Configuring payment checks format

  1. Sign in as Cash Administrator.
  2. Select Cash Setup > Cash Payment Formats.
  3. Open a record with IDM Output File payment format.
  4. In the Payment Check Formatting Options section of the Main tab, specify this information:
    Include Currency
    Select this check box to include currency in words.
    Currency In Word
    This field is only available if Include Currency check box is selected. Specify the value of the currency such as Dollars, Pesos, Dirhams, and others.
    Include Cents
    Select this check box to include cents.
    This field is only available if Include Cents check box is selected. Select the cents format among these options:
    • Fraction: For AR, MX and CL country codes, this is the only available format.
    • Word
    • Word With Minor Currency
    Minor Currency Unit
    This field is only available if Word With Minor Currency is selected in the Format field. Specify the minor currency unit such as Cents, Fils, and others.
    Payment Amount in Words Format
    Specify the format of the payment amount in words. You can use a Text Variable Replacement and add fillers for this field.
    Test Amount
    Specify the amount to use in testing the configured check format.
  5. Click Save. A sample output is displayed.