Configuring Tax for OneSource-original

Use this procedure to set up your Infor Financials and Supply Management system to use the OneSource tax system.

  1. Sign in as Application Administrator and select Financials > Payables > Tax Setup > Tax Setup.
  2. On the Tax Configuration tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Tax Configuration
    Specify a code for this tax configuration.
    Write To Log File
    Select this check box to create a tax log for troubleshooting.
    Third Party
    Select the third party tax system. When you select One Source, several more fields become available.
    One Source Version Type
    Select Original.
    Calling System
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Company Role
    Specify Buyer or Seller as appropriate.
    Filter Group Name
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Filter Group Owner
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Host System
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Product Mapping Group Name
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Product Mapping Group Owner
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    External Company IDS
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    External Company ID Name
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Use As Legal Entity
    See OneSource user guide or Playbook for explanation of this field.
    Is Audited
    If this field is selected, the OneSource call is stored with every call to OneSource.
    Exclude Non US
    For expense invoices, select this check box to exclude calls to OneSource for non US entities. This field is not used for match invoices.
    Exclude Invoice Amount From
    For expense invoices, specify a start range for invoice amounts to exclude. Consider negative amounts for credit memos. This field is not used for match invoices.
    Exclude Invoice Amount To
    For expense invoices, specify an end range for invoice amounts to exclude. Consider positive amount for invoices. This field is not used for match invoices.
  4. On the Configuration Parameters tab, specify this information:
    If the configuration parameter record is not defined, click the Configure Parameter link. If the Configuration Parameter record exists, the content is displayed on this tab.
    Configuration ID
    Specify Config.
    Specify the URL to send the XML call.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If the Version Type is Original, then in the O Auth Record section, click the O Auth Record link and create a new record. Specify this information:
    O Auth
    Specify OneSource.
    Specify Generic 20.
    Application Key
    These values are generated and provided by the Webservice consultant.
    Application Secret
    These values are generated and provided by the Webservice consultant.
    Resource User
    These values are generated and provided by the Webservice consultant.
    Resource Password
    These values are generated and provided by the Webservice consultant.
    Token Name
    Leave this field blank.
    Authorize URL
    Leave this field blank.
    Access Token URL
    These values are generated and provided by the Webservice consultant.

    Leave the remaining fields blank. The Authenticate button does not produce a result at this time.

  7. Click Save.