Matching CU64

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Improve Match edits to direct users accordingly

An out of tolerance message when matching an invoice did not direct the user to use match reconciliation.

To test this enhancement, verify that an out of tolerance message when matching an invoice directs the user to use match reconciliation.


Matched prepaid invoices need to have tolerances applied during auto-match process

Auto Match did not use tolerances for match prepayment invoices. Only perfect matches were successful.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Auto Match

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Two parameter fields were added to the auto match job. They are visible when the invoice process includes prepayments. The additional parameters are to specify the rule groups to use for match prepayment invoices. The first rule group is for the Prepay from Invoice method (invoice level match) and the second rule group is for Eligible For Prepay method (detail level match). Verify that these are working as expected based on the tolerances.


Payables distribution search: Added alert for unmatched invoice

Program/Business class/Process affected: PayablesInvoiceDistribution

Use these steps to verify the enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager and select Run Processes > Payables Distribution Search..
  2. Verify that a yellow alert is displayed for unmatched invoices.


EDI and Match Interface Invoice actions now require company field when using Add and Match option

User was unable to run the match interface process using the Add and Match option if company was not specified.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Match Invoice Interface

Use these steps to test the enhancement:

Verify user can run the match interface process using the Add and Match option if company is not specified.

Note that the interface process invokes Auto Match when the Add and Match option is used. Auto Match required either company or company group, and company group is not a parameter on the match interface. The Interface Run ID is now used in place of the company group when auto match is submitted from the interface.


Removed obsolete AutoMatching.bustask

Program/Business class/Process affected: AutoMatching

To test this enhancement, verify that the AutoMatching business class is no longer available when user creates a job for Auto Match.


Provide more visibility to partially interfaced match invoice to assist in resolving interface errors

When a match interface invoice has line level errors, it was not clear what details had been interfaced. This change adds more visibility to the partially interfaced invoice to assist the user.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Match Invoice Interface

To test this enhancement, verify that you can view partially interfaced match invoice to assist in resolving errors.


Add TaxLineItem, TaxLineItemUserFields and OneSourceUserAttribute as forms to CSF

For clients using OneSource tax engine, user did not have visibility into business classes that are used for building the XML for the OneSource web service call.

Program/Business class/Process affected: Matching with OneSource

To test this enhancement, verify that for clients using OneSource tax engine, user has visibility into business classes that are used for building the OneSource XML call on the invoice.
