Reconciliation Management CU72

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Report on open CashLedgerPayments for cash clearing account reconciliation

This change adds the ability to report on open CashLedgerPayments for cash clearing account reconciliation.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • CashLedgerPaymentProcessCashLedger (menu)
  • ProcessCashLedger (menu)

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Select Cash Accountant > Process Cash Ledger > Open Payment Search.
  2. The search form requires a value in ReportDate (only 3.5, 4.x UI will produce a required message when field is not populated. In RichClient no records will display in list when field is not populated.
  3. Verify that payments in an unreleased or pending approval state are not listed.
  4. For non-canceled payments, confirm the list will include records that meet the following conditions:
    • Post date less than the report date


    • Payment date entered or payment date greater than report date and void date entered


    • A void date greater than the report date
  5. For canceled payments, additional conditions are: PostDate greater than the ReportDate and the first CashLedgerGLDistribution.PostDate is less than the report date.
  6. The PaymentStatus column is changed to include the PaymentProcessingHold. When this field is true, confirm the PaymentStatus message is: Payment Processing On Hold.
  7. Confirm BankCheckAmount totals by CashCode.
