Purchasing CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Provide option to filter PO receipts using PO Date field

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create three POs on different dates and process for Mass Create PO Receipts (release and issue final).
  2. Run Mass Create Purchase Order Receipts and specify From PO Date and To PO Date parameters.


Purchase Order Request form

The context section of the Purchase Order Request form was not consistently displaying fields..

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purchase Order

To test this enhancement, verify that the content of Purchase Order Request fields are aligned correctly.


Purchase Order Request form

Purchase Order Request form has abbreviations, spelling errors, and conjoined labels. Header2 should be used instead of header3 for section headers. Duplicate fields Manufacturer Info, UOM, and Unit Cost now have only one.

Context Form is now read only and editable fields from it have been moved to the Line Details form.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use this information to test the enhancement:

Verify correct spelling, abbreviations, labels, and header sizes.

Verify that these fields can be modified: Manufacturer Info, Override UOM, and Override Unit Cost.


Performance improvement of Purge Purchase Order Receipts

An enhancement to the performance of Purge Purchase Orders program to avoid program termination when purging multiple Purchase Order Receipt records that contains hundreds to thousands of line items.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purge Purchase Order Receipt program

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Buyer and select Lists and Processes > Create Purchasing Processes > Purge and Archival > Purge Purchase Orders
  2. Verify that the Purge process performance is acceptable.


Buyer role fixed filter search

In Buyer, multiple lists did not initially display the filter search.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Lists that don't use search forms in Buyer.

Test the lists in the Buyer menus to verify that all lists have the initially displayed search filter. This does not apply to lists with search forms.


Enhancement to Buyer Search forms

Search forms were not using available space efficiently in SoHo 4 UX.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Manage Purchase Orders > PO Search
  • Manage Purchase Orders > Lines By Origin
  • Manage Purchase Orders > Encumbrances
  • Manage Events > Search
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Stock On Hand
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Lots And Bins
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Serial Numbers
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Transaction History
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Cost History
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Demand And Supply
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Potential Obsolete
  • Manage Other Processes > Inventory Information > Potential Overstock
  • Lists and Processes > Inventory Lists > Killed Items
  • Lists and Processes > Inventory Lists > Inventory Leadtime Review
  • Manage Supply Management Reports > Strategic Sourcing Reports > Event Metrics By Diversity
  • Manage Supply Management Reports > Strategic Sourcing Reports > Event Q & A Listing
  • Manage Supply Management Reports > Strategic Sourcing Reports > Event Questions and Responses
  • Manage Supply Management Reports > Strategic Sourcing Reports > Supplier Response Detail Listing

To test this enhancement, verify that the search forms are using available space efficiently:


Enabled Budget Rebuild process for Purchase Order

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purchase order processing

Ues these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Create a Purchase Order with lines and distributions that are related to existing budget templates.
  2. Set an existing budget template that is Ready to Not Ready by running the Deactivate action
  3. Set the budget template to Processing by running the Activate action
  4. While the template is in a Processing state, update the amount on the Purchase Order line.
  5. View the Budget Editing Information after the template is back to a Ready state. It should not reflect the changed amount. A Budget Rebuild record now exists. View the Encumbrance information for the Purchase Order. It should be for the proper amount
  6. Release the Purchase Order. View the Encumbrance information. The commitment should be released.
  7. Go to Budget Templates > Find a Budget Template related to the Purchase Order line distribution and open it. > Click on the groups tab > Find the proper related account information and open it. > Click the Log link in the correct period

These processes are also supported through the rebuild process:

  • Creation of new purchase order line distributions
  • Creation of PO lines from RQ and Contracts
  • Releasing of Purchase Orders
  • Purchase Order import
  • Changing of PO line costs both before and after release.
  • Any other processes will display an error if a budget template is processing when the process is performed.

Expected results: Verify that the full amount of the Purchase Order line is reflected in the log.


Enhancement to Purchasing Receiver initial filter search

In Purchasing Receiver, multiple lists did not initially display the filter search.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Lists that don't use search forms in Purchasing Receiver.

Test the lists in the Purchasing Receiver menus. Verify that all lists have the initial display search filter. This does not apply to lists with search forms.


Purchase Order Receipt enhancements for SoHo 4 UX

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Purchase Order Receipt
  • Purchase Order Receipt Line

To test this enhancement, verify the enhancements to Purchase Order Receipt and Purchase Order Receipt Line:

  • Tabs moved to top of composite form.
  • Context forms now display only, background is theme color.
  • Forms have been redesigned for SoHo 4 UX.


Purchasing Receiver enhancements for SoHo 4 UX

Program/Business class/Process affected:

Purchasing Receiver

- Vendor Return

- Receipt Adjustment

- Buyer Messages

- Receipt Search

To test this enhancement, verify these changes.

Vendor Return & Vendor Return Line forms:

  • Tabs moved from left to top.
  • Context form background is now theme color and view only.
  • Fields moved to better utilize available space.

Create Vendor Return From Purchase Order wizard:

  • Fields moved to better utilize available space.

Receipt Adjustment form:

  • Tabs moved from left to top.
  • Context form background is now theme color.

Purchase Order Buyer Message form:

  • Fields moved to better utilize available space.

Receipt Search list:

  • Fields in Detail Section forms now display as text.
