Payables CU71

This section contains enhancements in Infor CloudSuite Financials for

Duplicate menu items have been removed. The Unmatched Receipts, Invoiced Not Received, Invoice Cost Update, Invoice Message Listing, and Invoice Add On Charge Listing menu items are now located here Analysis > Match Reports.

Program/Business class/Process affected:


Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Sign in as Payables Manager.
  2. Verify that these menu items appear only on the Match Reports menu:
    • Unmatched Receipts
    • Invoiced Not Received
    • Invoice Cost Update
    • Invoice Message Listing
    • Invoice Add On Charge Listing


Invoice Accrual Report by accrual accounting string for Fund Accounting

This is an enhancement to summarize and report the distributions based on the expense account.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Invoice Accrual reconciliation report

Use this information to test this enhancement:

A new option to the parameter Sort option was added, Fund Accrual. When you select and run the job, the output is summarized based on the expense accrual account. Every other functionality remains the same. You can verify the report by running for other options.


Mobile:Add Contextfrom in InvoiceApproval screen

This change added Contextfrom in InvoiceApproval screen.

Tthe Mobile invoice approval form is redesigned. Added new context form PhonePayablesInvoiceContext form with these new that added VendorNameID, InvoiceAmmountandCurrency,Invoice, InvoiceDate and DocumentURL.

In PhoneEditablePayablesInvoiceDistributions Panel added update action.

You can now edit comments in the phone comment form.

IIn the ApprovalHistory Panel Cardview, PreferredFirstAndLastName was added.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • PayablesInvoice.PhoneApprovalPayablesInvoiceForm

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Send various types of invoices (purchase order, tax, discount, etc.) for approval.
  2. Select MyInbox > tasks and open the approval form.
  3. Verify the changes mentioned above exist and verify all tabs of Invoice, Distribution, Purchase Order, Messages, Related Documents, Comments, Errors and Approval Tracking are displayed.


Budget Rebuild Process

This is an enhancement to enable the Budget Rebuild Process.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Payables invoice processing with budget checking

Use these steps to test this enhancement:

  1. Create an expense type Payables invoice.
  2. Deactivate a budget template.
  3. Activate the budget template.
  4. Once the template is in Ready state, verify using drill around that a Commitment has been created for the invoice, but it has no budget editing information.
  5. Release the invoice.
  6. Verify based on Time Stamp, Business Class, and Increment Amount that the proper Obligation has been posted.

Additional tests:

  1. Follow the same steps above, except put the Template in a "processing" state just prior to Invoice release.
  2. Follow the same steps above, except put the Template in a "processing" state after the distribution has been created, then change the distribution, then release the invoice. Process an expense invoice without changing the state of the Template.
  3. Create a Match Invoice with details from a Purchase Order. Set a template to a processing state.
  4. Change one of the distributions from the Purchase Order.
  5. You should receive an error that you cannot process because a Template is processing.


Mobile forms and lists

This enhancement added titles for all the mobile forms and lists in Payables Manager and BIllingInvoice modules. Removed the M from titles for translation purposes.

Program/Business class/Process affected:

  • Currency.busclass
  • BillingInvoiceLine.busclass
  • PayablesInvoiceDetail.busclass
  • MatchInvoiceMessage.busclass
  • VendorAddress.busclass
  • Vendor.busclass
  • VendorBalance.busclass
  • PayablesInvoiceDistribution.busclass
  • PayablesInvoice.busclass
  • VendorLocation.busclass
  • BillingInvoice.busclass
  • PayablesInvoicePayment.busclass
  • JurisdictionResults.busclass

To test this enhancement, verify that the M is removed from all the titles for lists and forms for PayablesManager and BillingInvoice Mobile views.
