
This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Widget: Invoiced Not Received Home page widget List

Widget: Invoiced Not Received Home page widget list.

  • InvoicedNotReceivedWidgetList
  • InvoicedNotReceivedCompanyHomePageWidgetList
  • InvoicedNotReceivedVendorHomePageWidgetList list, PayablesInvoiceDetailColumnarSearchForm form added for Mingle home page widget using new COLUMNAR feature. This is exposed as API call in ION API to retrieve data from the Infor Ming.le Home Page.

Program/business class/process affected:

Files Changed:

  • ui,bl of PayablesInvoiceDetail.busclass
  • bl of PayablesInvoice.busclass

In ui of PayablesInvoiceDetail.busclass added a list InvoicedNotReceivedWidgetList, InvoicedNotReceivedCompanyHomePageWidgetList, InvoicedNotReceivedVendorHomePageWidgetList.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Infor ION API > CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management.
  2. Go to Landmark FSM Soap and Rest Services and click Documentation.
  3. Search for PayablesInvoiceDetail.busclass and click Documentation.
  4. Click Get list service and click TryitOut, then search for InvoicedNotReceivedVendorHomePageWidgetList in the list and click Execute.

    InvoicedNotReceived PurchaseOrder lines with its Vendor and its count is displayed.

  5. Click Get list service and click TryitOut then search for InvoicedNotReceivedCompanyHomePageWidgetList in the list and click Execute.

    InvoicedNotReceived PurchaseOrder Lines with its Company and its count is displayed.

  6. Click Get list service and click TryitOut, then search for InvoicedNotReceivedWidgetList in the list and click Execute.

    InvoicedNotReceived PurchaseOrder Lines are displayed.


Widget: Unpaid Invoice Due By Vendor– AP Manager Role

OpenInvoicesNonVendorsHomePageWidgetList added for Infor Ming.le home page widget using new COLUMNAR feature. This is exposed as API call in ION API to retrieve data from Infor Ming.le Home Page.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Files Changed: ui of PayablesInvoice.busclass.
  • In ui of PayablesInvoice.busclass added a list OpenInvoicesNonVendorsHomePageWidgetList.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Navigate to Infor ION API > CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management.
  2. Go to Landmark FSM Soap and Rest Services and click Documentation.
  3. Search for PayablesInvoice.busclass and click Documentation.
  4. Click Get list service and click TryitOut then search for OpenInvoicesNonVendorsHomePageWidgetList in the list and click on Execute.
  5. Invoices with its respective Due Date and its count are displayed.
