Project Ledger CU76

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Billing partial transactions

You can now partially bill a transaction and carry over the remaining amount to the next invoice. As part of edit invoice line action, when reducing the amount to bill, users can designate if they want to defer the amount to the next or a future invoice (put on hold). The expense amount that gets deferred will be listed on the partially billed transactions list where the user can put on or take off hold for billing. This feature is a hybrid of putting a transaction on hold and ability to bill a partial transaction amount when a maximum is hit.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • New fields have been added to ProjectContractPartialTransaction and ProjectContractInvoiceLine business classes.
  • Edit Invoice Line action.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Generate Invoice.
  2. Edit invoice line and reduce the amount to bill.
  3. Check the box to defer remaining amount.
  4. Verify that the invoice line is reduced and the transaction displays in the partially transactions tab.
  5. The transaction will be available to bill on the next invoice.


Using Project Invoicing and billing method is a transaction based billing method (cost reimbursement, cost plus, T&M or rate table based billing method).


Display BudgetTemplateGroupTotals

Budget Template Group Total records now display pending updates to templates and groups.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BudgetTemplate
  • BudgetGroup

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that "Pending Template Updates" links show in budgeting menus.
  2. Verify that "Pending Updates" tabs display for Ready templates and any Budget Group.


Add burden offset account to Fringe Burden code setup

Currently, offset is posted to the fringe burden finance structure (no project). User can override the offset account on the labor distribution action parameter, however, this can be prone to errors if the user forgets to enter or if they incorrectly key the override finance structure.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

Set up an indirect burden code and enter an offset finance structure. Ensure journalize indirect burdens post the offset to the finance structure entered.


[Mobile] Approval Role - Labor Distribution Approval

[Mobile] Approval Role - Labor Distribution Approval

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

1.Goto Application Administrator->Financials->Global Ledger->Setup->Finance Enterprise group->maintenance->FEG->project->project structure and check 'Labor Distribution Approval'

2.Goto Project Accountant->Project Management->Project employee and give Approver

3.Goto Application Administrator->Financials->Global Ledger->Setup->Finance Enterprise group->maintenance->FEG->project->project hierarchy->posting project-> Assignments List->create Assignment

4.Goto Project Resource->My Labor Distribution and check records

5.For the selected period enter the planned and actual percentage and save on the details. After saving the details click on Submit for Approval option to submit the Labor Distribution for Approval

6.Now login as the Approver , migrate to Inbasket and approve the Labor Distribution

7.The status of the Labor distribution is changed to approved.


[Mobile] Approval Role - Request New Posting Project

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

As part of this Ticket, the Form layout has been Changed to enhance

the Mobile User Experience.

To Test:

Initial Setup:

1.navigate To Application Administrator>Financials>Global Ledger>Finance Enterprise Group>Setup> Maintenance.

2. Open an Enterprise Group.

3. Navigate to Project Tab on the left.

4. Open an Enterprise group. Move to Hierarchy Panel. and select a project. Under action Select Request New Posting Project.Fill out the form and Submit it.

To Test:

1. log in to InforGo App.

2. Navigate to In-basket / Inbox.

3. Open the task Named 'Final Approver For Project Request'

4. Open any pending request, and Verify the Layout Changes.


[Mobile] Approval Role - Request Project Status Change

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:


Service and Process definition should be enables for “RequestProjectStatusChange”

Add the task of "Final Approver for Request New Project" in the Inbasket


Navigate to Application Administrator->Financials->Global Ledger->Setup->Finance Enterprise group->maintenance->FEG->posting Project

open any posting project and select Project Status change request from my action

enter the details and select the status to which the posting project need to changed into and click on submit


Login to InforGo App.

Navigate to Inbox.

open the pending approval "RequestProjectStatusChange" record.

Verify the changes in the screen


Change Employee label to Employment ID to be consistent with GHR label

Change Employee label to Employment ID to be consistent with GHR label. The default label for Employee will be "Employment ID" unless a label is defined on the form or list.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

Validate that the employee field has a the label of Employment ID when viewing forms and lists.


[Mobile] Approval Role -Reverse Project Contract Invoice Approval - Enhancement

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

A new form added for the Mobile view.

To Test?

1.Navigate to Project Administrator, select an enterprise structure

2.Enable ProjectContractInvoiceJournalizrApproval.

3.Go to Hierarchy Tab and select your project and click on the Open button

4.Click on Contract Information and Go to Contract Project Funding Tab

5.Create a Billing Milestone by giving details like Project Milestone Number, Date, Amount, and select status as To Process.

Next, go to the Actions menu above the Project Contract and click on Generate Invoices.

6.Once you click on the Generate Invoice provide the required information as below and click on the OK button, after this Milestone status changes to Draft

7.An invoice will be reflected in the Invoice Detail tab

8.Now go to Actions and select the ‘Submit Invoices for Approval’ option and select the Invoice Group and click on the OK button.

9.Go to Inbasket/Inbox to approve the request,' Journalize Invoice approval'

10.Once approved, Journalize the Invoices. go to actions and click on

'submit Invoice Reversal for Approval’.

11.Go to Inbox/Inbasket and click on the Work Item.

12. Approve the Work Item.


Improve performance of LazyActivation by parallelizing the LazyPrepareGroups action

During lazy activation, a large number of Budget Groups may need to be individually initialized particularly if the priming process produces many groups. This initialization can take a long time. Parallelizing can speed this up.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test this enhancement:

Create a lazy Budget Template.

Create over 100 released GL journals which will create 100 distinct Budget Groups in the lazy template.

Lazy Activate the template.

Toward the end of Procesing, there should be 8 instances of the Lazy Prepare Groups Async action.

When there are less than 100 Budget Groups to initialize, there should be only one Lazy Prepare Groups Async action.


Add override From Accounting Entity to the distribute labor actions

Labor distribution action is creating unnecessary inter-entity journals (memo). Scenario is all employees are setup in a single GHR entity and the GHR entity is not a GL accounting entity. Distribute labor action uses the originating transaction from accounting entity for the resulting labor distribution from accounting entity. This enhancement adds an Override From Accounting Entity field to the Distribute Labor and Redistribution Labor action parameters. If entered, it will override the originating from accounting entity on all GLTransactionDetail records created by the action.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Distribute Labor and Redistribute Labor actions

To test this enhancement:

Create a Payroll GlTransactionDetail record with a from accounting entity that differs from the to accounting entity. Enter an override from accounting entity when running the distribute and redistribute labor action and ensure the accounting entity on the resulting transaction is overridden.


Must be using grant labor distribution and have multiple accounting entities.


Display the create and viewing of comments as called out actions

To make it easier to create and navigation to comments the create and viewing of comments was added as called out navigations and actions on the following business classes list.




Program/Business class/Process affected:




To test this enhancement:

From the ProjectFundingSourceDeliverables, ProjectContractMilestone and ProjectAssignment lists you should see the create and viewing of comments as called out actions.
