Requisition Self Service CU69

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Alert message for killed items in RSS

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Requisition Self Service
  • Requisition

To test this enhancement, verify that the Alert icon for killed quantity is displayed on Requester Home page and My Requisitions page.


Added link from RSS to Propose A Contract wizard

Requesters can now submit an item to create a contract. The Propose a Contract wizard is now accessible from RSS.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • requisitions.html
  • Inventory Company
  • Requester
  • Contract
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf
  • searchPage.js

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Verify that the Create Contract Proposal link is displayed in the search results in the catalog search.


Allow distribution codes on Distributions Detail form in RSS

This enhancement allows you to add multiple distributions for a requisition line.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • RequisitionLine
  • InventoryCompany
  • Requester
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add a configurable option in RSS so that a user can specify in a distribution code on the distributions detail form for a requisition line.
  2. Remove existing distributions. Existing distributions must be deleted before a distribution code can be used.
  3. Set the accounting setting on the Requester/Inventory Company to Show Full.


Added ability to configure the RSS homepage title

User can personalize the RSS home page title.

To test this enhancement, set the RSS Home Page Title field on Inventory Company or the Requester profile. The Requester value will override the Inventory Company value.


Created an RSS/MSCM link to view delivery signatures

A link in RSS was created so that you can access/view delivery signatures captured in MSCM. This was a feature in RQC.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Added a field for URL connection configuration to MSCM in the Requester Profile/RSS tab
  • Added a link in the Requisition List screen going to MSCM portal using the URL connection configuration for MSCM

RSS drill back link to MSCM portal is always enabled, for requisitions created, if MSCM server URL is added in the connection configuration.

The drill back link in requisitions going to MSCM portal is not available if the MSCM server URL is not added in the connection configuration.

Use these steps to set Configuration Parameters fields in Administration Console:

  • Component = config
  • Key = MSCM_Server
  • Type = URL
  • Value = Cloud deployment format: https://{server,domain}/mscm/)
  • Value = OP deployment format: https://{server,domain,portnumber}/mscm/

After configuration parameters are set, view RSS My Requisitions page to verify the expected results.
