BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound

Clean Document ID Solution in FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound.

In standard flow "Company" and "PurchaseOrder" are taken from XPath:MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference = "PurchaseOrder"/DocumentID/ID.

For CleanDOCID solution, based on the cross-reference "DESTAEVSCSFGLC":

  • PurchaseOrder is taken from XPath:MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference = "PurchaseOrder"/DocumentID/ID.
  • If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference.
  • If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken.

This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-EAM Integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound

New Required Setup:

  • Set Configuration Paramenter IsMultipleFEG = Y/N
  • Set Configuration Paramenter RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y/N

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • Made the following changes in assign node "Assign3280":
    • If ConfigDocID=="Y" then PurchaseOrder is directly taken from XPath:MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference = "PurchaseOrder"/DocumentID/ID
    • Company is taken form Cross reference DESTAEVSCSFGLC

Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_SyncMaintenanceOrder_Inbound.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC:
    1. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken.
  4. When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered. EAMWorkOrder will be Updated:
    1. If MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference type= "PurchaseOrder", PO value is retrieved from MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID and PurchaseOrderLine from Xpath: MaintenanceOrderLine/DocumentReference/LineNumber.
  5. For the PurchaseOrderLine:
    1. If ProjectID is updated in EAMWorkOrder, it will be updated in PurchaseOrderLine.EAMProjectID.
    2. If UpdateRequestedDeliveryDateTimeFromWO = "Y" and ScheduledStartDate value is updated in EAMWorkOrder then PurchaseOrderLine.EarlyDeliveryDate field is updated.
  6. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG= Y/N:
    1. If ProjectID is updated in EAMWorkOrder, it will be updated in PurchaseOrderLine.EAMProjectID.
    2. If UpdateRequestedDeliveryDateTimeFromWO = "Y" and ScheduledStartDate value is updated in EAMWorkOrder then PurchaseOrderLine.EarlyDeliveryDate field is updated.


Clean Doc ID solution for ProcessRequisition_In

CleanDOCIDSolution in FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_Inbound. Clean Doc ID solution for ProcessRequisition_In:

These are CleanDOCID changes related to: IEFIN-90287

In standard flow FEG is obtained form :DataArea/Process/AccountingEntityID which is used in the process of finding HROrganization.

For CleanDOCID solution, based on the cross-reference - company, new query is added to fetch FinanceEnterpriseGroup.

This parameter is Only applicable for Beta customer using CSF-EAM Integration

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_Inbound

New Required Setup:

  • Set Configuration Paramenter IsMultipleFEG = Y/N
  • Set Configuration Paramenter RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y/N

New Variable Added in JSON: No

New IPA Changes:

  • if ConfigDocID=="Y" then new "LMTxnGLCompany" query is added to find FinanceEnterpriseGroup value
  • Added new assign node "Assign1620"

Integration Specific: Yes, These changes are related to CSF-EAM Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference :DESTAEVSCSFGLC
    1. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG=N,Company value will be taken from cross reference.
    2. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y,IsMultipleFEG=Y, FEG@@Company value will be taken from cross reference and value is split and company is taken.
  4. Requester.OverrideContractCost is checked/unchecked.
  5. When the bod is processed, Work Unit will be triggered.
  6. Requisition is created and released.
  7. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, and IsMultipleFEG= Y/N. For Itemtype Inventoried/Non-stock:
    1. If Requester -> OverrideContractCost is checked. UnitCost must be picked from XML
    2. If Requester -> OverrideContractCost is UnChecked. UnitCost must be picked from ContractLine.BaseCost
    3. Requester -> OverrideContractCost is UnChecked and Item is not ContractItem , UnitCost must be picked from XML.


GL: Create user dimension values with "Create Action" in the Sync.Codedefinition_Inbound Flow

GL: Create user dimension values with "Create Action" in the Sync.Codedefinition_Inbound and Show.CodeDefinition Flow.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:


  • Modified java script on "FinDimVars" assign node.
  • Deleted "CreateFDHierarchy" transaction node.
  • Deleted "FDHiearchyError" Assign node.
  • Modified java script in "M3CreateUpdateVars" Assign node.
  • Deleted "Branch6510" branch node.
  • Deleted "CreateDHierarchy" transaction node.
  • Deleted "Assign1170" Assign node.


  • Modified java script in "M3CreateUpdateVars" Assign node.
  • Deleted "Branch6510" node.
  • Deleted "CreateDHierarchy" transaction node.
  • Deleted "Assign1170" Assign node.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In Channels Administrator create record for Sync.CodeDefinition and Show.CodeDefinition Inbound BODs.
  2. Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_FinanceEnterpriseGroup value in System Configuration.
  3. Configure SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound_StructureName value in System Configuration.
  4. Send valid xml for Sync CodeDefinition BOD and Show CodeDefinition BODs.
  5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCodeDefinition_Inbound and FSM_ION_ShowCodeDefinition_Inbound BODs.
  6. Verify the Result: Check the record in FinanceDimensions.


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery -CU80.

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery - JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.

FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.
  • \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content\SampleDocumentTemplate.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Go to Application -->Application Administrator -->Supply Management -->Shared Processes -->Sample Document Template.
  2. Open Sample Document.
  3. In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.
  4. In Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment.


Need to correct time stamp in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD

Added new X-Path in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD for EAM integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.ipd

New IPA Changes:

  • Added a new variable "ActualDelDate" in Start node.
  • Assigned value for the variable ActualDelDate = LastModifiedDate in AssignUserArea node.

Integration Specific: changes are related to CSF-EAM integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "ShipmentService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.ipd".
  3. Give value "EAM" to "IntegratingApplication" parameter in System Configuration.
  4. Create Requisition and RequisitionLine.
  5. Release Requisition.
  6. Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
  7. Finish and Release the Shipment.
  8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound BOD.
  9. Verify the below X-Path values.
  10. ShipmentHeader/ActualDeliveryDateTime -- LastModifiedDate.



Developed Sync.ProjectMaster_Inbound for LawsonS3-FSM Integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Inbound.lpd
  • PfiConfigurationProperty.xml

New Required Setup: Added new System Configuration Parameter "GeneralLedger_BODS_ProjectStructureā€¯. Default value is blank.Give the value of ProjectStructure in which Posing Project must be created.

New IPA Changes:

  • In Start node added new variables accountingEntity,docIDLength,PType,CStructure.
  • Added Conditions in node Assign2890,Branch8910.
  • Added new nodes Branch2090,Assign8240,GLC.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Enable the receiver for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Inbound.lpd.
  2. Give the value of ProjectStructure in System Configuration Parameter "GeneralLedger_BODS_ProjectStructureā€¯.
  3. When BOD gets processed Posting Project should get created,Updated or deleted based on status code.
  4. Verify the result: BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Inbound.lpd BOD.


Add new Elements in SyncPayableTrackerBOD for Argentina

Added new Elements in SyncPayableTrackerBOD for Argentina.

Changes are specific to Integration and Argentina country(County code - AR).

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd

New Variables added in start node : Yes

  • AR_TransactionIDNumber
  • IntegrationApplication

IPA Change:

The below code added in Assign3140 node:

if(IntegrationApplication == "" && AE_DerivedAccountingEntityCountry == "AR" && CLPP_TransactionIDNumber!=0){ 
AR_TransactionIDNumber = CLPP_TransactionIDNumber; 
b.Added below nodes in PayableTracker line xml 
<Property><NameValue name="lcl.WithholdingCertificate" type="StringType">{AR_TransactionIDNumber}@NoNullTag@</NameValue></Property> 

Integration Specific: Yes, these changes are related to Integration for Argentina Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. In Service Definition enable the service for "PayableTrackerService" and attach FSM_ION_SyncPayablesTracker_Out
  3. Add WithHolding details in Vendor.
  4. Create PayablesInvoice(One by giving tax amount another by not giving any tax amount), using above vendor and release Invoice.
  5. Run PerformCashRequirements.
  6. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation Batch job.
  7. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_PayablesTracker_Out BOD (PayablesTrackerService).
  8. Verify below X Path in generated XML:
    1. SyncPayableTracker/DataArea/PayableTracker/PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue
    2. SyncPayableTracker/DataArea/PayableTracker/PayableTrackerLine/Tax/UserArea/Property/NameValue


Add new Elements in SyncShipment_Out BOD for Argentina

Added new X-Path in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD for integration.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.ipd
  • WarehouseShipment.busclass

New Required Setup: No new setup is required.

New Variable Added in JSON: No new variables added in JSON.

New IPA Changes: Declared a new variable CustomerStateProvince in the service definition.

Integration Specific: changes are related to integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. For Outbound BOD, Enable the Service Definition "ShipmentService" and Process "FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound.ipd".
  3. Give value "Local.y" to "IntegrationApplication" parameter in System Configuration.
  4. Create CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine.
  5. Release CustomerOrder.
  6. Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
  7. Finish and Release the Shipment.
  8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Outbound BOD.
  9. Verify below X Path in generated XML:
    1. ShipmentHeader/ShipFromParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode
    2. ShipmentHeader/ShipToParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode
    3. ShipmentHeader/CustomerParty/Location/Address/CountrySubDivisionCode


Changes for Sync_CreditTransfer_Outbound-- IPA Flow

Changes done in Sync.CreditTransfer bod (Country Code: MX). specific to Mexico Country.

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd

New Variable Added in JSON: Yes

  • CashCode.FinancialInstitution-->MXFinancialInstitution
  • CashCode.FinancialInstitutionBranch-->MXFinancialInstitutionBranch
  • CashCode.BankAccountNumber-->MXCashManagementAccount
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Description-->MXDescription
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.StateProvince-->MXStateProvince
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliverAddress.AddressLine1-->MXAddress1
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliverAddress.AddressLine2-->MXAddress2
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliverAddress.AddressLine3-->MXAddress3
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.DeliverAddress.AddressLine4-->MXAddress4
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.Country-->MXCountry
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.Address.PostalCode-->MXPostalCode
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.BranchSwift-->MXSwiftID
  • CashMAnagementAccount.FinancialInstitutionBranch.BankClientIdentifier-->MXBankAccountNumber

IPA Change: Added below code in one javascript of Assign6300,Assign5940 nodes

if (IntegrationApplication == "" && DebtorAddressCountry == "MX") 
BODBankEntityBranchName = BankE_BranchName; 
BODBankEntityBranchName = BankEntityBranchVal; 

if (IntegrationApplication == "" && DebtorAddressCountry == "MX") 
BE_Contact =MXDescription; 
BankEntityBankNameValue =Bankentity; 
PaidVendorContactName=BankEntityBankNameVal ; 

Added 'VenBankEntity' Lmrk Node newly.

Added 'Assign8420' node newly.

Added below code in Assign4950,Assign8950,Assign270 nodes of javascript.

if (IntegrationApplication == "" && DebtorAddressCountry == "MX") 
FinancialInstitutionVal =MXFinancialInstitution; 
e)Added 'FinancialInstitutionVal' variable in header xml of below path 

Integration Specific: Yes, these changes are related to Integration for Mexico Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes.
  3. Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow.
  4. Create PayablesInvoice and release.
  5. Run'Perform Cash Application' job.
  6. Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.
  7. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job.
  8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.
  9. Verify below X-Paths:
    1. credittransferHeader/ForwardingAgentParty/Name
    2. CreditTransferPayment/Debtorparty/FinancialAccount/Name
    3. FirstAgentParty/PartyIDs/BICID
    4. creditTransferPayment/FirstAgentParty/Name
    5. CreditTransferPayment/FirstAgentParty/Location/Name
    6. CreditTransferPayment/FirstAgentParty/Location/Address
    7. CreditTransferPayment/FirstAgentParty/FinancialAccount\ID
    8. CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/Name
    9. CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/FinalAgentFinancialParty/Name/
    10. CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/FinalAgentFinancialParty/Location/Address


Changes for Sync_CreditTransfer_Outbound--

Changes for Sync.CreditTransfer bod (Country Code: MX) specific to Mexico Country.

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd

IPA Change: Added below code in Assign5940,Assign6300 nodes

BODBankEntityBranchName = BankE_BranchName; 
BODBankEntityBranchName = BEBranchName; 

Integration Specific: Yes, these changes are related to Integration for Mexico Country.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes.
  3. Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow.
  4. Create PayablesInvoice and release.
  5. Run'Perform Cash Application' job.
  6. Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.
  7. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job.
  8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.
  9. Verify below X-Path:
    1. CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/FinalAgentFinancialParty/BranchParty/PartyIDs/ID


For BillingInvoiceService Sync Invoice Outbound bod When using single currency Issue with Work units

For BillingInvoiceService Sync Invoice Outbound bod When using single currency Issue with Work units

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

New IPA Changes:

  • In Start node added variable as BLReportingCurrRate, type as Double default value 1.0.

Integration Specific: Yes, these changes are specific to Integration.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Service Definition BillingInvoiceService and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. BillingCompany enable Process Invoice BOD flag.
  4. Create BIllingInvoice and Release.
  5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error.

"BLReportingCurrRate" is not defined - Error fixed.

JT-1576838 Changes for Sync_ReceivableTracker_Outbound -- IPA Flow

Changes required in ReceivableTracker BOD

Program/business class/process affected:

File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncReceivableTracker_Outbound.lpd

IPA Change:

  • Added below code in Assign node 7040
    if(IntegrationApplication == "") 
    var RA_Invoice= LMTxn5170_ReceivableApplication_Invoice; 
    RA_Invoice= RA_Invoice.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, ""); 
    LineDocumentID = RPCompany + Generic_Delimiter + RA_Invoice; 
    LineDocumentID = RPCompany + Generic_Delimiter + LMTxn5170_ReceivableApplication_Invoice; 
  • Added below code in Assign node 3380
    if(IntegrationApplication == "") 
    var RApp_Invoice= ReceivableApp_ReceivableApplication_Invoice; 
    RApp_Invoice= RApp_Invoice.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, ""); 
    LineDocumentID = RPCompany + Generic_Delimiter + RApp_Invoice; 
    LineDocumentID = RPCompany + Generic_Delimiter + ReceivableApp_ReceivableApplication_Invoice; 
  • Yes, these changes are related to

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Enable the Sync.ReceivableTracker in FSMBODConfiguration.
  3. Create ReceivablePayment and Release.
  4. Check generated record in IONOutQueue list.
  5. Please see the attached TestCaseDocument for all other scenarios to test.
  6. Verify X-Path:
    1. ReceivableTrackerLine/DocumentReference/DocumentID/ID
