Project Ledger CU66

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Add related documents hyperlinks

You can now add related documents hyperlinks to project comment business classes instead of an attachment.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • FinanceDimension2
  • FinanceDimension2Comment
  • Project, ProjectAssignment
  • ProjectAssignmentComment
  • ProjectAssignmentLabor
  • ProjectAssignmentLaborComment
  • ProjectComment
  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectContractComment
  • ProjectContractInvoice
  • ProjectContractInvoiceComment
  • ProjectContractInvoiceLine
  • ProjectContractInvoiceLineComment
  • ProjectContractMilestone
  • ProjectContractMilestoneComment
  • ProjectFundingSourceDeliverable
  • ProjectFSDeliverableComment
  • ProjectFundingSource
  • ProjectFundingSourceComment
  • ProjectPerformanceObligations
  • ProjectPerformanceObligationsComment
  • ProjectContractChangeRequest
  • ProjectFundingSourceChangeRequest
  • 11.0_post_CU80.faf

To test the enhancement, verify that you can specify a DocumentURL to a shared drive for project documentation when creating comments in Project Ledger.


New feature to retain a percentage of project invoice until project completion

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectFundingSource
  • ProjectContract
  • ProjectContractInvoice
  • ProjectContractInvoiceLine

To test the enhancement, add a new project funding source and enter retention parameters.


New frequencies added to build installment bills

Bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual have been added as frequencies to build installments for billing and revenue milestone records.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectContractMilestone business class: Billing and revenue installment
  • Create Billing Installments and Revenue Installments actions

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Add a new contract with billing or revenue method equal installments.
  2. Select Create Billing/Revenue Installments.
  3. Verify the new frequencies are available for auto-creating installments.


Enhancement to designate fees calculated on expense or invoice/billable amount

Previously, fees were calculated on originating source expenditure expense amount. This enhancement provides the ability to designate whether fees are calculated on expense or invoice/billable amount.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectContractFee business class
  • Generate Project Invoice action

To test the enhancement, add fee code to Project Contract and check fee basis as invoice billable amount.


Create a list of project personnel to a posting project

You can now create a list of project personnel to a posting project. Project personnel is information and can be used as a reporting attribute and by IPA to determine routing by project personnel when customizing flows. Project personnel can be used to define roles or employees for grant-sponsored projects.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectPersonnel
  • Project

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. From a posting project, select Create Project Personnel.
  2. Assign an employee a project role to the posting project. You can also copy project personnel from one posting project to another.


New pane in Project Commitments for Salary Encumbrance

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Project

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant and select Project Management > Project Commitments.
  2. Verify the Salary Encumbrances panel is displayed.


Overage amount added to labor distribution record in enhance salary cap reporting

You can now create lists and reports that show this information:

  • Salary cap was applied
  • The amount that is distributed
  • The overage amount that remains posted to the home department

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectAssignmentLabor business class
  • Distribute Labor action

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Accountant and add a project with a salary cap and no overage account.
  2. Add a project employee with labor period pay wage records that exceed the salary cap.
  3. Distribute labor and click Project Management > Processed Labor.
  4. Verify the new column for undistributed to overage.


New fields in Project Contract Invoice for Certification Number and Certification Date

You can now include Certification Number and Certification Date for Argentina, Mexico, and Chile in Project Contract Invoice.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • ProjectContractInvoice business class
  • ReceivableInvoice business classes
  • New action has been added to update the Certification Number and Certification Date on ProjectContractInvoice when invoice is in a create status.

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Project Administrator and select Generate Project Invoice.
  2. On the project contract, select Update Certification Number.
  3. Select Journalize Invoice.
  4. On the receivable invoice, personalize the list to show Certification Number and Certification Date.
    Note: These fields are not displayed on GA lists because this feature is limited to Argentina, Mexico, and Chile.
