BOD Connectors CU73

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

New Sync.SourceSystemJounralEntry Inbound BOD Development

New Sync.SourceSystemJounralEntry Inbound BOD Development

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction.busclass
  • PfiReceiver.xml

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. For Inbound BOD, In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers.
  2. When XML is processed a record is created and work unit is triggered.
  3. Check records is created in GLTransactionInterface busclass. If ProcessSourceSystemJournalEntry_RunGLTransInterfaceUpdate is true, a record is created in GLTransactionInterfaceResults.
  4. If records successfully created then Acknowledge BOD is triggered. Otherwise confirm and acknowledge BODs are triggered.
  5. Verify the records were created.


SyncInvoice_Inbound must be developed

New flow developed in Sync.Invoice_Inbound BOD. Records are created in ReceivableInvoiceImport business class.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Inbound
  • SyncInvoice_Inbound_System

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Sync.Invoice_Inbound BOD.
  2. Send valid XML and a record should be created in the ReceivableInvoiceImport business class.
  3. Check the record in ReceivableInvoiceImport. A work unit should be created without any errors.


SyncSupplierInvoice_Inbound must be developed

New flow developed in Sync.SupplierInvoice_Inbound BOD. Records are created in PayablesInvoice business class.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Inbound
  • SyncSupplierInvoice_In_AuthorityCode
  • SyncSupplierInvoice_In_OnlineMethod

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Sync.SupplierInvoice_Inbound BOD.
  2. Send valid XML and a record should be created in PayablesInvoice with distributions.
  3. Check the record in PayablesInvoice with distributions and it should be in a Released state. A work unit should be created without any errors.


Add new elements to SyncCustomerOrderReturn_Out

Add new elements to SyncCustomerOrderReturn_Out

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncCustomerReturn_Out.lpd
  • CustomerReturn_Out.xlsx
  • FSM_CustomerReturn_Outbound_Template.xls
  • InvoicePrefix, InvoiceNumber, Customer, CustomerOrderNumber, ReasonCode
  • Assign1690
  • Assign1890
  • XML5220
  • XML5220
  • CustReturnXML

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the CustomerReturnService in the Service Definition for FSM_ION_SyncCustomerReturn_Out Processes.
  3. Scenario 1: Create CustomerOrderReturn for the BillingInvoice. Create CustomerOrderReturnLine and release it.
  4. Scenario 2: Run OrderEntryReturnsGlobalLedgerPosting. If CustomerOrderReturn status is Released then it is moved to Closed and a work unit is triggered. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncCustomerReturn_Out BOD.
  5. Check these Xpaths:
    • CustomerReturn/CustomerReturnHeader/<DocumentReference type="SalesOrder">/DocumentID
    • CustomerReturn/CustomerReturnHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID
    • CustomerReturn/CustomerReturnHeader/ReturnReasonCode
    • CustomerReturn/UserArea/Property/fsm.OriginalInvoiceNumber
    • CustomerReturn/UserArea/Property/fsm.GeneralLedgerCompany
    • CustomerReturn/UserArea/Property/fsm.InvoiceNumber
    • CustomerReturnLine/UserArea/fsm.CustomerOrderQuantity


Sync.ProjectMaster BOD to pass an approver from the Project Personnel list

Passed Employee value from ProjectPersonnel of ProjectRole type XMApprover in Sync.ProjectMaster_Out

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out.lpd
  • PRole, PPersonnel, Assign1500

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service ProjectService for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Create, update, or delete a posting project.
  3. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncProjectMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  4. Verify that ProjectPersonnel.Employee in ProjectMaster/UserArea passed.


SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD should trigger when user perform cancel action on customer order

SyncSalesOrder_Out BOD trigger when user perform Cancel action on CustomerOrder

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out.ipd
  • CustomerOrder.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the Service Definition CustomerOrderService and Process FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out.
  3. Create CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine.
  4. Release CustomerOrder.
  5. Cancel the CustomerOrder
  6. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors.
  7. Verify that a BOD is triggered successfully without any errors and the status code changes to Deleted.


Add new elements to SyncSalesOrder_Out

Added new elements to XML of Sync.SalesOrder_Out BOD

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Outbound.ipd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. For Outbound BOD, enable the Service Definition CustomerOrderService and Process FSM_ION_SyncSalesOrder_Out.
  3. Create CustomerOrder and CustomerOrderLine.
  4. Release CustomerOrder.
  5. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors.
  6. Cancel the CustomerOrder
  7. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors.
  8. These X-Paths are added:
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/CancelShipByDateTime
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/fsm.CancellationDate
    • SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/OrderTypeCode


Add elements to SyncShipment_Out

Added new element in Sync.Shipment_Out BOD

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Sync.Shipment_Outbound.ipd
  • WarehouseShipment.busclass
  • CustomerOrderRel.Customer.Name

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the ServiceDefinition ShipmentService and ProcessDefinition FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out.
  3. Create CustomerOrder and Release it.
  4. Run WarehousePickListPrint batch job.
  5. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncShipment_Out BOD.
  6. Verify the ShipmentHeader/CustomerParty/Name X-Path.


Fix Overlaps - Develop new BOD ProcessBillToPartyMaster_Out BOD IPA

Fix Overlaps - Develop new BOD ProcessBillToPartyMaster_Out IPA

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • IEFINPostUpgradeAction.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Verify that the overlaps that occurred have been merged.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncPurchaseOrder Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncPurchaseOrder Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseOrder_Outbound
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • GLCCompany
  • ConfigFEG
  • ConfigDocID
  • SupplierPartyID
  • LineShipToParty
  • CrossAccountingEntity

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. For SyncPurchaseOrder BOD, enable the Service Definition PurchaseOrderService.
  3. Create PurchaseOrder and release it.
  4. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncPurchaseorder_Out BOD.
  5. Check the XML for DocumentID values. If the RequiredCleanDocumentID field is Y, then PurchaseOrder, Item, and Vendor should be values without concatenation.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncItemMaster Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncItemMaster Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference
  • GLCCompanyConfigDocID
  • ConfigFEG
  • TriggerCrossReference
  • CrossLineAccountingEntity
  • GLCCurrency
  • UOMQuantity
  • ItemLocXML
  • CrossGLC
  • CrossGLCLine
  • CheckVendor

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service ItemService for FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Pass the source GLCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference CSFGLCVSDESTAE.
  3. Create, update, or delete an Item.
  4. Create, update, or delete an ItemLocation.
  5. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncItemMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  6. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N, then DocID and AccountingEntity in concatenated form.
  7. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, then DocID is Item and AccountingEntity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncSupplierpartyMaster Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncSupplierpartyMaster Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartyMaster_Out.lpd
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • TriggerBODBasedOnCrossReference
  • GLCCompany
  • CrossGLC
  • ConfigDocID
  • ConfigFEG
  • TriggerCrossReference

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service VendorGroupService for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Pass the source GLCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference CSFGLCVSDESTAE.
  3. Create, update, or delete a Vendor and save it.
  4. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  5. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N, then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenated form.
  6. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, then DocID is Vendor and AccountingEntity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncReceiveDelivery Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncReceiveDelivery Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Outbound
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • ConfigDocID
  • GLCCompany
  • LocationID
  • ShipFromID
  • ConfigFEG
  • CrossAccountingEntity

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. For FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Outbound BOD, enable the Service Definition PurchaseOrderReceiptService.
  3. Create PurchaseOrderReceipt and Release it.
  4. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncReceiveDelivery_Outbound BOD.
  5. Check the XML for DocumentID values. If RequiredCleanDocumentID is Y, then PurchaseOrderReceipt, Item, and Vendor should be values without concatenation.
  6. If IsMultipleFEG =Y, then the value is FEG@@Company. Otherwise, Company is passed in a Cross Reference.
  7. The Cross Reference is used from CSFGLC and mapped to DESTAE of Cross Reference CSFGLCVDDESTAE.
  8. DESTAE is passed in AccountingEntity of the SyncReceiveDelivery XML.


Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessRequisition Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution for ProcessRequisition_In. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • ConfigDocID

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessRequisition_In.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference DESTAEVSCSFGLC.
  4. When the BOD is processed a work unit is triggered.
  5. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, then Company value is taken from cross reference. The Requisition is created and released without any errors..


Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncInventoryCount Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - SyncInventoryCount Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • CrossGLC
  • ConfigDocID
  • ConfigFEG

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service InventoryCountService for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd.
  2. Pass the source GLCompany and destination AccountingEntity values in Cross Reference CSFGLCVSDESTAE.
  3. Trigger MassBOD for InventoryCount.
  4. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncInventoryCount_Out.lpd BOD.
  5. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = N, then DocID and Accountingentity in concatenated form.
  6. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, then DocID is Item and AccountingEntity is CrossReference destination value.


Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessReceiveDelivery Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessReceiveDelivery Inbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessReceiveDelivery_In
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • ConfigDocID

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessReceiveDelivery_In.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference DESTAEVSCSFGLC.
  4. When the BOD is processed, a work unit is triggered.
  5. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Company value is taken from cross reference and PurchaseOrderReceipt is created and released without any errors..


Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessShipment Inbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - ProcessShipment Inbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Inbound
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. In Channels Administrator, Activate the respective ION Inbox Receivers for FSM_ION_ProcessShipment_Inbound.
  3. Pass the source AccountingEntity and destination GLCompany values in Cross Reference DESTAEVSCSFGLC.
  4. When the BOD is processed, a work unit is triggered.
  5. If RequiredCleanDocumentID = Y, Company value is taken from cross reference and Inventory Transaction is created without errors.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Sync.SupplierInvoice_Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - Sync.SupplierInvoice_Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_Sync.SupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • ConfigDocID
  • ConfigFEG
  • TriggerCrossReference
  • GLCCompany
  • PORef
  • SupplierAE

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable PayablesInvoiceService and attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_outbound.lpd.
  3. Create PurchaseOrder and release it.
  4. Create POReceipt and release it.
  5. Create MatchInvoice and release it.
  6. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound BOD.
  7. Check the XML for DocumentID values. If RequiredCleanDocumentID flag is Y, Invoice,PurchaseOrder, Item, Vendor, Location, ShipFromID, and RemitToID should be values without concatenation.


Clean DOC ID Solution - Sync.Assetmaster_Outbound

Clean DOC ID Solution - Sync.Assetmaster_Outbound. This parameter is only applicable for beta customers and not existing customers using the CSF-EAM integration.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_Sync.AssetMaster.lpd
  • RequiredCleanDocumentID
  • IsMultipleFEG
  • ConfigDocID
  • ConfigFEG
  • TriggerCrossReference
  • GLCCompany

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable AssetMasterService and attch FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Out.lpd.
  3. Create an Asset and Release it.
  4. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any error for FSM_ION_SyncAssetMaster_Out BOD.
  5. Check the XML for DocumentID values. If RequiredCleanDocumentID is Y, Asset should be values without concatenation.


Document flow for CSF-M3 Integration

A new document flow for the CSF-M3 Integration was added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_M3_documentflow_ST.xml
  • FSM_all_documentflows_ST.xml
  • fsm_connection_point_ST.xml

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Import FSM_M3_documentflow_ST.xml file in ION data flows.
  2. Document flows should be created successfully in ION data flows.
  3. Verify FSM to M3 document flow.


Add elements to SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out

Added elements to SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartyMaster_Out.lpd
  • VFExtension
  • VFIPrefix
  • VFNumber
  • VEmail
  • VPExtension
  • VPPrefix
  • VPNumber
  • VTaxCode
  • VMExtension
  • VMPrefix
  • VMNumber

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service VendorGroupService for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Create, update, or delete a Vendor and save it.
  3. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  4. Verify that Vendor.TaxCode is mapped to path SupplierPartyMaster/PartyIDs/TaxID.


Changes in SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out

Added PrimaryContact details in Xpath SupplierPartyMaster/Contact.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierpartyMaster_Out.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service VendorGroupService for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd.
  2. Create, update, or delete a Vendor and save it.
  3. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_SyncSupplierPartyMaster_Out.lpd BOD.
  4. Verify that PrimaryContact details are mapped to path SupplierPartyMaster/Contact.


ION content and JSON files delivery

Latest IPA JSON files and FSM_ION_CONTENT* delivery - JSONFILES_ST record updated in \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate.

FSM_ION_CONTENT* record updated in \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • \iefin\wfdata\SampleDocumentTemplate
  • \iefin\plugins\iefinconnector\ipa_content\SampleDocumentTemplate

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select Application Administrator > Supply Management > Shared Processes > Sample Document Template.
  2. Open a Sample Document.
  3. On the All tab, search for JSONFILES_ST. The record is updated with the attachment.
  4. On the Fact Sheets tab, search for FSM_ION_CONTENT*. These records are updated with the attachment.


Received Not Invoiced Report in Update Mode: Adding fields to GL journal entries

Received Not Invoiced Report in Update Mode: Adding fields to GL journal entries

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • GLTransactionDetail
  • FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry_outbound BOD

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the Service Definition GLJournalControlService for FSM_ION_SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry Outbound BOD.
  3. Create a PurchaseOrder with ItemType Special or Non Stock and release it.
  4. Create a PurchaseOrderReceipt for the PO created and release it.
  5. Run the Received Not Invoiced batch job. The distribution is journalized and a Journal is created.
  6. QuickPost the Journal. A work unit is created.
  7. Check for these parameters in JournalEntryLine/UserArea in the output XML:
    • PurchaseFromLocation
    • PurchaseOrder
    • PurchaseOrderLine
    • ReceivedNotInvoicedQuantity
    • Item
    • ItemDescription
    • Vendor
    • VendorName
    • EAMWorkOrder
    • Company
    • PurchaseOrder
    • ProjectID


SyncInvoice - New enhancements for for India

SyncInvoice - New enhancements for for India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. Open the Service Definition and Enable ReceivableInvoiceService for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd Processes.
  4. Create BillingInvoice and release it.
  5. Run InvoiceAndVerificationReport.
  6. Run InvoiceAndRegisterPrint.
  7. Run SubSystemUpdate.
  8. A ReceivableInvoice Record is created in a Released state.
  9. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated with the newly added element.
  10. Verify the newly added x-paths:
    • SyncInvoice/DataArea /Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Classification/Codes/Code[@listID='Port']------>WarehouseShipment.TransientIntrastatPortCode
    • SyncInvoice/DataArea /Invoice/InvoiceHeader/AlternateDocumentID/ID[@schemeName='ExportID']----> WarehouseShipment.BillOfLading
    • SyncInvoice/DataArea /Invoice/InvoiceHeader /UserArea/Property/NameValue [@name='lcl.ExportDate']--->WarehouseShipment.ShipDate
  11. Only for the India BL flow: In Header ShipToParty Node is populated from BillingInvoice.CustomerShipto.
  12. If CustomerShipto is specified, the ShipToParty x-path is populated. Otherwise it is blank.


SyncInvoice - New enhancements for for India

SyncInvoice - New enhancements for for India.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable the Service Definition and Processes for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound IPA flow.
  3. Open the Service Definition and Enable ReceivableInvoiceService for FSM_ION_SyncInvoice_Outbound.lpd Processes.
  4. Create a BillingInvoice and release it.
  5. Run InvoiceAndVerificationReport.
  6. Run InvoiceAndRegisterPrint.
  7. Run SubSystemUpdate.
  8. A ReceivableInvoice record is created in a Released state.
  9. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated with the newly added element.
  10. Verify these newly added x-paths:
    • SyncInvoice/DataArea /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ShipFromParty/Name----------->InventoryLocation.Name
    • SyncInvoice/DataArea /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ShipToParty - node added
  11. These changes only for India BL flow: ShipToParty x-path values is populated from BillingInvoice.CustomerShipto.
  12. If CustomerShipto is specified, the ShipToParty x-path is populated. Otherwise it is blank.


SyncSupplierInvoice - New enhancements for for India

SyncSupplierInvoice - New enhancements for for India. Add ContractLine information in SupplierInvoiceLine for SupplierInvoice_Oubound BOD.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_Outbound.lpd
  • LineTotalAmount
  • LineBaseAmount
  • LineReportAmount
  • ReportAmount
  • ServiceContract

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable ServiceDefinition for PayablesInvoiceService and attach FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_outbound.lpd.
  3. In System Configuration, add IntegrationApplication value to
  4. In AccountingEntity, add the CountryCode INDIA.
  5. Create a ontract and activate it.
  6. Create a PayablesInvoice of type Contract.
  7. Add the contract details and tax in the invoice.
  8. Release the invoice.
  9. A work unit is created successfully without any errors.
  10. In XML, verify the SupplierInvoiceLine information with reference Service Contract and all the contract Information.


LCLTaxReport - MX DIOT Changes

Added TaxCode condition IEPS for MX country.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service TaxReportService for FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport _Out.lpd.
  2. In SystemConfiguration, specify the value of IntegrationApplication =
  3. Create a Payablesinvoice with tax and PayablesInvoice of type Credit Memo and release it.
  4. Run Cash Requirements.
  5. Run Electronic Payment Creations.
  6. Run Payment Close.
  7. Run the Vat Return Report batch Job. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully.
  8. Verify if the Transaction type TaxRate is 0%. Verify that the TaxCode is IEPS, and VendorCountry is MX, then TransactionSummary/Type is Exempt Activity.


ProcessInvoice Inbound BOD Enhancement for Integration

If scheme name is LCL.MX.UUID or lcl.MX.UUID, then CertificationNumber consumes and updats the CertificationNumber field in BillingInvoice.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_ProcessInvoice_Inbound

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create channels for Process.Invoice_Inbound BOD.
  2. Country code should be MX and IntegrationApplication should be
  3. Send valid XML with scheme name of LCL.MX.UUID or lcl.MX.UUID and CertificationNumber.
  4. Check the record in BillingInvoice. It should have the updated CertificationNumber.
  5. A work unit should be generated without any errors.


LCL Tax Report Bod Latest Enhancements - MX DIOT Changes

LCL Tax Report Bod Latest Enhancements - MX DIOT Changes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable the service TaxReportService for FSM_ION_SyncLCLTaxReport _Out.lpd.
  2. In SystemConfiguration, specify the value of IntegrationApplication =
  3. Create a Payablesinvoice with tax and PayablesInvoice of type Credit Memo and release it. Do the payment for the Invoice by performing actions:
  4. Run Cash Requirements.
  5. Run Electronic Payment Creations.
  6. Run Payment Close.
  7. Run the Vat Return Report batch Job. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully.
  8. Verify if Transaction type TaxRate is 0%, TaxCode is IEPS/EXEMPT/EXENTO, and VendorCountry is MX, then TransactionSummary/Type is Exempt Activity.
  9. Verify if Transaction type TaxRate is 0%, TaxCode is IEPS/EXEMPT/EXENTO and VendorCountry is not MX, then TransactionSummary/Type is Exempt Import.
  10. Verify if Transaction type TaxRate is 0% and TaxCode other than is IEPS/EXEMPT/EXENTO, then TransactionSummary/Type is Exempt.
  11. Tax transactions should be selected for all vat registration country codes not specific to MX.
  12. The InvoiceReportableamount field should be replaced by Reportable amount field for withholding scenarios.


Changes for Supplier Invoice_outbound -

Changes for Supplier Invoice_outbound - Add Invoice type of Invoice. A BOD is triggering twice when releasing Prepayment MatchInvoice.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncSupplierInvoice_outbound.lpd
  • PayablesInvoicePayment.busclass

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. Enable Service definition for PayablesInvoiceService and attach FSM_ION_Syn_SupplierInvoice_Outbound lpd.
  3. Create a PurchaseOrder and release it.
  4. Create MatchInvoice Type = Prepayment and release it.
  5. One work unit should be triggered successfully for PayablesInvoiceService.
  6. Verify that the XML InvoiceType is Invoice.


Changes for Sync_PayableTracker_outbound

The PayableTrackerline/Tax node does not pass the Adjustment XML when the value in PayableTrackerLine/Tax/Amount is equal to zero and the rate in the xpath Tax/Calculation/RateNumeric is not equal to zero.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd
  • PIWRate

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. In FinanceEnterpriseGroup, select the BOD trigger check box.
  2. In Service Definition, enable the service for PayableTrackerService and attach FSM_ION_SyncPayablesTracker_Out.
  3. Add Withholding details in Vendor.
  4. Create one PayablesInvoice with a tax amount and another PayablesInvoice without a tax amount using the vendor and release the invoice.
  5. Run PerformCashRequirements.
  6. Run the ElectronicPaymentCreation Batch job.
  7. A BOD is triggered and a work unit is generated successfully without any errors for FSM_ION_PayablesTracker_Out BOD (PayablesTrackerService).
  8. Verify that these XML paths are populated with values:
    • PayableTrackerline/Tax. Values are displayed only if tax amount is specified.
    • Tax/Calculation/RateNumeric. Value should not be zero.


DisplayID changes in FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out for Adjustment scenario

DisplayID changes in FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out for Adjustment scenario.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out.lpd

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Enable ServiceDefinition for PayableTrackerService and attach FSM_ION_SyncPayableTracker_Out lpd.
  2. Create multiple PayablesInvoices with IncomewithHoldingCode details in Vendor.
  3. Run PerformCashRequirements.
  4. Run ElectronicPaymentCreation.
  5. A CashLedgerPayablesPayment record is created successfully.
  6. A work unit is triggered for PayableTrackService.
  7. Check the XMLs for PayableTracker and PayableTrackerAdjustmnet XML.
  8. In AdjustmentXMK, Display ID should be passed as 1@@A.
