Project Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Add an individual action to project employee to “unapprove” labor distribution for a range of periods

Copy action allows the ability to copy “approved” labor records for future periods. There was no individual action to unapproved labor.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Add an individual action to labor distribution to “unapprove” labor for a period or range of periods. As part of this enhancement, the mass Unapprove Labor action will be enhanced to include a range of periods. Additionally the status column was added to the AdminProjectSchedulePeriodList found on the Project Employee Project Periods tab.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Approve labor for future period using the Copy Labor action and check approved status. Ensure new action unapprove labor unapproves.


Add FD2 and Project Contract to AR Receivable Project Transactions list

Project specific fields were not displayed on the Receivables Project Transactions list. This enhancement adds funding source, project contract and customer purchase order fields as columns on this list, so users do not have to personalize to view.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Receivables Project Transaction list

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open the Receivables Project Transaction list.
  2. Verify that the new columns exist for funding source, project contract, and customer purchase order number.
  3. If they do not exist, verify that the list is not personalized.


Project Invoicing and Revenue


Add new project report Cash Ledger Distributions

Similar to the projects report Payables Invoices, customer want a view into CB distributions/payments for projects.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Add a new project report "Cash Ledger Distributions"

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Verify that the new report is added to the projects report menu for these roles: Project Administrator, Project Accountant, and Project Manager


Add posting project list to the Project Accountant menu

The project accountant role only had access to the project hierarchy list. The role did not have access to the posting projects list. Add posting project list to the project accountant role menu.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Accountant role add posting projects to Project Management menu

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant.
  2. Open the project management menu.
  3. Click the posting projects list and open.


Allow the ability to make internal funding source invoice/revenue journal entries optional

Customers are requesting that no entries are created when Journalizing Invoices for internal funding sources. Allow the ability to make internal funding source invoice/revenue journal entries optional.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

This change will need to made on the FD2, Project Funding Source and Project Funding Source Template forms.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add project contract with internal funding.
  2. Select revenue structure option "no entries"
  3. Run journalize invoices and journalize revenue.
  4. Verify that no GL journal entries are created for internal funding sources.


Project Invoicing and Revenue


Assign indirect burden action will update existing records

When assigning indirect burden codes using the action on the Summary Contract, if the assignment already exists it is skipped. This enhancement will update the SelectionGroup, SelectionGroupOption and SelectedSourcesOnly fields of the existing record.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project contract

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. From a project hierarchy list, select the summary project.
  2. Run the Assign Indirect Burden Code action.
  3. Select the indirect burden code only.
  4. Verify that all posting projects within summary have been updated to include the indirect burden.
  5. Select the same Summary project and action.
  6. Include the parameters for Indirect burden code using the same code as previous,
  7. Include selection group and selection group option.
  8. Verify that all fields are updated for the posting projects within the summary.
  9. To remove the selection group and selection group option, repeat the action for the same indirect burden code. The Selection Group and the Selection Group Option fields must be blank.


Must be using indirect burden codes and have them setup in Project Setup.


Enhance Project Funding Source FES eligibility criteria to include field “include selected eligible projects only"

In CU77 an enhancement was added to allow the ability to select eligible posting projects by funding source. This functionality needs to be included in the FES eligibility criteria.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Funding Source

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Create FES project contract.
  2. Add funding source and select include selected eligible posting projects.
  3. Add posting projects to the select list.
  4. Add Payables Invoice.
  5. Run FES Distribution or release invoice.
  6. Verify that the FES distribution is validating eligible posting projects.


Front End Split


Enhance Project Indirect Burden to include burden rate date select

Enhance Project Indirect Burden to include burden rate date select. Valid values include Project Begin Date or Transaction Date. Allows the ability to projects to use burden rate in effect (version) at the start of the project instead of the burden rate in effect the date of the expense.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

Create indirect burden code. Add two rates (versions) - one with effective date prior to or equal the project start date and one with today effective date. Assign indirect burden code to project and select project start date as the burden rate date. Create and post an expense transaction with transaction date = today. Run the generate indirect burden transaction and ensure the correct burden rate is used based on the project start date.


Enhance project reporting settings to be defined by actor

Currently project reporting settings are set up globally. If an actor changed the settings, it changed for all actors. This enhancement will change project report settings to be created by actor. So, each actor can maintain their own settings without impacting other actors.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Project Reporting Settings

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the Reports menu, select the Unassigned Project Reporting Settings tab.
  2. Verify that existing project reporting settings can be copied to actors using the “Assign Project Reporting Settings to Actor” action.
  3. Use the action to assign existing reporting settings to your actor.
  4. Create new reporting settings.
  5. Open records and verify that your actor is assigned to the reporting settings.


As part of this enhancement, existing project reporting settings can be copied to actors using the “Assign Project Reporting Settings to Actor” action.


Automatically update project contract amount when updating project funding source amounts

When adding additional funding to project contract, instead of getting an error that funding exceeds the contract maximum, the user is now prompted to update the contract amount.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ProjectContract and ProjectFundingSource business classes.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Increase project funding source amount so funding exceeds the contract amount. Ensure prompt to update contract is displayed, and if okay, is selected and automatically updates (increases) the project contract amount.


Change relation to totals list view on project contract to exclude URE and Retained Earnings totals

Change relation to exclude URE (undistributed retained earnings) and RE (retained earnings) totals from being visible on Project Contract Totals tab.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ProjectContract GeneralLedgerTotals tab.

Use this information to test the enhancement:

Access a project contract for a contract with posted expenses and revenues. Access the Totals tab and view with no filters. Verify that the system accounts totals for URE and UR are not included in the list view.


Enhance Project Indirect Burden to include burden rate date select

Enhance Project Indirect Burden to include burden rate date select. Valid values include Project Begin Date or Transaction Date. Instead of using the burden rate in effect at the date of the expense, this allows projects to use the burden rate in effect (version) at the start of the project.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an indirect burden code.
  2. Add two rates (versions): one with an effective date prior to or equal to the project start date, and one with today's effective date.
  3. Assign an indirect burden code to the project and then select a project start date as the burden rate date.
  4. Create and post an expense transaction with transaction date of today.
  5. Run the generate indirect burden transaction and verify that the correct burden rate is used based on the project start date.
