Global Ledger

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for

Add Chart Section as a parameter for Currency Revaluation and Currency Translation

Program/business class/process affected:

  • As part of this enhancement, Chart Section with BalanceSheet and IncomeStatement have been added.

These are the business classes that were changed by just passing a "Chart Section" as a parameter:

  • ReportingBasis.busclass both ui and bl classes
  • GainLossResult.busclass both ui and bl classes
  • AccountingEntityHierarchy.busclass
  • GeneralLedgerTotal.busclass
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run the Currency Revaluation and Currency Translation from the below path by selecting Chart Section as BalanceSheet or IncomeStatement.
  2. Application Administrator > Financials - Global Ledger - Processing - Reporting Basis
  3. Open the selected Reporting Basis and select Currency Revaluation or Currency Translation.
  4. Run any process by selecting Chart Section as BalanceSheet or IncomeStatement.


Add posting date range to the project search for transactions and details.

On the project searches posting date range was added to the transaction search form and the transaction detail search form.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • GLTransactionDetail and GeneralLedgerTransaction

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On the project searches posting date range was added to the transaction search form and the transaction detail search form.


Add a totals tab to the project contract composite form.

Rename the Totals tab on the project contract composite form to Contract Totals. Add a new Totals tab that will show a list of general ledger total records for active, billable posting project for the project contract.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • ProjectContract
  • GeneralLedgerTotal

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Rename the Totals tab on the project contract composite form to Contract Totals. Add a new tab named Totals that will display a list of general ledger total records for active billable posting project for the project contract.


Add warning message for actions that require suspension of the Budget Edit Queue

Need a confirmation message for actions that require budget edit queue suspension.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • BudgetTemplate
  • BudgetEditBatch

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that there is a queue suspension confirmation message for these actions:
    1. Template activation
    2. Process pending
    3. Clear local budget copy
    4. Process budget edits in Budget Edit Batch


Budgets - Add the ability to lock budget scenario to prevent changes

Need a way to lock a Budget Scenario.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Scenario
  • BudgetChangeOrder

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. On a Ready Scenario that's not locked and not in IncrementalLoad, run the Lock action. Verify that the lock message is "Locked" on the form and that lists show Locked=Yes.
  2. Verify that while locked, you cannot run StartIncrementalLoad, QuickChange, or release change order.
  3. Verify that running Unlock changes the form message to "unlocked."


Budget Allocations - Ability to allocate budgets

Current Allocation doesn't support selecting Budget Scenario.

Program/business class/process affected:

  • Allocation

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Go to Allocation Control. Verify that two tabs are available: one for Actuals and one for Budget.
  2. Select the Budget tab and click New.
  3. Specify Allocation Control and Scenario.
  4. Create Allocation and Allocation Line under the created allocation control.
  5. Run the Allocation Control.
  6. Verify that allocation is performed for the specified Budget scenario.
