
Supplier Portal Approve/Reject Acknowledgement

The buyer and supplier had no way to communicate changes to an order. Now when the supplier suggests changes to an order, the buyer has a method for communicating within the system and having it kept for historical purposes.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Supplier Portal

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Using the Supplier Portal, acknowledge a purchase order and suggest changes.
  2. From the buyer side, you can reject those changes by not incorporating them, and begin a dialog with the supplier to discuss suggestions.


Copy event to also copy over suppliers notified

When creating event from event, add option to copy notified suppliers.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Sourcing Event creation

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create an event with notifications. Have at least one of the notified supplier contacts be inactive.
  2. Create an event by copying from the event you just created.
  3. View the resulting event. Expected results- The notified supplier contacts from the previous event should be copied to the new event, except for the supplier contact that was inactive


Allow suppliers to be notified of a new required question- option to require only Suppliers created after a certain date to answer required questions

Allow suppliers to be notified of a new required question. An option to require only Suppliers that are created after a certain date to answer required questions.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Supplier questions

Security Changes:

  • For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials & Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.
  • SCMCommonSupplierBasicProcessing_ST

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Make note of the registration dates on the Manage Suppliers > Supplier List.
  2. Select Supplier Group > Questions.
  3. Make all existing questions not required for purposes of the test.
  4. Add a question that is required to be answered. Toggle processing by entering a value in the Only Required For Supplier Registrations From This Date Forward field that is after the registration date of some suppliers but before the registration date of others.
  5. Select Manage Suppliers > Alerts > Suppliers Who Need Validation Or Additional Registration.
  6. View Suppliers who have a link in the Unanswered Required Questions area. Expected results: The only suppliers who are displayed here should be the ones with a registration date after the date answered for the question.
  7. Run the Email Suppliers With Required Questions to Answer action from this list.
  8. View the EmailMessageQueue business class. Expected results- There will be messages regarding the required questions in the queue only for the same suppliers as are on the list.
  9. Sign in to Supplier Portal as a supplier whose registration date is before the date for the question and view My Account > Questions. Expected results: There should be no indication that the new question is required.
  10. Sign in to Supplier Portal as a supplier whose registration date is after the date for the question and view My Account > Questions. Expected results: The new question should indicate it is required.
  11. Navigate to Messages and Dialog. Expected results: There will be a message indicating that there are required questions to answer.
    Note: If no date is specified when a new required question is answered, the question will be required for all suppliers.
