Strategic Sourcing

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add Vendor Returns to Supplier Portal

Add Vendor Returns to Supplier Portal

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Viewing information in Supplier Portal
Security Changes: For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • SCMCommonSupplierBasicProcessing_ST
  • SupplierMessagesAccess_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtReturns_ST (new)
  • SupplierOrderMgmtReturns_ST (new)
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Create Vendor returns for a particular vendor that has a Supplier. Have some of the returns be from a PO. Have some of them create a replacement PO. Have some of them create a Chargeback and close them.
  2. In Supplier Group, check the boxes for View Returns in the Supplier Portal Access tab.
  3. Logon to Supplier Portal as that Supplier. Verify that:
    • There is a Returns menu item under Order Management.
    • There is open and closed returns in the appropriate lists.
    • For returns that have POs (either originating or replacement) there is a link to see additional PO detail.
    • For returns with chargebacks there is a link to see the chargeback.
    • You can create a Message Dialog from the return and have a link to the Dialog once it is created.
  4. From the "Buyer" side, if the Return is in an Added state and no Return Material Authorization Number is entered, you should be able to perform the Request RMA action.
  5. When this action is performed, the supplier will receive an mail, and there will be a Message created indicating an RMA was Requested.
  6. On the associated Return, an Enter Return Material Authorization Number action will be available. The RMA and a message can be entered.
  7. After the action is performed, a dialog will be available on the Buyer side, an email will have been sent, and the RMA will be populated on the Return.


Improve Supplier Participation and Bid Success reports-replace with Event Metrics lists

Improve Supplier Participation and Bid Success reports-replace with Event Metrics lists

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Viewing Supplier Metrics
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Create several events with notifications and release.
  2. Create responses for several suppliers- the suppliers should all have the ability to view metrics.
  3. Have a few responses be no bids.
  4. Award the events completely.
  5. Log on as a supplier and view the Metrics menu item. There are four tabs to view.
  6. Verify the values are valid in the Metrics tab.
  7. Verify the contacts, notifications, and responses.
  8. Log on as an application administrator and view the Supplier Metrics menu item.
  9. Verify that for the various suppliers who were notified and responded that the information noted above is correct


Indicate to Vendor Specialist when Supplier changes are performed that need to synch with Vendor

Indicate to Vendor Specialist when Supplier changes are performed that need to synch with Vendor

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Supplier management
Security Changes: For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • SupplierContactMaintain_ST
  • SupplierPrimaryContactMaintain_ST
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. In Supplier Group, toggle on by setting the "Automatically Run Supplier Vendor Compare When Changes Are Done" field to true.
  2. Create a Supplier with certifications and diversity.
  3. Create a Vendor from the Supplier.
  4. Create a Vendor Location from the Supplier Contact.
  5. Change a field on the Supplier that is also on the Vendor. These fields can be changed:
    • SupplierName
    • TaxIdGroup
    • VATRegistrationCountry
    • VATRegistrationNumber
    • GlobalLocationNumber
    • WebAddress
    • MailingAddress
    • BillingAddress
    • BankInformationGroup
  6. Navigate to View Supplier and Vendor Compare Results.

    There should be information in the results indicating a compare was automatically run for the Supplier that was changed.

  7. Update the Vendor from the Supplier. Change one of these values for the Supplier Contact:
    • LocationAddress
    • MainContact
    • TelephoneNumber
    • FaxNumber
    • MobilePhone
    • BankInformationGroup
    • EmailAddress
  8. Navigate to View Supplier and Vendor Compare Results.

    There should be information in the results indicating a compare was automatically run for the Supplier contact information that was changed.

  9. Update the Vendor from the Supplier.
  10. Update the expiration date on the certification.
  11. Navigate to View Supplier and Vendor Compare Results.

    There should be information in the results indicating a compare was automatically run for the Supplier certification that was changed.

  12. Update the Vendor from the Supplier.
  13. Run the same steps for the Diversity as for the Certification.


Supplier Portal Acknowledgment

This is an enhancement to allow suppliers to enter an acknowledgment from the Supplier Portal. The Acknowledgment can optionally update fields on the purchase order line. This will feed the current acknowledgment process. At this time, the fields that can be changed are Delivery Date, Quantity, UOM, Price, and Vendor Item.

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Supplier Portal
Security Changes: For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • SupplierOrderMgmtAcknowledgements_ST
  • SupplierSharedInformation_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtInvoices_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtOrders_ST
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Add, release, and issue final a purchase order.
  2. Using a supplier with the ability to create acknowledgments (set at either the Supplier Group or Contact level), log in as a supplier and make a change to Delivery Date, Quantity, UOM, Price, or Vendor Item. The supplier will see a list of purchase orders that can be acknowledged on the "Manage Orders" menu. The supplier can optionally make changes on each line, then select "Finish" to acknowledge their changes. Once acknowledged, the purchase order would drop off the list.
  3. Toggle on by setting flags for supplier primary contact and contact in Supplier Group > Supplier Portal Access - Create Acknowledgments.


Supplier Portal Purchase From Security

Add ability to show only POs and Invoices for Supplier contacts where contact Purchase From Location equals PO and Invoice purchase from location

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Viewing documents on Supplier Portal
Security Changes: For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • SupplierMessagesAccess_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtInvoiceCreate_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtInvoices_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtOrders_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtPayments_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtReceipts_ST
  • SupplierOrderMgmtItems_ST
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Create a Supplier.
  2. Create a Vendor from the Supplier.
  3. Add more contacts and create vendor locations for all contracts.
  4. Create a contact with no vendor locations.
  5. Create, release, and issue PO's with a purchase from for each contact purchase from.
  6. Create, release, and issue a PO with no purchase from.
  7. Create and release receipts for each PO.
  8. Create and release invoices for each PO.
  9. Create a payment record for the invoices.
  10. Create item replenishment source records from item locations- one for each purchase from location (and the vendor) and one with the vendor and no purchase from location.
  11. Set the Contact Can View flag on supplier to the following for the noted expected results:
    • All Documents - as stated, all documents should be visible, including all invoices for the payment
    • Only Location Documents- only documents for that users purchase from location should be visible
    • Location and No Location Documents- documents for that users purchase from location and any documents that do not have a purchase from location should be visible

    Also, for the supplier contact who is a primary contact, if the Allow Primary Contact To View All Documents flag is set to true, the primary contact can see all documents regardless of other settings.
