User experience

This section contains enhancements in Infor Financials and Supply Management for
Composite Forms are being standardized across FSM. These are the most common enhancements:
  • Tabs moved to top of page
  • Context form theme color changes
  • Context form simplified to add new functionality, including status tags
  • Information on context changed to display only text

Cash Administrator, Manager, Analyst - SoHo 4 UX Form Uplift for CB modules

Updated these forms to the SOHO 4.0UX standards:

  • CashCode
  • CashPaymentFormat
  • CashCodeGroup
  • CashCategory
  • CashProcessLevel
  • CompanyCashCode
  • CashLedgerAutoTranNumber
  • CashLedgerAutoTranNumberPage
  • BankEntity
  • WireTransferOutput
  • WireTransferOutputDetail
  • StaleDateOutputFileHeader
  • EFTExtractOutputFileHeader
  • EFTExtractOutputFileDetail
  • CountryBankInformation

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesProcessGroup
  • CashCode
  • CashPaymentFormat
  • CashCodeGroup
  • CashCategory
  • CompanyCashCode
  • CashLedgerAutoTranNumber
  • CashLedgerAutoTranNumberPage
  • BankTransactionCode
  • BankEntity
  • WireTransferOutput
  • WireTransferOutputDetail
  • StaleDateOutputFileHeader
  • EFTExtractOutputFileHeader
  • EFTExtractOutputFileDetail
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • CountryBankInformation

To test the enhancement: Confirm on the form that the panels display across the top instead of on the left side and confirm the new context portion.


SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Add call out actions to forms for CB modules

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerTransaction
  • CashLedgerPayment
  • CashLedgerCashReceiptHeader
  • CashLedgerFundTransferHeader
  • CashLedgerElectronicFundsTransferTransaction
  • CashLedgerReconciliationAdjustment
  • CashLedgerReturnedPayment
  • WireTransferBatch

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Open records for the listed business classes and verify that the main call out actions (e.g. Release) are visible on the form.
  2. Verify that standard actions are visible (previous, next, create, save, delete, refresh).


Close Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - My Processes Dashboard

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ClosePeriodTask
  • ClosePeriodtask
  • CloseManagerMyProcessAllCardView page

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that these panes are combined into a single pane for MyProcess. These panes are combined: MyProcesses-All, MyProcesses-Open, MyProcesses-Closed.
  2. Verify that these panes are combined into a single pane for MyTeamProcesses: MyTeamProcessed-All, MyTeamProcesses-Open, and MyTeamProcesses-Closed.
  3. Verify that a new filter is added to MyProcesses and MyTeamProcesses: ShowOpenOnly will separate Open and Closed processes.

    The ShowOpenOnly filter is a boolean Yes/No field. Selecting Yes will filter Open processes only. Selecting No will filter Closed processes only. Blank is the default and will show all status processes.


Make Contract Dashboard UI for a single contract similar to dashboard for multiple contracts

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Viewing the Contract dashboard

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create Contracts with this information:
    • Purchase Order and Requisition lines defaulting from it.
    • Commitments
    • A Contract Document
    • POs from standing and blanket orders. This must be separate contracts.
    • Supplier Certifications that are associated with the supplier.
    • Emails: Using the Send Email to Supplier action creates these records.
    • Procurement Templates from the Create Participants from Procurement Template action.
  2. Access the Contract dashboard from the Drill Around.

Expected results: There are tabs on the dashboard visible for all of the above when they exist. The tabs should not display if no records exist, except for Contract documents.

The lists should show all relevant information.


Create a Supplier Dashboard

Users can create a Supplier Dashboard for the Manage Suppliers page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Supplier maintenance and information

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a user who can access Supplier information.
  2. Select Manage Suppliers.
  3. Verify that a new Suppliers tab is added to the page showing related information: Purchase Orders, Purchase Order lines, Receipts, Invoices, Payments, Contracts, Items, and Commodity Codes.
  4. Verify that lists for information are displayed if there are related records and that information is correct.
  5. Run the Load Supplier Text Search action from Application Updates, then use the search field in the Suppliers list to search on Supplier #, Vendor #, Supplier address fields, and main contact name.

Dashboard for a single Supplier is also changed so that the information above only displays when it exists.


Added sign in/out links to Billing & Receivables Portal home page

You can now sign in or sign out of Billing & Receivables Portal without opening the menu bar. There is a sign in link to the anonymous page, under welcome, and a sign out link to the logged in page, under quick links.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


To test the enhancement:Verify that you can sign in from the anonymous page and sign out from the logged in page without opening the menu bar.


Inventory Manager Inventory Information 4 UX uplift

This is an enhancement to use SoHo 4.0 controls to uplift the Inventory Information page of Inventory Manager.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InventoryCostHistory.busclass
  • InventoryCostHistory.busclass
  • InventoryTransactionLine.busclass
  • ItemLocation.busclass
  • ItemSerialNumber.busclass
  • StockOnHandDetail.busclass
  • WarehouseDemandLine.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Inventory Manager and select Inventory Information.
  2. Verify that all action buttons function as they did before.


Inventory Manager Inventory Transactions 4 UX uplift

A feature enhancement to update the Inventory Transactions page of Inventory Manager using 4.0 controls.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InventoryTransaction.busclass
  • InventoryTransactionLine.busclass

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Inventory Manager.
  2. Select Inventory Transactions.
  3. Ensure that the action buttons on each panel work as intended and has the same functionality as the old user interface.


Inventory Transaction form uplift

Update Inventory Transaction and Inventory Transaction Line forms to SOHO 4.0 UX standards

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InventoryTransaction
  • InventoryTransactionLine
  • InventoryTransactionLineDistribution

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that forms are to SOHO 4.0 standards.
  2. Verify that all fields are still editable when required.
  3. Test that these fields are visible in the context form after the record is released and when fields were filled: Transfer Date, To Company, To Location, Reference 1&2.


Item Location Context form issues

The context portion from the Item Location form was not displaying effectively on tablet view.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ItemLocation

To test the enhancement, verify that the context portion form of Item Location displays to 4.0 UX standard with three columns.


Item Replenishment form uplift

  • Item Replenishment Source's form needs to be uplifted to new UI standards.
  • Item Replenishment Source
  • Standard called out actions follow new UI standards.
  • Context Forms now match theme color.
  • Composite form panel tabs are now on top
  • Read-only context form that matches new standards.
  • Item Replenishment Source Records list now initially displays search.
  • Item Replenishment Source Records list now has Item Description and Vendor Name fields.
  • Radio Buttons are now used to select whether to use Vendor or Replenish From.
  • Item Replenishment Source Comment.
  • Standardized context are that matches Item Replenishment Source.
  • List renamed to Comments.
  • Detail field added to list for the comment.
  • Comment field now displays up to 15 lines.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Item Replenishment Source
  • Item Replenishment Source Comment

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Item Replenishment Source, creation and maintenance.
  2. Item Replenishment Source Comment, creation and maintenance.


Manage Vendor Items list uplift

  • Vendor Items List requires uplift to new UI standards.
  • Vendor Item Manage And Search list is renamed to Manage Vendor Items.
  • Called out actions now follow modern standards.
  • Manage Vendor Items List
  • Added Vendor Item Description to list
  • Removed blue alert for Vendor Name on the Vendor field.
  • Added Vendor Name to list
  • Manufacturer Code and Division and Manufacture Number now share a group label: Manufacturer.
  • Buy UOM and Price UOM now share a group label: UOMs.
  • Item Keyword search is added to Search form.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • VendorItems

To test the enhancement:

View the Manage Vendor Items list for the changes.


Par Level Specialist - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Par Location form

Inventory Location does not meet new UI standards and must be uplifted.

  • Called out Actions brought up to modern standards.
  • Context forms now use background color.
  • Composite form panels tabs are now displayed on top.
  • Context form more spread out.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Inventory Location

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  • Inventory Location Creation, and maintenance.

This includes Cart and Par Locations.


Uplift Inventory Transaction Interface form

Update Inventory Transaction Interface and Inventory Transaction Interface Line forms to SOHO 4.0 UX standards

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • InventoryTransactionImportLine
  • InventoryTransactionImport
  • InventoryTransactionImportLine

To test this enhancement, verify that forms are to SOHO 4.0 standards. Verify that all fields are still editable when required.


Implementing 4.0 UI changes for Global Configuration page

The existing Global Configuration page has some user interface shortcomings which are not up to the mark of 4.0 UI Standards.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IIHGlobalconfiguration.busclass, IIHRule.busClass
  • InventoryIntelligenceProcessResult.busclass

To test the enhancement:

Verify that everything functions the same as it did before the UI changes. Check for any differences.


SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Lease Dashboard

Added dashboard for Leases using 4.0 capabilities.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Asset
  • Lease
  • LeaseInvoice
  • LeaseManagementMenu
  • LeasePaymentDetail
  • LeaseTransaction
  • LeaseType
  • ManageLease

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. View and verify the layout of the dashboard
  2. View and verify the functionality of each panel and tab. For example, create a lease, asset, search for a lease, etc.


SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Lease Missing Asset Report and Lease New Debt Report

This change is an uplift to 4.0 standards. The search form is replaced with the search display.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Lease Missing Asset Report
  • Lease new Debt Report

To test this enhancement, verify that the search is displayed on each list.


SoHo 4 UX uplift - Radio buttons for reports

Company was outside of radio buttons, should only be visible when lease is selected.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Create Payables Invoices For Lease Payments
  • Interface Lease Payment Invoices To Payables
  • Lease Interest Calculation
  • Lease Posting
  • Lease Projections
  • Lease Purge
  • Mass Lease Payment Approval
  • Mass Lease Release

To test the enhancement:

Select the lease radio button to verify that Company and Lease are displayed.


Vendor Company Default Uplift suggestions for field layout improvements

The Vendor Company Default form is better arranged.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the form includes Company, and Location below it, in the upper left.
  2. Verify that the Payment section is three fields in the same line.
  3. Verify that the Invoice section fields are logically paired.


Projects SoHo 4 UI changes to Project Reports to initially display filter

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Reports

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant, Project Administrator, and Project Manager.
  2. Select Reports. Verify that tabs initially display filters for the project list. Project Reports--verify these tabs initially display the filter: Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Payables Invoices for Project Accountant, Project Administrator, and Project Manager.


[Mobile] Approval Role - RequestEmployeeForProject

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project.Busclass

As part of this ticket, the form layout has been changed to enhance the Mobile user experience.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Initial Setup:

  1. Sign in as Application Administrator, select Financials > Global Ledger > Finance Enterprise Group > Setup > Maintenance.
  2. Open an Enterprise Group.
  3. Select the Project tab on the left.
  4. Open an Enterprise group. Move to Hierarchy Panel. and select a project. Select Action > Request New Employee For Project.
  5. Complete the form and submit.

To Test:

  1. Sign in to InforGo App.
  2. Navigate to In-basket / Inbox.
  3. Open the Final Approver For Project Request task.
  4. Open any pending request and verify the layout changes.


Buyer Home Page SoHo 4 UX uplift

Update Buyer Home Page using 4.0 controls

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • bl/Item
  • bl/PurchaseOrderBuyerMessage
  • bl/PurchaseOrderInterface
  • bl/PurchaseOrderLine
  • bl/PurchaseOrderReceiptLine
  • bl VendorResturn
  • ui/MatchInvoiceMessage
  • ui/PurchaseOrder
  • ui/PurchaseOrderBuyerMessage
  • ui/PurchaseOrderInterface
  • ui/PurchaseOrderLine
  • ui/VendorReturn

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Access the new Buyer home page.
  2. Ensure that the new links and card view navigate to the correct screen


Purchase Order Receipt Form Uplift

Purchase Order Receipt Form layout is improved.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Purchase Order

To test this enhancement, verify that the Purchase Order Receipt form correctly displays fields and lists.


Project Reports - some of the tabs were not initially displaying the filter. SpecificallySoHo 4 UX - Purchase Order Interface

The Purchase Order Interface form is rearranged.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Purchase Order

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify the consistent appearance of Purchase Order Interface form, including:
    • Reasonably compact Context Form at top
    • Sticky tabs across top while scrolling down
    • Fields in Header tab are displaying without excessive whitespace


Requisition Form Uplift

Updated Requisition and RequisitionLine forms to SOHO 4.0 UX standards.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Requisition
  • RequisitionLine
  • RequisitionLineAddOnCharge
  • RequisitionSpreadAddOnCharge

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

To test this enhancement, verify that forms meet SOHO 4.0 standards. Verify that all fields are still editable when required.


Supplier Page - 4.0 Uplift

Performed uplift to the Manage Suppliers page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Using Manage Suppliers page

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Supply Management Administrator and select Shared Setup > Suppliers.
  2. Verify that the Suppliers, Supplier Hierarchy, and Supplier Contact Search lists display search for the columns right away. The Supplier Contact Search list formerly had a search form. All fields are now incorporated in the list.
  3. Verify that the Supplier Hierarchy list only displays suppliers that have parents or children.
  4. Verify that the Supplier Search list search fields is now displayed in four columns.
  5. Verify that the Diversity Alerts > Diversity Codes Needing Dates list does not display check boxes.


Supplier Portal Home Page - add register, sign in/out links

There was no way to sign in/out or register without having the side menu open, so we added links for these on the home page.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Verify that the links work.
  2. Verify that sign in and register are shown when logged out.
  3. Verify that sign out is shown when signed in.


Warehouse Clerk - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Warehouse Shipment Composite Form

The Warehouse Shipment and surrounding classes did not meet new UI standards and required an uplift.

Warehouse Shipment:

  • Context forms are now theme color.
  • Composite Form panel tabs are now displayed on top.
  • Called out actions now meet modern UI requirements.
  • Read only context form.
  • Fields needed for creation are moved to MainForm.
  • Context Form is now spread out and meets new UI standards.
  • Capitalization corrections.
  • Title of primary form includes shipment number.
  • Main form is more spread out.
  • Shipment Lines list now uses group label for quantities.
  • Bill of Landing Number field is visually smaller.

Warehouse Shipment Line:

  • Context forms are now theme color.
  • Composite Form panel tabs are now displayed on top.
  • Context Form is now spread out and meets new UI standards.
  • Title of primary form includes shipment number and line number.
  • Main form is more spread out.
  • Called out actions now meet modern UI requirements.
  • Main form is more spread out.
  • Warehouse Shipment Line Component:
  • Title of primary form includes shipment number, line number, Component number.
  • Context forms are now theme color.
  • Composite Form panel tabs are now on top.
  • Context Form is now spread out and meets new UI standards.

Warehouse Shipment Line Detail:

  • Title of primary form includes shipment number, line number, Detail number.
  • Context area is now spread out and meets new UI standards.
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking:
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking list has a new title: Shipment Tracking.
  • Title of primary form includes shipment number, line number, Tracking identifier.
  • Context forms are now theme color.
  • Composite Form panel tabs are now on top.
  • Context Form is now spread out and meets new UI standards.

Warehouse Shipment Tracking Detail:

  • Title of primary form includes shipment number, line number, Tracking identifier and Detail identifier.
  • Context area is now spread out and meets new UI standards.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Warehouse Shipment
  • Warehouse Shipment Line
  • Warehouse Shipment Line Component
  • Warehouse Shipment Line Detail
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking Detail

To test this enhancement, verify that the new uplift changes are available:

  • Warehouse Shipment creation and maintenance.
  • Warehouse Shipment Line creation and maintenance.
  • Warehouse Shipment Line Component creation and maintenance.
  • Warehouse Shipment Line Detail creation and maintenance.
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking creation and maintenance.
  • Warehouse Shipment Tracking Detail creation and maintenance.


Work Order Manager - SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Work Order Composite Form

Work Order received a modern UI standards uplift.

  • Composite Form panel tabs are now on top.
  • Context form is now theme color.
  • Read Only context form that meets new UI standards.
  • Writable fields moved from context form to Finished Goods Panel form.
  • Forms should be more spread out and require less scrolling when many fields are displayed.
  • Work Order Burden, Work Order Comment, Work Order Item, Work Order Bin Lot Serial, Work Order Byproduct, Work Order Byproduct Comment:

Burden Code:

  • Now has Representative Text Derived Field.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Work Order
  • Work Order Burden
  • Work Order Comment
  • Work Order Item
  • Work Order Bin Lot Serial
  • Work Order Byproduct
  • Work Order Byproduct Comment
  • Burden Code

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Creation and maintenance of these forms:

  • Work Order
  • Work Order Burden
  • Work Order Comment
  • Work Order Item
  • Work Order Bin Lot Serial
  • Work Order Byproduct
  • Work Order Byproduct Comment


Uplift Finance Dimension 1-10 Compare Multi List Panel

Uplifting the Finance Dimension 1-10, Chart Account, Accounting Unit, and Project Compare pages for the 4.0 controls upgrade.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • AccountingUnit
  • AccountingUnitStrucure
  • ReportingChart
  • ReportingBasis
  • GeneralLedgerChartAccount
  • Project
  • ProjectStructure
  • FinanceDimension1
  • FinanceDimension1Structure
  • FinanceDimension2
  • FinanceDimension2Structure
  • FinanceDimension3
  • FinanceDimension3Structure
  • FinanceDimension4
  • FinanceDimension4Structure
  • FinanceDimension5
  • FinanceDimension5Structure
  • FinanceDimension6
  • FinanceDimension6Structure
  • FinanceDimension7
  • FinanceDimension7Structure
  • FinanceDimension8
  • FinanceDimension8Structure
  • FinanceDimension9
  • FinanceDimension9Structure
  • FinanceDimension10
  • FinanceDimension10Structure

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

The UI in 4.0 for these pages have been updated to a card view with stacked lists and just two tabs:

  • Controller>Setup>FEG>StructureCompare>AccountingUnit
  • Controller>Setup>FEG>StructureCompare>FinanceDimension1-10
  • Controller>Setup>FEG>StructureCompare>Project


On the left is the list of structures, here is what to look for in this area:

  1. ACTIVE notification in black text only.
  2. INACTIVE notification in yellow tag (to bring out the alert).
  3. Enterprise Structure will have a green tag.
  4. _Unused_ Structure will not show in this area.
  5. Structure title in gray box.
  6. Search by title is accurate.

On the top list on the first tab, here is what to look for in this area:

  1. List is single select.
  2. Column titles exist and are accurate.
  3. Add Posting button exists when needed. It disappears when it's not allowed.
  4. Icons next to Add Posting include Create, Open, Save and Delete (no label titles).
  5. List title exist and is accurate.
  6. List updates when there is a different Structure on left selected (if data is different).

On the bottom list on the first tab, here is what to look for in this area:

  1. List Title (Not Used in Structure).
  2. Multi-Select (Checkboxes).
  3. Column titles exist and are accurate.
  4. Icons included are Open and Delete.
  5. List updates when there is a different Structure on left selected (if data is different).

On the second tab, here is what to look for in this area (Basis Using Structure):

  1. Single Select.
  2. Icons included are Open and Delete.
  3. Column titles exist and are accurate.


Purchase Order Composite Form Uplift

User Interface improvements could be made in the Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line Composite Forms.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Purchase Order

To test this enhancement:

  1. In the Purchase Order Composite Form:
    • Validate that the title and called out actions display correctly.

      Verify the Lines list title is correct, and that the list contains links to Item.

    • Address should only show for Dropship once it is selected.
    • The Action 'Create Invoice Spread Add On Charge' should be unavailable.
    • Diversity Codes list should be single select.
  2. In the Purchase Order Line Composite Form:
    • Any Messages associated with the Line should appear in the Context Form, rather than in their own tab.


4_0 Create Vendor, Withholding Area On Main Tab And Withholding Tabs Needs Improvement

The Income Withholding Default tab is renamed 'Global Withholding Default'.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables

To test this enhancement:

  1. Create a vendor.
  2. Verify that the Global Withholding Default tab displays correctly.


SoHo 4 UX Uplift - Lease Dashboard

This change delivers a dashboard for Leases using 4.0 capabilities.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Asset
  • Lease
  • LeaseInvoice
  • LeaseManagementMenu
  • LeasePaymentDetail
  • LeaseTransaction
  • LeaseType
  • ManageLease

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. View and verify the layout of the dashboard
  2. View and verify the functionality of each panel and tab. For example, create a lease, asset, search for a lease, etc.
