Close Management CU70

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Provide the ability for one-time tasks to be added to the Close structure

Now you can add one-time tasks to the close process. This has been a manual process when a one-time task has been flagged for being added to the close process as a recurring task.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

ClosePeriodTask is a new action added to "Add One Time Task To The Process" from a new list of one-time tasks

Use this information to test the enhancement:

  1. Ensure that the CloseManagemenrGroup is setup to allow one-time tasks.

    For an open period, use the Work Request action to add one or more one-time tasks.

    These tasks can be flagged and added to the process as a recurring task.

  2. From either the Close Administrator - Manage Process dashboard or from the Close Manager - The Close menu, there is a new list "Manage One Time Tasks" that has the new Add One Time Task To The Process action.

    All one-time tasks for all periods will display on the list.

    If the one-time task does not require approvals before being worked on for the period, the new action to add it to the process should be available.

    This action is available to one-time tasks flagged for being added to the process as well as to those that haven't been flagged for being added to the process.

    When using the new action "Add One Time Task To The Process" an action form with the fields used to create a close task will be presented.

    The values that were entered during the Work Request action will be populated and have the ability to be updated before submitting the action.

  3. After the one-time task has been added to the close process, a green alert is displayed in the column "Add To Process As Recurring Task", and the task will no longer be eligible for the action to add it to the process.


Performance improvement to optionally not use the Close analytic cube

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CloseManageGroup
  • CloseTask
  • ClosePeriodTask
  • ClosePeriodTaskCube

Use this information to test the enhancement:

By turning On/Off the Close analytic cube Option in Finance Group.

  1. Please test all actions in Close Period Task that will write(create or update) to the Close analytic cube.
  2. Test by status
  3. Test Open and Overdue By Day of Close
  4. Test Open and Overdue By Team
  5. Test Open/Close, Overdue and due today By Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Type
  6. Test Due Today By team
  7. Close Administrator Utilities

    If Option 1 is OFF, use Load Analytic cube File to update manually

    If Option 2 is OFF, use Update Analytic Cube to manually Refresh or Reload.
