User experience
SoHo 4 UX - Physical Inventory Lists & Forms - UI enhancement
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- bl/PhysicalInventorySelect.busclass
- ui/PhysicalInventorySelect.busclass
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Select Physical Inventory > Manage Select IDs > Bin Groups.
- Verify that the Bin Group Select and Bin Group radio buttons are displayed.
Warehouse Clerk - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Action Forms
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- modules/ic/bl/ParInventoryWorksheet.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/bl/ParLocationValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/IFRSFIFOPeriodEndValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryAccuracyProgress.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryAvailabilityReport.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryBinLabelExport.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryForecastVariance.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryGrossMarginReturnOnInvestment.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryIssueSummaryReport.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryProductTransferResaleReport.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryReorderAdvice.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryStockStatusReport.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/InventoryVarianceExplanations.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/MarketInventoryValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/ParInventoryWorksheet.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/ParLocationValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/PeriodEndValuation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/ic/ui/RequestingLocationUsage.bustask 4996/1
- modules/wh/ui/WarehouseBatchAllocation.bustask 4996/1
- modules/wh/ui/WarehousePackingListPrint.bustask 4996/1
- modules/wh/ui/WarehousePickListPrint.bustask 4996/1
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Sign in as Warehouse Clerk.
- Open all of the business tasks that are listed in the section above.
- Test for all of the scenarios that are described in the document attached to this ticket in Jira.
- Verify that all of the fields are aligned and that the action comments in the attached document are satisfied.
Controller - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - List Actions Standardization
Identified and updated called-out actions bars in the user Controller that were not meeting new CSF SOFO Uplift standards.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- AccountingUnitSecurityGroup
- FinanceDimensionSecurityGroup
- GLJournalTemplate
- GeneralLedgerTranslationRate
- AssetBookDisposal
- CurrExchangeRate
- GeneralLedgerCompanyGroup
- GeneralLedgerCompanyGroupMember
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Verify that the Daily Rates and Period Rates lists in Currency Setup follow the new called-out action standards.
- Verify that the Accounting Entity Security Group and Accounting Unit Security Group list in Global Ledger Security set follow the new called out action standards.
- Verify that the Journal Template list in Journal Template Processing follows the new called-out action standards.
- Verify that the Company Group list in Global Ledger Company Group follows the new called-out action standards.
- Verify that the Gain Loss list in Asset Disposal follows the new called-out action standards.
Uplift InterEntity Payables and Receivables report
Improved InterEntity Payables and Receivables MultiPanel list:
- More screen space for the Transactions and Totals lists.
- New tabs for users to select either Payables or Receivables Transactions and Totals.
- New card list to display Entities.
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- AccountingEntity
- GeneralLedgerTotal
- GeneralLedgerTransaction
Use this step to test the enhancement:
- Verify that the CardView list shows Entities.
- Verify that the appropriate record for either Payables or Receivables Totals and Transactions is displayed when you select the corresponding Payables and Receivables tabs.
Add Requester/Buyer/Vendor Name to Buyer and Purchasing Manager lists
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- ProcurementTemplateParticipant
- PurchaseOrder
- PurchaseOrderAcknowledgementMessage
- PurchaseOrderAndLineAddOnCharge
- PurchaseOrderBuyerMessage
- PurchaseOrderLine
- PurchaseOrderRevision
- ItemLocation
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
- Verify that the Buyer Name and Vendor Name are added to Open Purchase Order from Purchase Request and the Purchase Order search list.
- Verify that vendor name is added to the My Open Purchase Order Lines to Receive list.
- Verify that the vendor and vendor name are added to Line search list.
- Verify that the buyer name and the vendor name are added to Purchase Order Acknowledgment Message list.
- Verify that the requester name and the buyer name are added to the Procurement Template Participant list.
- Verify that the vendor name is added to the Purchase Order Inquiry By AOC list.
- Verify that the buyer name is added to Purchase Order Buyer Message list.
- Verify that the buyer name is added to the Acknowledgment for Page list.
- Verify that the vendor name and buyer name are added to the Potential Obsolete list.
Purchase Order - display required indicator for conditionally required fields
Required fields do not consistently display red asterisks.
when (DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultSourceDocument is entered).
when (DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultOperatingCompany is entered,
or DefaultSourceInformation.DefaultSourceDocument is entered).
when (Dropship = true
and (ShipToLocation.DefaultDropshipPurchaseOrder = false,
or ShipToLocation.PostalAddressForPurchaseOrder not entered).
when (Dropship = true
and (ShipToLocation.DefaultDropshipPurchaseOrder = false,
or ShipToLocation.NameForPurchaseOrder not entered).
when (Company.RequireProcessLevel = true
and ((PurchaseOrder exists, and PurchaseOrderLifeCycleState.Unreleased)
or TransientFromSourcing = false).
when (PurchaseOrderLifeCycleState.Unreleased
and (IntrastatProcessing.DoIntrastatReporting = true,
or PurchaseOrder exists.
when (RetainagePercentCompleteTracking.PurchaseOrderLevel).
when (RetainagePercentCompleteTracking.PurchaseOrderLevel).
when (Issued = true
and HasRevision = true,
and not RevisionsInclude.NotApplicable).
Program/Business class/Process affected:
- PurchaseOrder
What should be tested for this enhancement?:
- Test the entire Purchase Order lifecycle, including the following:
- Verify the required indicator is displaying correctly for conditionally required fields.
Update Soho XI Controls to Latest Version
The Soho XI controls used by RSS needed to be updated to a newer version.
Program/business class/process affected:
- RSS - Requisition Self Service
Use this step to test the enhancement:
- Test all functionality in RSS to make sure that issues were not introduced by updating the Soho XI controls.