Global Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Add CustodialAccountProcessor webapp

Webapps needed to be added to the new Custodial Account Management feature.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

The following files have been added:

  • modules/cam/ui/
  • modules/cam/ui/
  • modules/cam/webapps/CustodialAccountManager/CustodialAccountManager.webapp
  • modules/cam/webapps/CustodialAccountProcessor/CustodialAccountProcessor.webapp

The following file has been modified:



For details on exactly what was changed in these files, see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

The following security classes have been added:

  • security/src/CustodialAccountManagerMenu_ST.secclass
  • security/src/CustodialAccountProcessorMenu_ST.secclass

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Create a user with the following roles and verify that the Custodial Account Management classes are available as appropriate:

  1. CustodialAccountManager
  2. CustodialAccountProcessor


Custodial Account Management related setup.


Add ReceiveInterest to FinanceDimension10Upload

ReceiveInterest was needed in FinanceDimension10Upload.

InterestBearing was needed to be displayed on the UI if RecordType was Summary.

ReceiveInterest was needed to be displayed on the UI if RecordType was Posting.

Program/Business class/Process affected:
  • GeneralLedger\bl\FinanceDimension10Upload.busclass
  • GeneralLedger\ui\FinanceDimension10Upload.busclass

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. InterestBearing is visible on the FinanceDimension10Upload form when RecordType is Summary.
  2. ReceiveInterest is visible on the FinanceDimension10Upload form when RecordType is Posting.
  3. Upload and verify the custodial attributes have been imported correctly.


Change GlTransactionInterface Labor Distribution constraint to allow processed when project dimension is blank

Currently, you cannot create a GLTransactionInterface record with the LaborDistribution flag set to Processed unless a Project was entered.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

GLTransactionInterface and GLTransactionDetail. Constraint was changed. Constraint only occurs if set to Distributed without entering a project.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Create GLTransactionInteface record with blank project in the FinanceCodeBlock.
  2. Set the labor distribution status to Processed.
  3. Save.


Global Ledger Totals list cleanup

Updated the Global Ledger Total and Transactions list to include initially display search on the lists, hide invalid call-out actions, and switch "General Ledger" to "GLobal Ledger."

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GeneralLedgerTotal
  • GeneralLedgerTransaction

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the Total and Transaction lists have initially display search and the delete action for the Transaction list is not visible.
  2. Verify that the new title displays as "Global Ledger Totals with Transactions."


Purge transaction history from Global Ledger

In FSM, there was no way to purge GL (non sub-system) Data from GLTransactionDetail, GeneralLedgerTransaction, GeneralLedgerJournalControl, and GeneralLedgerTotal.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

The following business classes have been added:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/PurgeGLRecords.bustask
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/PurgeGLRecordsResult.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/PurgeGLRecords.bustask
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/PurgeGLRecordsResult.busclass

The following business classes have been modified:

  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntity.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/AccountingEntityGroupMember.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/GLTransactionDetail.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerCloseYear.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerJournalControl.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/bl/GeneralLedgerTransaction.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/GeneralLedgerSystemCode.busclass
  • modules/GeneralLedger/ui/
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf


For details on exactly what was changed in these files, see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

The following security classes have been modified:

  • security/src/IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST.secclass
  • security/src/GLProcessingReportAccess_ST.secclass

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Run the purge process and verify that the relevant records have been deleted by the purge process.


Trial Balance in FSM

An embedded Trial Balance Report is needed in FSM.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GeneralLedgerChartAccount
  • AccountAnalysisSettings

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Go to My Reports > Account Analysis. In your Account Analysis Settings, there should now be a column labeled Trial Balance and a link to drill to the Trial Balance. Click on Trial Balance in one of the Account Analysis Settings (you may have to create one). Verify the following:

  1. That the information for the Account Analysis Setting appears in the context form at the top of the page. Verify the values can be changed and saved from the Trial Balance report.
  2. Click the Show Dimensions Filters and confirm the additional dimensions display.
  3. The columns should now have Display Account, Description, Beginning Balance, Debits, Credits, and Ending Balance.
  4. A Load Transaction form should appear on its own form at the bottom of the screen (if applicable).
  5. Verify all the Balances are correct.
  6. Select a record and the Load Transactions button and verify transactions appear.
  7. Verify the transactions equal the period amount activity.
