Contract Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Increase Height of Contract Comments Description Detail Field

Contract Comment's Description Field is a bit short and should have a height increased to allow more to be visible.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Contract Comment

Test Contract Comment Form and List from Contract to test this enhancement. Verify the field height has increased.


Handling of GPO items where UOM has changed

Handling of GPO items where UOM has changed

Program/business class/process affected:

  • GPO Contract processing

Additional UI changes:

  • Contract Interface header has been reformatted to 4.0 UI standards.
  • Link to "live" Contract if a GPO interface Contract now goes directly to the Contract form.
  • What were buttons on the header are now links.
  • Major actions, such as Process Contract Line Updates, are now displayed in called out actions.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a GPO contract from GPO data.
  2. Add a new item in the GPO items that has the same data (including manufacturer number) as an existing item, with a different UOM.
  3. Run the check for new and updated items action. Do not automatically update the "live" contract. Expected results: The item with the differing UOM should create an interface line with an update function of create, and an error indicating that a choice must be made of how to process it when Process Contract Line Updates is run.
  4. Run Process Contract Line Updates. Select the Multiple UOM Handling option of Set UOMs Must Match to True. Expected results: The line is added to the "live" contract. On the "live" contract header, the UOMs Must Match flag should be set to true
  5. Delete the new item from both the live and interface contract.
  6. Rerun the Check for New and Updated Items action. Do not auto update.
  7. Rerun Process Contract Line Updates. Set Multiple UOM Handling to Close Current Item. Expected results: The new item is added to the live contract. The other item with the same manufacturer information is closed. The interface contract line for the other item has an error that says the live contract line is closed.


Restrict child contracts from exceeding parent contracts' Total max amount

Restrict child contracts from exceeding parent contract max amount.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Contract processing with parent/child relationships

Security Changes:

  • For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • CMProcessContract_ST

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a contract and enter a lifetime maximum amount.
  2. Create another contract and enter a lifetime maximum amount that is less than the 1st contact max amount and the first contract as a parent contract.
  3. View the header of the first contract where lifetime maximum amount is entered. Expected results, Next to the lifetime maximum amount, there should now be a Total Child Maximum Amount value.
  4. Add another "child" contract with a maximum amount, where the total max amounts of the two children still doesn't exceed the parent max amount. Expected results, There should now be a Total Child Maximum Amount consisting of both the amounts on the child contracts.
  5. Enter a 3rd child contract, where its maximum amount in conjunction with the other two will cause the max amount on the parent to be exceeded. An error message is displayed. On the Manage Contracts > Contract Hierarchy tab, a column has been added to display and update Maximum Amount. On the Contract > Related References tab there are now navigations directly to the relevant document, for example Child Contract for this feature.
    Note: To initially load the Total Child Maximum Amount fields for current parent contracts, navigate to Supply Management Setup > Utilities > Application Update and run the Load Contract Total Child Amounts action


Allow Updates to Contract Header when Active

Allow Updates to Contract Header when Active.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Maintenance of Contracts

Security Changes:

  • For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • CMUpdateActiveContract_ST (new)

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Attach security class CMUpdateActiveContract_ST to ContractManager_ST role.
  2. Navigate to Contract Group and toggle the Allow Contract Header to be Update When in Released.
  3. As needed, toggle the Disallow updates to the following when contract is not draft.
  4. Sign in as a user with the ContractManager_ST role.
  5. Create a Contract, release and activate it.
  6. Click the Modify Contract action for the Contract header. Expected results: The header fields will be input fields. The only exceptions are Contract Type/Classification, the fields to set manufacturer and distributor contracts, and any of the "disallow' fields or sets of fields that were selected.
  7. Save the record after any changes. Expected results: The header fields are display only.

Additionally, verify that the following records under the header can be maintained when the header is in any state except closed: Attachment, Purchase From, Subcontractor, Diversity, Contact, Related Reference, Manufacturer Contract, Tiers, Pricing Identifier, Participants, and line Attachments.

Full documentation is available in Sample Document Template > WhenContractsCanBeUpdated_ST


Allow Contracts with spreads to be activated without spread amounts matching max amounts

Allow Contracts with spreads to be activated without spread amounts matching max amounts.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Contract processing with spread commitments

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Contract with line spread commitments.
  2. Select the Allow Incomplete Spread field. It is located next to Create Commitments.
  3. Create a Contract Line. Specify a Lifetime Maximum Amount and distribution. Expected results: A list is displayed under the Contract line distributions to specify spreads for each distribution.
  4. Add a spread record for the contact effective date that has an amount that is greater than the Lifetime Maximum Amount.
  5. Attempt to release the Contract. Expected results: Verify that you get an error indicating that the spread amount exceeds the Lifetime Maximum amount.
  6. Change the spread amount to less than the Lifetime Maximum Amount.
  7. Attempt to release and activate the Contract. Expected results: Verify that the contract releases with no errors.
  8. Perform the test with the Allow Incomplete Spread field cleared.
  9. Verify that the editing forces the spread amount to equal the Lifetime Maximum Amount times the distribution percent.
  10. Perform the same tests with a Header Spread.


Create an action to delete/close Contract lines if on an interface contract but not the GPO contract

Create an action to delete/close Contract lines if on an interface contract but not the GPO contract.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • GPO Contract processing

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an Interface Contract from GPO data.
  2. Create an Manufacturer and Distributor Contract from the Interface Contract.
  3. Delete some of the Items in the GPO data that are associated with the Interface Contract. This must be done using configuration.
  4. Navigate to GPO Interface Contracts > GPO Interface Contracts With No GPO Contract Line Data. Note that the View Missing GPO Items navigation can be used to see all missing items in a list.
  5. Run the action Remove Missing GPO Items. Expected results: Verify that the lines that did not exist in the GPO items, the ones that you deleted, are deleted from the Interface, Manufacturer, and Distributor Contracts.

Additional testing:

  1. After creation of the manufacturer and distributor contracts, activate the manufacturer contract.
  2. Create a Purchase Order with a line where cost defaults from the Contract.
  3. Run the test again as above. Expected results: Verify that the line that contains ordered quantities is deleted from the interface contract, but is closed on the manufacturer and distributor contract
