Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

4.0 project contract Partial Billed and Partial Revenue tabs not displaying search when first opening tab

New tabs were added for Partially Billed Transactions and Partially Recognized Transactions. The search row should display immediately when opening tab. Tabs were relabeled because they did not match the tab names used within the contract.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Project Contract

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Administrator, Project Accountant, and Project Manager roles.
  2. Select the Project Contracts menu and verify that the tab names for partial billed and partial recognized are listed as Partially Billed Transactions and Partially Recognized Transactions.
  3. Select each tab and verify that the search row is displayed immediately.

Dependencies: Partially billed or partially recognized transactions are required so that the the tabs are available.


Ability to enter historical or processed milestone history

Add a new historical state to the status field that allows users to upload or manually add historical or processed milestone history. This enhancement is specifically to track pre-migrated history.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContractMilestone

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a milestone contract.
  2. Add a milestone and select the new Historical status.
  3. Verify that the milestone is not processed through billing or revenue.


Ability to select Alternate (structure) Charts for Projects Invoice Summarization by parent account

Currently, the option to summarize project invoices by parent account is limited to the “enterprise” COA (Chart of Accounts). Customers would like the ability to use/select an “alternate” COA. Specifically, they establish a “projects” COA that has different account summaries used specifically for invoice summarization.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContract business class
  • Generate Project Invoices action

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add FEG project billing override = Account.
  2. Add project contract.
  3. Select summarization by account.
  4. Select an alternate chart of accounts.
  5. Generate invoice and ensure that the summary invoice is summarized by alternate chart, posting the project's parent summary account.

Dependencies: This enhancement depends on using “Account” dimension as project invoicing billing override level. This is a setting on the FEG options tab.


Add Front End Split Boolean to ProjectUpload

New boolean field has been added to the Project Contract to designate if the project contract should invoke front end split in RQ, PO, and AP. This field should be added to the ProjectUpload business class and the upload UI.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectUpload

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the FEG, select Actions > Turn on Front End Split feature.
  2. Access ProjectUpload and add project where contract = true.
  3. Verify that the Front End Split field is available to select, and can be uploaded.

Dependencies: Turn on Front End Split feature on FEG.


Add Front End Split Eligibility fields to ProjectFundingSourceTemplate

New fields Exclude/Include and Front End Split Eligibility Group have been added to the ProjectFundingSource to support front end split. These fields also need to be added to the ProjectFundingSourceTemplate.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSourceTemplate

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the FEG, select Actions > Turn on Front End Split.
  2. Create a ProjectFundingSourceTemplate with Front End Split = true.
  3. Use template to create ProjectContract.
  4. Ensure Front End Split field is updated from the template correctly.

Dependencies: Turn on Front End Split feature on FEG.


Add JournalizeGroup to the ProjectContractInvoiceError business class

Make it easier to reconcile ES entries created by Project Invoicing by adding Journalize Group column/link to the ProjectContractInvoiceError list.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContractInvoiceError business class and list

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Inactivate revenue or billed unearned/earned unbilled GL account and journalize invoice or revenue.
  2. Verify that an error suspense balancing entry is created.
  3. Review the errors list and verify that the journalize group and link are displayed with the error.

Dependencies: Project Invoicing


Add Transaction Front End Split and Journalize Front End Split actions

The new project Generate and Journalize Front End Split Distribution actions are required for Project Contracts that are flagged as Front End Split. The action will get all GLTransactionDetail records for ProjectContract.FrontEndSplit = True, and FD2 = spaces. Generate Front End Split action ProjectContractFESDistributions with the appropriate funding source (FD2).

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Added new business classes ProjectContractFESDistribution and ProjectContractFESResult.
  • Added new actions Generate Front End Split Distributions and Journalize Front End Split Distributions.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add a front end split project contract.
  2. Add transactions in GL with FD2 blank.
  3. Run Generate and Journalize Front End Split Distribution actions and verify that splits are generated correctly.

Dependencies: Constraint - the action will skip (will not split) Labor Distribution transactions that include these event codes: PL, BD, PJ and LR.


Add constraint Allocate Expenditures cannot be checked if Front End Split is checked

Add a constraint that the Allocate Expenditures cannot be selected if Front End Split is selected. The allocation expenditure logic inside the journalize action will be skipped if the contact has front end split enabled.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContract business class

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the FEG, select Actions > Turn on Front End Split.
  2. Select the project contract Front End Split check box.
  3. Verify that the Allocate Expenditure check box cannot be selected.

Dependencies: Front End Split must be enabled


Add new budget column to Project Funding Source tab

If Front End Split = True, customers will have created budgets by funding source. Add a new database field and column to the Project Contract > Project Funding Source tab to display total budget for the ProjectContract and Funding Source.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Add BudgetAmount to the ProjectFundingSource business class.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create Front End Split Contract and Budget.
  2. On the main form of the project contract, specify the budget scenario and click refresh budget totals button.
  3. Click the contract funding source tab and ensure that budget amount column is available next to funded amount.

Dependencies: Front End Split must be checked on FEG and project contract.


Add the include in budget edit field to the project funding source list.

Add include in budget edit column to the Project Contract Funding Source list. Column will be visible when Front End Split Boolean is selected on the Project Contract. New column gives user visibility that all posting funding sources have the “include in budget edit” Boolean set to TRUE.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource list

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Turn on Front End Split on FEG.
  2. Turn on Front End Split on Project Contract.
  3. Create Project budget with FD2 dimension included.
  4. Flag posting level FD2 records assigned to the ProjectContract as funding sources as include in budget edit.

Dependencies: Turn on Front End Split on FEG.


Enhance FES Journalize action to invoke UpdateGroupTotals BudgetTemplate

Enhance FES Journalize action to invoke UpdateGroupTotals BudgetTemplate. This will update total obligations for amounts journalized via Project FES Distribution action.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Journalize Front End Split Distributions action

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run the Journalize Front End Split Distributions action to create a GLTransactionInterface record for each split.
  2. The Interface Transactions action performs the budget checks and then GLTransactionDetail records are created.
  3. The records are released, and the budget amounts are updated.
  4. Verify that the Budget Group amounts are updated for the Budget Scenario Template.

Dependencies: Using Front End Split feature


Expand number of decimal places on billing rates to 6

Bill rate for T&M and Rate Table billing methods only allowed a two decimal billing rate to be defined. Customers have the requirement to define bill rates beyond 2 decimal places.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectRateTable and ProjectAssignment business classes

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a project contract with billing method T&M or Rate Table.
  2. Add T&M rate to project assignment with digits in excess of 2 decimal places.
  3. Add Rate Table with rates with digits in excess of 2 decimal places.
  4. Post units-based transactions to the project and generate invoices.
  5. Verify that the calculation of the billable amount is correct.

Dependencies: Project Invoicing using billing method T&M or Rate Table a define billable rates with more than 2 decimal places.
