Cash Management

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Increase in Confirmation number field size from 30 to 60 characters

To meet ISO XML 20022 standards, the Confirmation Number field size had to increase from 30 to 35 characters. The Confirmation Number field size is changed to accommodate 60 characters.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction
  • CashLedgerBankUpdate
  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • CashLedgerTransactionImport
  • WireTransferOutputDetail

To test the enhancement:

Verify that the Confirmation Number in the affected business classes can accommodate 60 characters.


Select the fields to be specified on the payment output CSV file

When the CSV output file layout is changed due to the addition of new fields, you must update any downstream file mappers and processes to account for the changes.

This enhancement provides the ability for clients to define custom mappings for the Payment Output File Detail/Remittance. This is only applicable for CSV payment formats. Any subsequent changes to the CSV output file layout will not affect any custom mappings.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashPaymentFormat (bl/ui)
  • PaymentOutputFileDetail (bl)
  • PaymentOutputFileHeader (bl)
  • PaymentOutputFileRemittance (bl)
  • PaymentOutputMapping (bl/kf/ui)
  • PaymentOutputMappingDetail (bl/kf/ui)
  • PaymentOutputMappingRemittance (bl/kf/ui)
  • ExportPaymentOutputFiles.lpd
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf
  • CBSetupAdmin_ST
  • IEFINCommonViewInformation_ST

Security changes:

For details on exactly what was changed in these files, please see the Infor Financials and Supply Management Security Delta document for this update.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that you are able to set up a PaymentOutputMapping record with both Detail and Remittance fields.
  2. Verify that you can attach the PaymentOutputMapping to a CSV type Cash Payment Format.
  3. Verify that when invoices are processed and a PaymentOutputMapping is defined for the Cash Payment Format, the PaymentOutputFileDetail and PaymentOutputFileRemittance reflects the custom mappings that are defined in the PaymentOutputMapping. If a PaymentOutputMapping is not defined for the Cash Payment Format, the PaymentOutputFileDetail and PaymentOutputFileRemittance shows the default delivered layout.


Require Payee email address and mobile number fields on Cash Ledger Payment and Vendor banking information

Added Email Address and Mobile Number to Cash Ledger Payment and Cash Ledger Payment Import. These values will flow through to the CSV payment output.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerPaymentImport
  • CashLedgerPayment
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • PaymentOutputFileDetail

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Import Cash Ledger Payment records or add them manually on Cash Ledger Payment.
  2. Provide the Email Address and Mobile Number.
  3. Run the records through the payment cycle. Verify that the Email Address and Mobile Number are included in the CSV output.
Note: The CSV output format changes with the addition of these fields. EmailAddress and MobileNumber will follow the VendorBankCode20 column.


Put cash leger payments with pending approval status on hold

Cash ledger payments in a Pending Approval state can now be put on hold.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:

Verify that the Change Payment Processing Hold action that was previously only available for payments in Released status, are now available for payments with a Pending Approval status.


Stale date and escheat bank-issued checks for the Cash Ledger Bank Update process

Added the ability to stale date and escheat bank-issued checks using check number and Cash Management Account for the Cash Ledger Bank Update process.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Pay invoices using a cash payment format that is set to Bank Issued Payment Numbers.
  2. Run the Cash Ledger Bank Update interface to assign the payment number. Alternatively, you can manually assign it on Cash Ledger Payables Payment.
  3. Create CashLedgerBankUpdate records to stale date or escheat records. The old process required the Transaction Identifier. The new process uses the Cash Management Account and check number to find the record to Stale Date or Escheat.


Reconcile a cash ledger transaction pending stop void approval

Added an option at the Cash Code level to determine if Cash Ledger Transactions that have Void, Stop Paid, and in a Pending Approval status be included in the reconciliation.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • BankStatementReconciliation (bl/ui)
  • CashCode (bl/ui)
  • CashLedgerTransaction (bl)

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that when the Allow Reconciliation While Pending Approval When Void or Stop Paid check box is selected, the transactions are included in the reconciliation and are matched and reconciled if they match up to a corresponding Bank Statement Line.
  2. Verify that when the Allow Reconciliation While Pending Approval When Void or Stop Paid is selected, any unmatched transactions that were included in the reconciliation, and subsequently approved, are deleted from the reconciliation queue and marked as Void or Stop Paid.
  3. Verify that when the Allow Reconciliation While Pending Approval When Void or Stop Paid is not selected, the current process remains the same and the Cash Ledger Transactions are not be included in the reconciliation.
