Purchasing CU67

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Add attachments to procurement card charges

A procurement card user or holder can add attachments to procurement card charges.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Attachments should be accessible on the ProcurementCardStatementTransactionComment business class for these tabs:

  • Charges to Approve
  • Disputed Charges
  • Approved Charges
  • Closed Charges


Invoice Spend By Diversity Code Certification form UI improvements

The Invoice Spend By Diversity Code Certification form has updated field alignment and labels: From Date & Thru Date fields are not aligned. Thru Date label should be To Date.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Invoice Spend By Diversity Code Certification

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as a Buyer.
  2. Select Manage Supply Management Reports > Purchasing Reports > Invoice Spend By Diversity Code Certification.
  3. The To Date field should be displayed instead of Thru Date and should be aligned with the From Date field.