Payables templates

Document management is used in Payables to generate output documents.

All sample documents, instructions for uploading templates, and setting up the Payables chargeback and vendor statements are performed by Payables Administrators. Select Setup. Payables payment output files are set up by Cash Administrators.

This table shows the locations of templates to use when setting up IDM templates:

Output document Sample document template location Upload IDM template location Set up IDM template location
Payables Chargeback Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Payables Chargeback Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Payables Chargeback Companies > Payables Company > Document Templates
Payables Debit Memo Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Payables Debit Memo Customer Document Setup > IDM Template > Payables Debit Memo Companies > Payables Company > Documents Template
Payables Payment Output Check Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Payables Payment Output File Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Payables Payment Output Cash Setup > Cash Payment Formats
Payables Payment Output Remittance Advice Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Payables Payment Output File Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Payables Payment Output Cash Setup > Cash Payment Formats > Remittance Options
Payables Payment Output Wire Transfer Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Payables Payment Output File Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Payables Payment Output Cash Setup > Cash Payment Formats
US1099 Form N/A N/A Vendor Groups > Document Templates
Vendor Statement Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Vendor Statement Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Vendor Statement Vendor Groups > Document Templates

Use this information to enable IDM for Payables Payment Output-Payment and Remittance Advice:

  1. Set the payment format to IDM Output File.
  2. Set the remittance option to Overflow Document or Separate Remittance.
  3. In the Overflow Document remittance option, specify the number of remittance lines. This field indicates the number of remittance records to include in the generated payables output document. The remaining remittance records are included in your remittance advice overflow document.

You can use IDM to set up letters of retention and US1099.

Use these steps to enable automatic uploading:

  • For letters of retention templates, selectSetup > Payables Company. On the Invoice Withholding tab, select the Global Withholding check box. The Global section on the Document Templates tab is available.
  • For 1099 templates, sign in as Payables Administrator and select Setup > Vendor Groups. Select the Use IDM Template for US1099 Forms check box on the Document Templates tab. This process automatically uploads and assigns all of the latest 1099 templates to the vendor group. To manually update to the most recent 1099 templates, run the Reload US1099 IDM Template action.

This table shows the locations of templates to help in setting up IDM templates:

Output document Sample document template location Upload IDM template location Set up IDM template location
Letter of Retention Payables Administrator > Setup > Customer Document Setup > Sample Payables Document Templates > Letter of Retention tab Payables Administrator > Setup > Customer Document Setup > IDM Templates > Letter of Retention tab Payables Administrator > Setup > Companies > Document Templates > Global
US1099 Form N/A N/A Vendor Groups > Document Templates