Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Add new action to copy project reporting settings to a group of employees/actors

Project Reporting Settings were changed to be keyed by actor in CU2021.10. This enhancement adds a new action to copy project reporting settings to a group of employees/actors.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ProjectReportingSettings business class. Add new action Assign Project Reporting Settings to an Employee Group.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Login as Project Administrator.
  2. Select setup, project setup, custom group.
  3. Create a custom group of employees/actors that you wish to copy project reporting settings to.
  4. Select reporting settings tab.
  5. Select reporting settings you wish to copy.
  6. Select action Assign Project Reporting Settings to an employee group.
  7. Enter the employee group to run the action.
  8. Refresh list and ensure the reporting settings were added to the actors in the group.


Add budget total to the Project Contract Funding Source tab list

The budget column did not total on the Contract Funding Source tab list on the Project Contract.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Contract Funding Source list on the Project Contract

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Access project contract.
  2. On the Main tab, select project contact budget scenario, save, and click budget Refresh button.
  3. Click the Project Funding Source tab and ensure the budget column totals.


Assumes project budget exists. Budget dimensions include project and FD2. Budget is ready and updated on the project contract main form.


Add database field to store new contract amount on ProjectContractModification

Currently, the project contract modification was only storing the original contract amount to history. New contract amount was derived from the project contract, always reflecting the current contract amount.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ProjectContractModification business class. Release ProjectContractModification action.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Using the project contract modification wizard, add a modification which changes the project contract amount.
  2. Finish and release.
  3. Ensure original and new contract amount is updated on the ProjectContractModification.


Using Project Contract Modifications functionality


Add transaction Reverse and Reallocation action for FES project contract transactions

Customers have situations where they need to reverse or backout posted (history) GLTransactionDetail transactions and reallocation to new (different) funding source(s). Transactions may or may not have been billed. Add new Reversal and Reallocation action for FES project contract GLTransactionDetail records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

New business classes added including ProjectContractReallocationSelection and ProjectContractReallocationResult.


For details on exactly what was changed in these files, see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update:

  • ProjectsBasicSetupAdmin_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Test the ability to select posted GLTransactionDetail transactions by date range, posting project, funding source, and system/event to determine transactions to reverse and reallocate by running the Select Transactions for Reallocation..
  2. Run Reverse and Reallocate action and validate results.


Project Contract must be enabled for FES (Front End Split). Posted transactions must exist that have been allocated to FD2 by FES functionality.


Allowance tax calculation enhancement

Currently, when an allowance is applied to a project contract invoice, the calculation of the invoice tax does not include the value of the allowance.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

To allow the allowance to be taxable or not, add a “Taxable” checkbox to the Allowance section of the ProjectFundingSource. If checked, the value of the allowance will be included when calculating tax and an additional line representing the tax will be added to the ProjectContractInvoiceTaxLine business class.


Taxable projects


Display the from email address on the labor distribution email action

We currently don’t display the from email address on the labor distribution email action. This enhancement will display the from email address, which is the person sending the email. Default the email address for the person sending the email, or you could override, which is the person sending the email.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

Validate that the from email address, which is the person sending the email, defaults to the from email address or you could override it.


Enhance Project Billing Group to have a table of valid values and description

Currently, project billing group is defined as a numeric 2 field. There is no select list and no description, which makes it difficult for user to know what numeric value is associated with what billing group.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

This enhancement will add a new business class ProjectBillingGroup which will contain billing group code and description. The billing group field will also be changed from numeric 2 to alpha 20 to make consistent with all other code fields/tables.


For details on exactly what was changed in these files, see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update:

  • ProjectsToCompleteSetup_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Add project billing group via project setup.
  2. Open project contract and ensure you can select billing group and save.


Project Invoicing


Mobile - Labor Distribution

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Modified files - bl:

  • ProjectAssignmentLabor.busclass
  • ProjectSchedulePeriod.busclass

Modified files - ui:

  • ProjectAssignmentLabor.busclass
  • ProjectSchedulePeriod.busclass

Modified files - webapps:


New added files:


Use this information to test the enhancement:


  1. The checkbox of labor Distribution Approval must be selected at the project structure page.
  2. The approver value should be provided in the project employee page.
  3. Project Assignment should be created for the project employee, which can be created in the posting project page, by entering the begin and end date, billable rate of the employee, role name, etc.

How To Test:

  1. Complete the required setup and create required data.
  2. Login as the project resource and migrate to labor distribution page.
  3. For the selected period enter the planned and actual percentages.
  4. After entering the percentages click on Submit button to submit the Labor Distribution for Approval.
  5. Now login as the Approver, migrate to Inbasket, and approve the Labor Distribution.
  6. For the project resource user we can see the status of the Labor distribution is changed to approved.


Mobile effort certification

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectAssignmentEffort.busclass
  • ProjectEffortPeriod.busclass
  • ProjectEmployee.busclass
  • ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod.busclass
  • ProjectAssignmentEffort.busclass
  • ProjectEffortPeriod.busclass
  • ProjectEmployee.busclass
  • ProjectEmployeeEffortPeriod.busclass

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Do the initial setup for Project Certifier.
  2. Go to Project Certifier Role.
  3. Check By Employee, By Period, and Effort Variance tabs.
  4. Go to By Employee tab and click one record. It should open labor periods of that particular Employee. Click one of period to get details. Enter Effort Percentage and click Certify action. Next, click Uncertify action to get uncertify.
  5. Click By Period tab and check the periods. Click one period to get details.
  6. Click Effort Variance and check periods. Click one period to get details.
  7. Check whether all forms opened successfully with required data and all actions performed their actions successfully.


Project Administrator Role - add new setup menu item for custom groups

No way to access custom group setup to add new groups without using the custom group select field or via custom group select via action parameter. This JT adds a menu item for custom group setup via Project Administrator role, project setup menu.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Administrator role, project setup menu
  • Custom Group business class

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Login as project administrator role.
  2. Select setup menu, project setup menu.
  3. Ensure custom group is included as a setup tab.


Project Administrator role


Enhance Distribute Labor action to honor PR POP dates if they exist

Distribute labor action does not edit POP dates. This enhancement will add logic to check to see if POP (Period of Performance) records for system code “PR” (Payroll) exist with lead or lag days and will honor the POP tolerance. If no POP record exists, the distribute labor action date edit will work as it currently does today, no change for existing GA customers.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Distribute Labor and Redistribute Labor actions

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Add project with end date that fails within the labor period and before the GLTransactionDetail transaction date which represents the PR/PW transaction.
  2. Add POP record to the posting project for system code PR which includes the labor period end date.
  3. Ensure the GLTransactionDetail with transaction date after the project end date, but within POP date, is processed.


Grant Labor Distribution


Enhance Project Resource current period and previous period labor distribution forms

Enhance project resource current period and previous period lists to include status and approved by.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Resource role labor distribution current period and previous period lists.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Login as project resource.
  2. Ensure labor distribution status and approved by are displayed on current period and previous period lists.


Grant Labor Distribution
