Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Add Front End Split Results tab to all contracts menu for Project Administrator and Project Manager roles

The Front End Split Results tab was only available on the Project Contract menu for the Project Accountant role.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Add the Front End Split Results tab to the project contracts menu for the Project Administrator and Project Manager roles.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Sign on as Project Administrator or Project Manager and verify that the Front End Split results tab is visible using the Project Contracts menu.


Must be using FES features. Turned on using FEG and Project Contract. Front End Split Results records must exist for a project contract.


Add ability to subtotal by fee code if invoice summarization is selected

Currently, if a project contract includes fees and invoice summarization is selected, fees are added to the original cost transaction on the summarized invoice. There is no visibility into the fee breakdown.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

Add fees and select Invoice Summarization. Verify that the fees are summarized separately.


Using Project Invoicing, fees, and invoice summarization.


Add billing group to project funding source

Customers want the ability to bill all contracts for a customer or grant funding source. If the customer or grant is part of a multi-funded contract, they want the ability to bill a single funding source under a contract. Currently, when generating an invoice for a contract, all funding sources under a contract are invoiced.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • The Billing Group field has been added to the ProjectFundingSource and ProjectFundingSourceTemplate business classes.
  • The Billing Group field has been added to the Generate Contract Invoices action parameter form.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

A numeric field has been added to the ProjectFundingSource and ProjectFundingSourceTemplate. Users can assign like values to the funding sources that they want to bill together. When generating invoices, include that value as a run-time parameter.


Add project contract modifications wizard

Customers want a way to automate project contract and project funding source modifications. They want the ability to update the project funding source amounts, project contract amount, and if tracking, FD2 amounts in a single action.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ProjectContractModification and ProjectContractLineModification business classes


For details on what was changed in these files, see the Infor CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST, ProjectsAdditionalSetupProcessing_ST.


The Contract Modification business classes and wizard are new. They will not impact existing functionality that is available today using Project Contract Change Requests.


Add Program Income fields to project and project contract

Customers want the ability to flag the project contract and/or posting project as program income.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Add Program Income and Program Income Type fields to the Project Contract, Project, and Project Upload business classes.
  • Valid values for Program Income Type field include Additive, Deductive, and Cost Share.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Verify that the program income boolean and program income type fields are displayed on project contract, posting project, and project upload forms. The fields are informational only. No edits.


Enhance Generate and Journalize Project FES Distribution actions to account for GL FES Distribution enhancement

The Project FES actions, Generate and Journalize Project FES Distributions, were redesigned to account for the phase 2 Global Ledger Front-End Split feature. This feature was added to interfaced transactions (GLTransactionInterface). This action was enhanced into a single action. Budget edit checks are now performed when allocating.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Generate and Journalize Project FES Distributions actions.
  • Removed Journalize action.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Create and post transactions with FD2 = blank. Run the Generate FES Distributions action and validate FES Results.


Must be using the FES feature, which is activated through FEG and Project Contract.
