BOD Connectors

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management.

Branch node failure of Infor delivered IPA- FSM_ION SyncCreditTransferOut

Branch node failure of Infor delivered IPA- FSM_ION SyncCreditTransferOut

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out.lpd
  • IPA Changes:
    • Loop node and Branch Nodes are removed.
    • Changed connection from Branch7130 node to GetPayablesInvoicePayment node for 'DefaultProcessMethod' validation.
    • Changed the connection for End of GetPayablesInvoicePayment node to 'XML_Header' node
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup: In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
  2. Do required setup for CreditTransfer flow..
  3. Create PayablesInvoice and release.
  4. Run'Perform Cash Application' job.
  5. Check CashRequiremnetsResults records.
  6. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation job.
  7. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncCreditTransfer_Out BOD.

Dependencies: None.


Changes required in SyncLCLTradeStatisticsEUSales_Outbound BOD

Mapped TaxEntity.VATRegistrationNumber in Xpath LCLTradeStatistics/TradeStatisticsDeclaration/DeclaringParty/PartyIDs/TaxID for for and Luxembourg country (Country Code: LU).

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files Changed: FSM_ION_SyncLCLTradeStatisticsEUSales_Out
  • New Required Setup: No.
  • New Variable Added in JSON: No.
  • New IPA Changes:
    • Added variables TaxRegistrationNum,IntegrationApplication.
    • Added variables TaxRegistrationNum,IntegrationApplication.
    • Updated the nodes Assign3470,Assign5330,EUSDtlXml.
    • Integration specific:Yes.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup: Enable the service "EUSalesService" for FSM_ION_SyncLCLTradeStatisticsEUSales_Out.
  2. On running ECSalesReport will trigger.
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncLCLTradeStatisticsEUSales_Out.
  4. Verify the Result: Mapped TaxEntity.VATRegistrationNumber in Xpath LCLTradeStatistics/TradeStatisticsDeclaration/DeclaringParty/PartyIDs/TaxID for for and Luxembourg country (Country Code: LU).

Dependencies: None.


Enhancement to consume Banking Information from Sync.Personnel BOD

Banking Information is consumed in BOD.

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files changed: FSM_ION_SyncPersonnel_Inbound.lpd
  • New Required Setup: No.
  • New Variable Added in JSON: No.
  • New IPA Changes:
    • In SatrtNode added new variables AccountNum,BankEntity,TaxIDLength,DepositLength.
    • Added conditions in node Initialvalues.
    • Updated nodes CreateVendor,UpdateVendor.
  • Integration Specific: None.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
    2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the Sync.Personnel ION Inbox Receiver.
  2. Once the BOD is processed:
    1. When ActionCode= "Add" a Vendor gets Created.
    2. When ActionCode="Replace"
      1. If Vendor Does not exist, Create New Vendor Record.
      2. If Vendor Exists, Update existing Vendor Record
    3. When ActionCode="Delete"
      1. If Vendor Does not exist, Go To End.
      2. If Vendor Exists, Delete Existing Vendor Record.
  3. Verify the Result: Bankentity and AccountNumber fields are consumed in Vendor based on actioncode.

Dependencies: None.


ION Content and JSON Files Delivery

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery:
  • JSONFILES_ST record updtaed in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.
  • FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.
Program/business class/process affected:
  • \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.
  • \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content\SampleDocumentTemplate
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Go to Application -->Application Administrator -->Supply Management -->Shared Processes -->Sample Document Template.
  2. Open Sample Document.
  3. In the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST, the record updated with attachment.
  4. In Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*, three records updated with attachment. These records are FSM_ION_CONTENTPACK_ST, FSM_ION_CONTENT_PACK_IONCE_IMS_ST and FSM_ION_CONTENT_PACK_IONCE_ST.

Dependencies: None.


Mapping Process Level changes for Sync Supplier Invoice outbound Bod ( India)

Mapping Process Level changes for Sync Supplier Invoice outbound Bod ( India)

Program/business class/process affected:
  • File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  • New Required Setup: No.
  • New Variable Added in JSON: No.
  • New IPA Changes:
    • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd IPA flow following changes have been made:
      • In Start node: Added ShipToPartyIDINLocally, PLevelStateProvinceIDNumber, ShipToPartyNameINLocally, ProcessLevelAddress1, ProcessLevelAddress2, ProcessLevelAddress3, ProcessLevelAddress4, ProcessLevelMunicipality, ProcessLevelCountry, ProcessLevelStateProvince, ProcessLevelPostalCode variable.
      • ProcLevel: Added tranasaction node for PayablesProcessLevel.
      • Assign7220:Added assigned node. Assigned Address values from PayablesProcessLevel and costructed LineShipToXML and ShipToParty_XML
      • Assign5110 : Commented LineShipToXML
      • Assign5320: Commented Header ShipToParty_XML
      • Assign8700: Commented old LineShipToXML added new LineShipToXML.
  • Integration Specific: Yes.These changes are related to Integration specific to India.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
    2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
    3. Go to Service Definition and Enable "PayableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.
  2. Create PayableInvoice and Release it.
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective changes.

    In SupplierInvoiceHeader and LIne - ShipToParty changes.

Dependencies: None.


Mapping Process level changes for Sync Invoice outbound Bod ( India)

Mapping Process level changes for Sync Invoice outbound Bod ( India)

Program/business class/process affected:
  • File Changed: FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd.
  • New Required Setup: No.
  • New Variable Added in JSON: Yes. ReceivableProcessLevel added.
  • New IPA Changes:
    • In FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow following changes were made:
      • In Start node: Added PLevelStateProvinceIDNumber, ProcessLevelName, ProcessLevelAddress1,ProcessLevelAddress2, ProcessLevelAddress3, ProcessLevelAddress4, ProcessLevelMunicipality, ProcessLevelCountry, ProcessLevelStateProvince, ProcessLevelPostalCode, PLevelPartyIDINLocally variable.
      • Branch360:added Branch."" && AddressCode != "" && AddressCode_PostalAddress_Country =="IN"
      • ProcLevel- Added tranasaction node for ReceivableProcessLevel.
      • Assign6300:Added assigned node. Assigned Address values from ReceivableProcessLevel .
      • Assign4190 - Modified Javascript for InvoiceLine_XML , changed value for ShipFromParty x-path mapping value changes.(DummyLine scenario)
      • XML9570: For InvoiceLine XML , ShipFromParty x-path mapping value changes.(ProjectInvoice scenario)
      • Assign5720 - Added javascript , assigned value for ShipFromParty x-path mapping value (BL-Invoiceine)
      • Assign4010:Modified javascript for India - SupplierParty changes .
      • Assign4010:Modified javascript for India - commented old ShipFromParty_Hdr_XML changes added newly.
  • Integration Specific: Yes. These changes are related to Integration specific to India.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup:
    1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, "BODtrigger" checkbox should be checked.
    2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
    3. Go to Service Definition and Enable "ReceivableInvoiceService" for "FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd" Processes.
  2. Testing ReceivableInvoiceService:
    1. Testing option 1:
      1. Create ReceivableInvoice and Release it.
      2. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective newly added element.
    2. Testing option 2:
      1. Create BillingInvoice Release it.
      2. Run InvoiceVerificationReport.
      3. Run InvoiceAndRegisterPrint.
      4. Run SubSystemUpdate.
      5. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate With respective newly added element.
    3. Testing option 3:
      1. Do the required Setup for creating ProjectContract.
      2. Goto ProjectContract and add 'Billing Milestones'
      3. Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Generate Invoices'.
      4. Verify Invoices have been generated in Invoice Details tab.
      5. Goto 'Actions' and click on 'Journalize Invoice'.
      6. ReceivableInvoice record should generate.
      7. Verify generated work unit record.
      8. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully with newly added element.
  3. Verify the Result: In SupplierInvoiceHeader -SupplierParty and ShipFromParty changes and In Invoiceine ShipFromParty changes.

Dependencies: None.


Remove Prefix lcl for CommodityCode attribute in ItemMaster Outbound BOD

Removed Prefix lcl for CommodityCode attribute in ItemMaster Outbound BOD

Program/business class/process affected:
  • Files changed: FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd
  • New Required Setup: No.
  • New Variable Added in JSON: No.
  • New IPA Changes:Updated the nodes XML_ITL,XML2250,XML9450.
Use these steps to test the enhancement:
  1. Setup: Enable the service "ItemService" for FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Create,Update or Delete a Item and save it.
  3. BOD will trigger and Work unit will generate successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd.
  4. Verify the Result: Removed Prefix lcl for CommodityCode attribute in the XPath.


Dependencies: None.
