Project Ledger CU68

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Create revenue entries in summary or detail

Added a revenue recognition option, summary or detail, to funding source. Added the ability to specify whether revenue entries should be created in detail or summary. This feature applies to both revenue recognition methods: combined and separate. For combined methods, the Journalize Invoices action credits revenue. For separate methods, the Journalize Revenue action credits revenue. Both actions use the Finance Dimension 2 Project Funding revenue summary field to determine how revenue entries are summarized: by code block or detail by originating transaction. The only exceptions are milestone methods. Milestones will continue to be recognized in detail.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Add RevenueRecognitionOption, summary or detail, to FinanceDimension2 / Funding source setup

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run the Journalize Invoices and Journalize Revenue actions.


Project funding revenue account/billing override

You can specify any dimension of the finance code block when you specify a revenue account. You can specify pieces of the code block and inherit the rest from the originating expenditure.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project funding source, posting project, billing override, and milestone revenue

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Test a project funding source, posting project, billing override, and milestone revenue. Verify that there is an option to specify a full or partial revenue account.


Project assignment labor actions

The project assignment labor action was added to change zero labor to processed. The requirement is for situations where a project employee who is eligible for labor distribution has no pay to distribute for a labor period. For example, the employee is on leave, FMLA, DTO, or was not working on grant sponsored projects for that period.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Business class: ProjectAssignmentLabor
  • New actions: ChangeZeroLaborToProcessed and ChangeZerorLaborToEntered

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Access the ChangeZeroLaborToProcessed action from the Labor Distribution open list. It is displayed when no actual effort is specified.
  2. Access the ChangeZeroLaborToEntered action from the Labor Distribution processed list. It is displayed when actual effort is equal to zero.


Transferring posted transactions between projects

You can transfer posted costs from one project to another. You can transfer the full expense amount or a portion of transaction from one project to another. A new action was added to the GLTransactionDetail unbilled transactions list transfer transaction. The action is only valid for unprocessed transactions including:

  • Billed = unprocessed
  • Capitalized = unprocessed
  • Labor Distribution = unprocessed
  • Indirect Burden = unprocessed

Project Ledger-generated transactions with system code = PS cannot be transferred. Project Ledger-generated labor distribution transactions with system code = PR and event codes = PL, BD, and PJ cannot be transferred.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Add a new action to the GLTransactionDetail unbilled transactions list transfer transaction.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Select a single unbilled transaction. Transfer to any pieces of the finance code block including Accounting Entity, Accounting Unit, Account, Sub Account, Project and Finance Dimensions 1 -10. You can override these fields: Amount, Units, and Description.
  2. The transfer transaction action creates two new balanced entry transactions for the transfer. One entry reverses the original transaction and the second entry is for the new project and dimension combination.
  3. The entries are journalized and the journal control is created in a Released status. The journal must be posted for the transfer transactions to be appended to the invoice.


Invoice maximum to bill for transaction billing methods

You can specify an invoice maximum to bill for transaction-based billing methods. A partial transaction is billed if expenses exceed the amount. The specified invoice maximum behaves exactly like the contract maximum: it will be spread across all funding sources that are invoiced in this execution of the action.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Generate Project Invoices action

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Run the Generate Project Invoices action and specify a invoice maximum.
