Project Ledger CU71

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Forecast unbilled receivable amounts

An action to forecast unbilled receivables and unrecognized revenue amounts was added to project invoicing. Amounts are stored and displayed on Project Contracts > Project Funding Sources.

An employee dimension was added to the Project Billing Rate Table as another option to establish rates. Employee does not have to be tracked as one of the user dimensions.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Forecast Billing and Revenue

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. The parameters for action are similar to generate invoices and recognize revenue actions.
  2. Entry of an as of date will determine valid project contracts and project funding sources to include in the forecast.

Dependencies: The forecast will not include retainers, retention or taxes. Project contract/funding sources that are not valid (inactive, on hold or dates are invalid) or are mid-process (have draft invoices or revenue) are skipped.


Add employee to Billing Rate Table

You can now add an employee/resource to billing rate table along with dimensions as another option to establish billable rates. Requirement was requested so employee does not need to be tracked as one of user dimensions, as it already exists on the GLTransactionDetail.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Added new fields to ProjectBillingRateTable and ProjectBillingRateTableLine to allow ability to define rates by employee. New fields are ProjectBillingRateTable.EmployeeOrder and ProjectBillingRateTableLine.BillingCodeBlock.Employee.

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Add a projectbillingratetable and select dimension = employee.
  2. Add project contract with rate table billing method.
  3. Add GLTransactionInterface records with employee/resource and units (hours), interface, post and run generate invoices for project contract.
  4. Validate rate from rate table was used to calculate billable amount.


Constraint: Billing rates can be created using up to 5 dimensions, including employee/resource.


Copy Posting Project action

This update added the ability to copy an existing posting project from one project contract to another project contract.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project hierarchy

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Copy posting project action from a posting project on the project hierarchy.
  2. Verify that you can copy a posting project from one parent project to another parent project or within the same parent.


SEFA report

You can now add a billed amount to the SEFA report for public sector multi-funded projects. You can rearrange amount columns in this order funded, expenditures, total billed amount. Expenditures will include all expenditures for the project contract based on the reporting settings parameters. Total Billed Amount will include all expenditures billed for the project funding source.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Verify that you can add a billed amount to the SEFA report for public sector multi-funded projects.
  2. Verify that you can rearrange amount columns in this order funded, expenditures, total billed amount.


ProjectUpload list

The ProjectUpload list is enhanced to include the required key fields and project contract fields so you can easily export the list to excel and import using ISD (without having to personalize). Add FEG, Structure, contract amount, billing method, revenue method, revenue recognition, billing rate table and markup percent.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectUpload

To test this enhancement, verify that the following fields are visible on project upload list:

  • FEG
  • Structure
  • Contract Amount
  • Billing Method
  • Revenue Method
  • Revenue Recognition
  • Billing Rate
  • Table
  • Markup Percent


Project Accountant home page is

The Project Accountant home page is redesigned to improve usability. Only the most important and commonly used menus are displayed.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project Accountant home page

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Sign in as Project Accountant. Verify the home page includes these menu icons:

  1. Project Ledger:
    • Projects - Setup and maintain project structures, hierarchies, contracts and posting projects
    • Journals - Create, release and post project journal entries and associated transactions
    • Reports - View project reports including obligations, variance, comparison and percent complete
    • Account Analysis - Analyze project account and budget PTD, YTD and LTD balance amounts
  2. Project Invoicing and Revenue:
    • Project Contracts - Analyze and manage project contracts
    • Project Receivable Reports- Analyze projects receivables
  3. Grant Accounting:
    • Project Labor Distribution - View and maintain open and processed labor distributions.
    • Effort Certification - View and manage effort certification and reporting


Project Reporting Settings form layout

The Project Reporting Settings form is redesigned to better use available screen space.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectReportingSettings

To test this enhancement, view the Project Reporting Settings form.


Invoice approvals

Total Adjusted Amount

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectContractInvoice

To test this enhancement, verify that Total Adjusted Amount is displayed on the contract invoice approval form.


Third party invoice print status

The third party invoice print status will now update to print when the invoice line is edited or reverted.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Edit invoice line action and Revert invoice line action

To test this enhancement:

  1. Edit or revert invoice line.
  2. Verify status is updated to print status.


Edit an invoice line was added to the project contract invoice approval form.

This added the ability to edit (write up/write down) an invoice line for transaction billing methods including cost reimbursement, cost plus, T&M, rate table and pass through. Edits include the ability to edit and capture both original and adjusted values.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource
  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectContractInvoiceLine

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

Edit a "created" invoice and test the following fields:

  1. The Edit Invoice Line was added to the project action allows you to edit (write up/write down) billable amount, billable units, billable rate (T&M and Rate Table billing methods) and edit tax exempt status.
  2. Edit Invoice Line action - allows ability to add a write up/write down action reason code/action comment to the line for history/audit purposes.
  3. The Revert Invoice Line action - allows ability to revert action to clear adjustments.
  4. View original amounts and the adjustments that have been made to the invoice line via lists and drills.
  5. Validate journal entries. Run Journalize Invoice action after editing and validate revenue adjustment entries for write up/write down of invoice lines. Event code - AR.
  6. Enter revenue adjustment finance structure on the ProjectFundingSource. Similar to the revenue finance structure allow the ability to define partial or full revenue adjustment finance structure. Entry of adjustment account is optional, if left blank revenue adjustments will be posted to the revenue account. Validate revenue adjustment entries are posted to the correct account.
  7. Test adding revenue adjustment finance structure and partial/full fields to ProjectFundingSourceTemplate and adding funding sources with the template.
  8. New action Regenerate Printable Invoice has been added to update the pdf or .rtf view after adjustments, including lines are removed and/or edited are updated.


Employee and related business class UI enhancements

The Employee and related business classes have been 'Uplifted' for display in SoHo 4 UX. Related business classes include Buyer, Requester, Finance Resource, Finance Team, Recall User, Procurement Card User, and Project Employee.

Dashboards have been created/updated for Employee, Requester, Buyer, and Finance Resource.

The composite forms have been updated for all business classes as follows:

  • Tabs across top of form
  • Context for background is now theme color
  • Fields on individual panel forms reorganized to better utilize available space

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Buyer
  • Requester
  • Finance Resource
  • Finance Team
  • Recall User
  • Procurement Card User
  • Project Employe

To test this enhancement, view the employee and related business class UI enhancements listed above.
