Localization Services CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Added VAT Split Payment field in Payables Invoice Header

Added functionality to identify invoices for VAT split payment and include the aggregated VAT amount in the payment output file.

A VAT Split Amount field is added to the end of the PaymentOutputFileDetail and PaymentOutputFileRemittance CSV file types. You must review the data mapping of these files to ensure the payment close process continues to function smoothly.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice
  • PayablesInvoicePayment
  • CashLedgerPayablesPayment
  • PaymentOutputFileDetail
  • PaymentOutputFileRemittance
  • ElectronicPaymentCreation_ElectronicPaymentCreation
  • AP161WS
  • 11.0_post_CU80

Use this information to test the enhancement:

A new field of ‘VAT Split Amount’ has been added to the end of the PaymentOutputFileDetail and PaymentOutputFileRemittance CSV file types. Please review the data mapping of these files to ensure the payment close process continues to function smoothly.

This functionality is toggled on by a new flag of “VAT Split Payment” added to payables invoice. When this flag is checked, the invoiced tax amount will be accumulated during the payment cycle and added to the csv payment output file sent to the bank. The remittance csv file will also include the VAT Split Amount for each payment. The VAT Split Amount will be reported in the invoice currency and the cash payment format needs to be set to csv file for the payment format while the bank transaction code needs to be set to electronic file for the payment output option.

To test, create a couple payables invoice that have invoice tax. On the Payment tab check the VAT Split Payment flag and make sure you are using a payment code set to electronic file for the payment output option and a cash payment format set to CSV file for the payment format. Release the invoices and start a payment cycle that includes the invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment and some invoices that don’t. Schedule the payments and navigate to Cash Accountant, Cash Transaction Search and then the Cash Ledger Payables Payment tab. Filter on the records created for the payment cycle. Open the records and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated on the record that include invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment. On the Related Invoices tab, personalize the list by adding the DerivedVATSplitAmount field and verify the field is correctly populated for the invoices flagged for VAT Split Payment. Note VAT Split Amount is the combined amount of all the Derived VAT Split Amount fields. Finish the payment cycle, open the Payment Output Files and verify the Detail CSV File and Remittance CSV File both have the VAT Split Amount populated at the end if the invoice was flagged for VAT Split Payment. Open the Output File Details record and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated on the Main tab if the record included an invoice flagged for VAT Split Payment. On the Remittance tab open the records and verify the VAT Split Amount is populated if the invoice was flagged for VAT Split Payment.


Mexico Localization: Update Invoice distributions for Tax, when tax point is payment date, to original taxable expense/revenue line, for rate change prior to payment

The Accounts Receivable system’s tax point payment application process has been enhanced. This functionality is toggled on a new option (the Company's Allocate Tax Point Payment) which will allocate a possible tax rate change from invoice date to payment date, with additional entries to the Output tax GL account and the originating invoice’s revenue GL account for the change in tax amounts during Application Close.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

The Accounts Receivable system’s tax point payment application process.

To test this enhancement, view Accounts Receivable system’s tax point payment application process.


Tax code on REC adjustment or fee to process negative tax

  1. A Receivable Adjustment Reason Type of Tax Withholding is available when defining Receivable Reason codes.
  2. Two new fields are available in the adjustment maintenance forms (Receivable Application Adjustment Select / Receivable Application Adjustment) when an adjustment with Receivable Reason code tied to the "TaxWithholding" Receivable Adjustment Reason Type has been selected.
    • New field of “ARIncomeWithholdingCode” is AlphaUpper size 10 (similar to IncomeWithholdingCode defined by AP).

      This field is used to identify the type of Tax Code (VAT, etc).

    • New field of “ARIncomeWithholdingDocumentNumber” is AlphaUpper size 16.

      This field is used to record the Withholding Document Number and is interfaced to Local.ly where it can be prefilled with zeros, if the zeros are not provided by user. A value must be provided, but just not the full 16 digits. For example, the Withholding Document Number is 0000000123456789. The user can specify 123456789, instead of providing the leading zeros.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Business Logic:

  • Company Customer Balance Activity
  • Receivable Adjustment Reason Type.field
  • Receivable Application
  • Receivable Application Adjustment
  • Receivable Application Adjustment Select
  • Receivable Application Select
  • Receivable Company
  • Receivable GL Distribution
  • Receivable Reason


  • Receivable Application Adjustment
  • Receivable Application Adjustment Select
  • Receivable Reason

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. For a Receivable Company, define a Reason Code with the new Receivable Adjustment Reason Type of Tax Withholding.
  2. Create some data to process four tests:
    1. Create four (4) Receivable Invoices for that Receivable Company.
    2. Create four (4) Receivable Payments for that Receivable Company.
  3. Test 1: Select Invoices and Apply Cash.
    1. Sign in as: Receivable Specialist and select Cash Application > Select Invoices and Apply Cash.
    2. Create a Receivable Application Select record with one of the payments and invoices from step 2.
    3. In the Adjustment Reason column, select the Adjustment Reason created in step 1.
    4. Enter an Adjustment Amount
    5. Click Save. The Detail button is displayed that row.
    6. Click the Detail button to open the Selected Application page.
    7. On the Selected Application page, the Adjustments for Application list is displayed at the bottom. The right column of the list shows a Tax Data link.
    8. Click the Tax Data link to expose the Tax Data page.
    9. Populate the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data page.
    10. On the Selected Applications page, click Save.
    11. On the Cash Application Select page, Process the Selected records.
    12. Verify that the Receivable Application Adjustment was created.
  4. Test 2: Apply Cash.
    1. Sign in as Receivable Specialist and select Cash Application > Apply Cash.
    2. Create a Receivable Application record with one of the payments and invoices from step 2. Do not specify the Adjustment Reason yet. Click Save. An Applications button is available in the context section.
    3. Click the Applications button to open the Review Applications page.
    4. In the Adjustments for Application list, click Create.
    5. In the Adjustment Reason column select the Adjustment Reason created in step 1.
    6. Specify a Credit Adjustment Amount (the Tax Withholding amount)
    7. Click the Tax Data link in the right column to expose the Tax Data page.
    8. Populate the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data page.
    9. On the Review Applications page, click Save.
  5. Test 3: Select Invoices and Apply Cash (Prevent usage of the two new fields without a Reason Code defined with Tax Withholding & Regression).
    1. Create a Receivable Application Select record with one of the payments and invoices from step 2.
    2. In the Adjustment Reason column select an Adjustment Reason not created in step 1.
    3. Enter an Adjustment Amount
    4. Click Save. The Detail button is displayed that row.
    5. Click the Detail button to open the Selected Application page.
    6. On the Selected Application page, the Adjustments for Application list is displayed at the bottom. The right column of the list shows a Tax Data link.
    7. Click the Tax Data link to expose the Tax Data page.
    8. Populate the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data page.
    9. On the Selected Applications page, click Save.
    10. Verify that an error message is displayed indicating that the two new fields cannot be populated unless the Adjustment Reason is defined with Tax Withholding.
    11. Click the Tax Data link again. Clear out the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data page.
    12. On the Selected Applications page, click Save.
    13. Verify that the record can be saved.
  6. Test 4: Apply Cash (Prevent usage of the two new fields without a Reason Code defined with Tax Withholding & Regression).
    1. Create a Receivable Application record with one of the payments and invoices from step 2. Do not specify the Adjustment Reason yet. Click Save. Verify that an Applications is now available in the context section.
    2. Click the Applications button to open the Review Applications page.
    3. In the Adjustments for Application list, click Create.
    4. In the Adjustment Reason column, select an Adjustment Reason not created in step 1.
    5. Specify a Credit Adjustment Amount (the Tax Withholding amount)
    6. Click the Tax Data link in the right column to expose the Tax Data page.
    7. Populate the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data page.
    8. On the Review Applications page, click Save.
    9. An error message is displayed indicating that the two new fields cannot be populated unless the Adjustment Reason is defined with Tax Withholding.
    10. Click the Tax Data link again. Clear out the two new fields. Click OK to close the Tax Data form.
    11. On the Review Applications page, click Save.
    12. Verify that the record is successfully saved.
