Manual emailing and printing

You can manually print and email the generated IDM documents through Infor Document Management application. Not all generated IDM documents can be automatically printed and emailed. However, they can still be distributed by running the programs for generating of each output documents.

This table shows the output documents with manual emailing or printing.

Output document Manual emailing Manual printing Location
Billing Invoice Billing Manager > Manage Processing > Invoice
Contract Addendum X Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > Contract record > Contract tab > Contract Versions
Contract Document X Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > Contract record
Contract Redline Document X Contract Manager > Manage Contracts > Contract record
Federal Financial Report Financials Administrator > Global Ledger > Finance Enterprise Group > Structure Compare > Project Funding > External > Federal Grants > Federal Financial Reports tab
Intercompany Billing Invoice Intercompany Billing Specialist > Manage Documents
Payables Credit Memo/Chargeback Payables Manager > Manage Invoices
Payables Debit Memo Payables Manager > Manage Invoices
Payables Payment Output Check X Payables Manager > Run Processes > Process Payments > Payment Output Files
Payables Payment Output Remittance Advice Payables Manager > Run Processes > Process Payments > Payment Output Files
Payables Payment Output Wire Transfer X Payables Manager > Run Processes > Process Payments > Payment Output Files
Project Invoice Project Manager > My Project Contracts > Invoices
Project Invoice Reversal Project Manager > My Project Contracts > Invoices
Receivable Invoice Receivables Manager > Processing > Invoices
Receiving Delivery and Putaway X Purchasing Manager > Manage Receiving > Receiving
US1099 Form Payables Manager > Run Processes > Process Tax Documents > US 1099 IDM Output