Cash Management CU76

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Infor Treasury Output file update to include VAT split amount

A new VAT Split Amount field was added to the Infor Treasury output file. Review the data mapping of these files to ensure the payment close process functions normally.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PaymentOutputFileDetail
  • PaymentOutputFileRemittance


A new VAT Split Amount field has been added to the end of the PaymentOutputFileDetail and PaymentOutputFileRemittance Infor Treasury file types. Please review the data mapping of these files to ensure the payment close process continues to function smoothly.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create payables invoices that have an invoice tax.
  2. On the Payment tab check the VAT Split Payment flag and make sure you are using a payment code set to electronic file for the payment output option and a cash payment format set to Infor Treasury File for the payment format.
  3. Release the invoices and start a payment cycle that includes the invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment and some invoices that don’t. Schedule the payments and navigate to Cash Accountant, Cash Transaction Search and then the Cash Ledger Payables Payment tab.
  4. Filter on the records created for the payment cycle. Open the records and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated on the record that include invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment.
  5. On the Related Invoices tab, personalize the list by adding the DerivedVATSplitAmount field and verify the field is correctly populated for the invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment.
  6. Note VAT Split Amount is the combined amount of all the Derived VAT Split Amount fields. Finish the payment cycle, open the Payment Output Files and verify the Detail File and has the VAT Split Amount populated at the end if the invoice was flagged for VAT Split Payment.
  7. Open the Output File Details record and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated on the Main tab if the record included an invoice flagged for VAT Split Payment.
  8. On the Remittance tab open the records and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated if the invoice was flagged for VAT Split Payment.
