail Delete action will become available. Use this to delete details for a specific code or to delete all details with a code.
  5. The Cash Allocation Code has been added to the CashLedgerCashReceiptDetail record. This will now appear on the list as well as the form.


Fund Accounting - Payables Offsets to intercept payments for debts owed

Implement payables offsets.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • CashRequirementsResult
  • ElectronicPaymentCreation
  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • PaymentClearingFileCreation
  • Vendor
  • VendorDebt
  • VendorGroup
  • VendorOffsetDefault
  • PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate_PaymentVoidStopPayUpdate
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Security Changes

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

  • APProcessVendorOffsets_ST
  • APSetupAdmin_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

New functionality has been added to allow portions (or all) of a vendor payment to be intercepted and redistributed to one or more accounting entities where debt is owed. This is toggled by a new flag of ‘Vendor Offsets’ in Vendor Group. When Vendor Offsets is flagged, two new panels of Vendor Offset Defaults and Vendor Debt will appear. Vendor Offset Defaults tab is where the default setup records will be created. Accounting Entity, Priority, Sequence, Percent Allowed and Intercept Account are all required fields. Vendor Debt tab is where specific accounting entity vendor debt records will be created. Accounting Entity, Priority, Sequence, Percent Allowed, Intercept Account and Amount Owed are required and will default from the offset default record if not populated. Max Amount Allowed and Remittance Advice will default from the offset default record. The Last Updated field will populate when the record is created. Balance Due is a calculation of Amount Owed – Amount Paid and will be updated along with Amount Paid during the payment process. The Vendor Debt form also had a Tax ID field which can be used to create a Vendor Debt record if the vendor number is unknown and the Tax ID is known. The Tax ID field is not stored and only used to lookup the vendor before it disappears.

Once the setup is complete funds will be intercepted during cash requirements. After selecting payments, but before scheduling payments the system will automatically create a debtor credit memo for pay vendors with a balance due in the Vendor Debt table. The credit memo Invoice Source will be Debtor Credit Memo, will not be subject to 1099 reporting, will have remittance advice comments created from the remittance advice populated on the Vendor Debt record and an invoice comment of the related invoices that were intercepted. The distributions created will use the intercept account for the finance structure and an amount based on the offset calculation described below.

The system will take the total payment (credit) amount, look at the first priority and calculate the percentage to intercept. Then it will adjust the amount to intercept if needed by comparing it to the max amount allowed to intercept, the amount left owed on the debt (this comes into play if there are multiple payment runs on the same day) and the total credit amount left. Then the system will then move to the next priority and do the same process as above for the remaining credit amount. If there are duplicate priorities the system will look at the vendor debt record with the lowest balance due first. If the percent allowed is 100% for the duplicate priorities, then it will take (100% / by the number of records at that same priority) to get a new percent allowed. If the percent allowed is less than 100% then the system will use the defined percent allowed. If there are duplicate priorities and the balance due is the same, then the system will look at the records by sequence and do the same calculation described above. The Vendor Debt record will also be updated by increasing the amount paid by the intercept amount and decreasing the balance due.

After all debtor credit memos have been created, the system will schedule all payments. If the Reset Parameters action is now selected the debtor credit memos will be canceled and the paid amount and balance due updated on the Vendor Debt records. If the Complete Payment Cycle action is selected the payment cycle will finish and the ‘Include Invoice Comments’ will be forced to Yes. If one of these offset payments subsequently becomes void the debtor credit memo will be canceled and the Vendor Debt record amounts will not be updated.

Vendor Changes: A new field of Case Number has been added to Vendor as another identifying field. This was added on the Options tab and under Miscellaneous. It was also added to the mobile form in the same spot. In the Options tab the Returns, Miscellaneous and Global sections have been rearranged. In the Main tab the Tax Information and GIIN/FATCA Information sections have been rearranged and a new section of Withholding Information was created.

Security: The Vendor Offset Default business class will follow the same security setup as Vendor Group. The new Vendor Debt business class will have its own new security class of APProcessVendorOffsets that will have update and maintenance access. This will not be automatically assigned to any roles and will need to be assigned to roles as needed. To secure user from seeing all accounting entity records and to only view the records for certain accounting entities, Accounting Entity Security Groups must be setup. Once Accounting Entity Security Groups are setup and actors assigned to that security, that actor will only be able to see records for the defined accounting entities across all modules.

To test, setup vendor offsets and verify the payment process completes successfully as described above. UI Form Changes:

  • Vendor – Main
  • Vendor – Options
  • Vendor – MobileOptions
  • VendorGroup – VendorMainForm
  • VendorGroup – VendorGroupForm


Paya Payment Connector / Integration to FSM Receivables for Credit Card and ACH payment processing

From the Billing Receivable Payment Portal, enable payment of Receivable Invoices via Credit Card and ACH with an integrated third party payment provider (Paya).

Program/business class/process affected:

  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf
  • CashManagementAccount.busclass
  • CashManagementGroup.busclass
  • CompanyCustomer.busclass
  • CustomerGroup.busclass
  • CustomerRepresentative.busclass
  • CustomerRepresentativeContact.busclass
  • PayaConnect.wsi
  • ReceivableInvoice.busclass
  • ReceivableInvoiceDetail.busclass
  • ReceivablePayment.busclass
  • ReceivablePaymentHeader.busclass
  • ReceivablePaymentRemittance.busclass
  • ReceivablePortalPaymentDetail.busclass
  • ReceivablePortalPaymentHeader.busclass
  • ReceivableProcessLevel.busclass

Security Changes

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.



Enhance Recon match rules to provide separate line match fields

Enhanced the Bank Reconciliation Match Rules to have a separate 'Line Match Field' for Statement and System transactions. This will allow the user to use different values when matching Statement and System transactions. For example, Statement Line Match Field could be defined as {TransactionNumber} and System Line Match Field could be defined as {TransactionDataOne}.

Also, created RemoveLeadingZeros and RemoveAlphaCharacters fields for the System rules so they can be separately defined for Statement versus System.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • BankReconciliationMatchRule (bl/ui)
  • BankReconciliationMatchRuleGroupDetail (bl/ui)
  • BankStatementReconciliation (bl/ui)
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the match criteria is being determined appropriately based on the Bank Reconciliation Match Rule defined.
  2. Verify that the Statement LineMatchField value and the System LineMatchField value are derived from there respective definitions.
  3. Verify that the RemoveLeadingZeros and RemoveAlphaCharacters fields work appropriately with the related Statement and System rule definitions.

Existing Bank Reconciliation Match Rules will continue to work, as the value from the LineMatchField was copied to the new System LineMatchField upon upgrade.


Treasury security change

These are security class changes:

1) Treasury related business classes in security classes that start with 'CTM' as part of the name

CTMAccountMaintenance_ST.secclass, CTMCreateCashForecast_ST.secclass, CTMCreateDebtInstrument_ST.secclass, CTMCreateDirectForecast_ST.secclass,

CTMDistributionMaintenance_ST.secclass, CTMJournalizeDistributions_ST.secclass, CTMManualApproval_ST.secclass, CTMReconcileCashStatement_ST.secclass,

CTMSetupAdmin_ST.secclass, CTMUpdateForecast_ST.secclass

2) We also changed rules for Treasury related business classes in security classes that did not start with 'CTM' as part of the name

APPaymentProcessing_ST.secclass, IEFINSharedInbasketApproval_ST.secclass, ReconciliationAuditInquiry_ST.secclass,

ReconciliationProcessing_ST.secclass, ReconciliationReconcileCashStatement_ST.secclass, ReconciliationReconcileGL_ST.secclass

3) We made changes on IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST, this will make all users get this security access. Changes made for all related business classes.

4) Replaced unconditional to new condition as below inside the security classes (CashCode)CashManagementAccount.SecurityGroupAllowsAccess

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Restrict the users to view or access the data for a set of CashCodes for the assigned roles, need to enable CashCode Security Setup.

Attached a sample detailed test document for one scenario.
